New York Governor Signs New Gun Control Bills

Should more states do the same?

  • 45.1k

    New York moving forward. But my Reps here,  all fail to act. But at least I have found a great way to 'contribute' to them thanks to a contributer to lindsey! I might waste a stamp or two😅👍.  In the mean time ... hear me Reps?


     Before they takeout YOUR kids!


  • 20.1k
    Voted Yes

    New York setting the humane example; this is a start...

    Thank you Governor Hochul❤️

  • 7,925
    Voted No

    The problem is it needs universal across the country, good example is Rittenhouse, illegal in his state but ok across the line in another state.

  • 2,604
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Maybe

    Raising the age is appropriate if there are no strings attached 

  • 94.6k

    The US has the highest number of gun deaths per 100K/population than any other country and the number is increasing every year. 

    States with more relaxed gun control laws and higher rates of gun ownership have higher rates of mass shootings, and the gap between more and less regulated states have widened.

    1) 10% increase in gun ownership was associated with a more than 35% higher rate of mass shootings.
    2) state laws restricting firearm storage and use are associated with a subsequent 11% decrease in the firearms-related death rate.

    NY State which was already in the top 10 states strengthened laws & regulations further in response to recent mass shootings (Buffalo, Uvalde & Tulsa) by closing loopholes, expanding licensing, training, databases with the following measures:

    1) state license required for semi-automatic rifles in addition to handguns. Previously, the Safe Act banned the sale of some modified AR-15-style rifles that have features that are illegal in the state, such as protruding pistol grips. 

    2) Requiring a state license raises age from 18 to 21 

    3) body Armour requires an eligible profession 

    4) Red Flag Law expanded to allow healthcare to report in addition to family & law enforcement, and requires police and district attorneys to file a report if there is a credible threat 

    5) microstamping, a process that marks bullets and cartridge cases with a unique fingerprint each time the weapon is fired. 

    6) closes loop holes on high capacity magazines by removing previously owned 

    7) misdemeanor to make threats, and any threat leading to a lockdown or evacuation 

    8) firearm definition now includes modified to be shot from an arm brace 

    9) gun dealers banned from letting those under 21 from certain areas of a store unless accompanied by a parent, required training on gun transfers, 3 year inspections of gun dealers 

    10) law enforcement required to share more information with federal & state gun databases like seized and recovered guns by serial number, make, model and caliber 11) Social media networks in New York will now be required to provide a clear and concise policy that explains how they would respond to incidents of hateful conduct on their platform, and give users an easily accessible method to report hateful conduct. 

    12) new state task force to study social media and violent extremism. The task force will recommend ways to prevent the spread of violent extremism online.*gt9tkc*_ga*MTE3NjIzMzUzOC4xNjU0OTY1OTMy*_ga_LT0FWV3EK3*MTY1NDk2NTkzMS4xLjAuMTY1NDk2NTkzNS4w

  • 7,986
    Voted Yes

    Glad to see states beginning to take actions to reign in our gun problem. You heard me, GUN PROBLEM!!!


    New York's new law:

    Requires permits  for semi-automatic rifles-I think they should be banned nationwide, except for our military, and perhaps rentals at gun ranges for enthusiasts, police & military who want to practice/get their kicks. Those weapons never leave the range. 

    Minimum age to own a semiautomatic weapon now 21,  I think no one should be able to buy one and those already purchased should be bought back. 

    Body armor ban. Yay!


    Expanded red flag laws. Great if there is follow thru. 

    Micro stamping ammo. This will help police.


    Ban of high capacity magazines. Yes!


    Punishing threats of mass harm, again great if there is follow thru. 

    Expands definition of firearms 


    Stricter rules for gun dealers 


    Share info on seized guns through national databases 


    New responsibilities for social media! Yes!!!

  • 872
    Voted No

    Enforce the laws on the books! The only thing that new gun laws do is to prevent law abiding citizens from purchasing weapons. No wait....everybody knows that people who break the law will follow the new laws. Just like the the law preventing the use of magazines which hold more than 7 rounds in New York. 

  • 208
    Voted Maybe

    I believe the NY gun law was a knee jerk reaction rather than a well thought out plan that considers all of the people of the state. This a law places further constraints on many gun users who are well trained and responsible. It does not address well the areas of concern that will truly make a difference. 

  • 34
    Deacon Randy
    Voted Yes

    I know that women mature well before young men do so I agree that weapon sales to 18 year old and below should never have the oppertunity to buy an automatic rifle or military weapon used in mass shootings and all of the Republicanes need their brains checked. These RACIST Republicans will cut off their face to spit there face and line their pockets with NRA money.STAND UP FOR AMERICA REPUBLICANS!!!

  • 1,541
    Voted Yes

    The Republican led Senate will never do what is right for America's safe future.  They only kiss up to their Trumper base hoping to be reelected to the chagrin of our future democracy.   

  • 2,215
    Voted Yes

    Every sane state govbernment should adopt these, and the US Congress shoudl pass bills mandating EVERY SINGLE ONE of these at once to bring the insane state governments into line as well.

