U.S. to Send Longer-Range Guided Rockets to Ukraine - Do You Support the Move?

Do you support or oppose sending Ukraine long-range guided rocket artillery?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Support

    Send the wespons now. The world cannot afford the costs of dealing with the putin's aggressive inhumane expansionism if he is not stopped now. The putin must be soundly defeated and humiliated by Ukraine with the world's help or the long term humanitarian and economic costs will mushroom.

    There are a lot of putins governing similar autocratic kleptocracies and if the putun is allowed to succeed, none of the other putins any reason to not just violently take whatever they want from their militarily weaker neighboring sovereign countries.

    To err on the side of sending too little would be penny-wise and pound-foolish. Send more rather than less.

    The more humiliating the putin's defest, the more likely Mother Russia will finally correct this abomination.

  • 94.3k

    Both Ukraine and Russia already operate Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS), but the Himars has superior range and precision to precisely strike and will be limited to a range of 50 to 80 kilometers to prevent striking deep into Russia but at 80km they will be out of range of Russian artillery. Sounds well thought out to be defensive by inflicting battlefield damage without risking offensive attacks on Russia.


  • 8,330
    Voted Oppose

    How much more are we gonna give? Is there an end? How much more do you want us to sacrifice? We are losing all of our lifelong savings to stay afloat. It is becoming too expensive to go to work. Just give us a figure. 

  • 26.0k
    Voted Support

    U.S. to Send Longer-Range Guided Rockets to Ukraine

    Do You Support the Move?




  • 2,797
    Voted Oppose

    When we were fight the Vietnam War, we were not actually fighting a backwards little country, but they were backed by Russia and China that were fighting a proxy war against us. They sent weapons and ammunition gave them money and food and if we went to far they would back them up with troops as was done in the Korean War.

    This allowed the North Vietnamese government to continue their war against the south and even though they never won a battle on the battlefield they did not need to persue peace agreements but just stay in the fight. 

    Folks this is what the UN-United States and NATO are doing with Ukraine. Even though in most battles since the war started they are receiving all kinds of money and aid lots of advanced weapon systems. They know if Russia goes to far that us and NATO will step in the fight. 

    To put it a different way if the biggest weapons being used were BB Guns and for artillery weapons sling