  • 45
    Voted No

    Guns have nothing to do with it, period. This is not where the issue lies, we need to be addressing mental health and the drugs that may be prescribed to treat these issues. Has anyone ever thought about the violent video games and all the movies that our teenagers watch. These glorify the supposed heroes within those entertainment scenarios. No, guns are not the issue I have seen people on all types of guns and have never turned them against anyone. One last statement, if you take guns off the street then only criminals will have guns. Think about that, criminals won't turn their guns in.

  • 165
    Voted Yes

    AR-15 derivative weapons are designed for war. Their use in crime should be prosecuted as a war crime. 
    We should adopt a voluntary buy back program federal funded to reduce the numbers. Next we should go after ammunition. This gets a bit wonky but it could work. 

  • 134
    Voted No

    Marginalized communities, particularly queer and trans communities, are facing rapidly increasing violence, both from the state and from hate groups.  Further, we know for a fact that this will not be enforced equally.  Police agencies across the country are known to be working with white supremacist groups, and they will not enforce these laws against them.  All this will do is leave poor and marginalized communities unarmed in the face of what is rapidly approaching a full on genocide.

  • 1,582
    Voted Yes

    I am really impressed with the increase in age for purchase of the firearms , and the more restrictions on social media! 
    Social Media one of the biggest threats to our way of life in the history of humans! 
    it allows hate group to easily form and communicate their evil! 
    The amount of miss- information that is broadcast on social media undermines our entire education system! 
    The rule excepting them needs to change! 

  • 817
    Voted No

    Can't ban sporting rifles.Wake up assault is a action.I gun can not commit a action with out someone behind it.Hey cuases don't buy into the lefts word mingling it's bs.And quit with the weapons of war,no standing army in the world carries ar 15s.Wise up.

  • 221
    Voted Yes

    The 2nd Amendment was never intended to allow civilians to purchase weapons of war that can slaughter dozens of people in minutes. Unlike some of our current political leaders, including some who claim to "represent" me, our founders were not sociopaths. It would benefit our citizens and improve the security of our nation if more states followed New York's example to increase restrictions on the indiscriminate availability of such weapons. Better yet would be implementing those restrictions on the national level, since one state's restrictions are essentially useless if anyone can just hop to a neighboring state to buy those same tools of slaughter.

  • 890
    Voted Yes

    Absolutely other states should follow suit. Hopefully all 50 I doubt it.

  • 8,997
    Voted Yes

    Pleased NYS did this! More is needed.....BAN Assualt weapons !!!! 

    Most Americans tresure thei right to LIVE!

  • 3,960
    Voted Yes

    CAUSES TELLS ME, THEN ASKS: "The legislation, signed last Monday, sets limits on buying assault-style weapons, body armor, and other measures. New York joins various other states, including Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Vermont, and Washington, requiring buyers of semi-automatic rifles to be 21 years of age. Should more states do the same?"  ME: Of course.  However, historically -- as well as in these times -- only when weapons have been entirely removed has there been a substantial reduction in violence.

  • 1,141
    Voted Yes

    IMHO if civilians were not allowed to buy body armor that might make a difference to those who don't actually intend to commit suicide by cop.  I am fully supportive of any and all legislation completely prohibiting the sale of military style weapons and large capacity magazines to civilians.

    We also need legislation estabilishing liability insurance requirements - if drivers need training, licensing, and insurance to legally drive on our streets why don't we have the same requirements for those who think they need guns to defend themselves?


    While guns may not kill people, people with guns kill people.  

  • 306
    Voted Yes

    For so many men, guns are a front for the power and authority they do not in reality possess.

  • 445
    Voted Yes

    Unfortunately Governor Dewine decided to go against the recommendations of law enforcement and majority of citizens.  He decided rather than enact any restrictions on guns he would allow e people to carry conceal without a license.  Of course he went with the money that probably ended up in his pockets and his fellow politicians who agreed with him.  The few that wanted no conceal carry was the gun manufacturers and the NRA. Of course!  A conceal carry educated people on laws, safety, and how to care for your gun. A thorough background check was done besides the mandatory hours of instruction. Why would we not want this?  I wish our Governor had the backbone to do what the Governor of New York has.  Disgusted with the Republican Party here in Ohio.  Money is more important than lives, the lives of our children.  

  • 1,423
    The Rev Dr Edward
    Voted Yes

    New York leads but it's just a start.

  • 127
    Voted Yes

    My Senators are more interested in selling more guns and collecting their campaign contributions from the NRA. Mass murder is just the cost of keeping themselves in power. 

  • 1,069
    Voted Yes

    Actually, I would prefer these same laws were at the federal level.  These are just common sense laws that could help reduce the gun violence in our country.  But we have so many Republicans in Congress that are so far under the influence of the NRA that they appear to prefer that our children be senselessly slaughtered than show some intestinal fortitude and pass this type of laws!!  The only way we will get a change is to vote these people out of office!!

  • 131
    Voted Yes

    It's a shame that Indiana state legislature has done the OPPOSITE and reduced the age to 18. We had a mass shooting in Indianapolis just last year. What message does that send to those families?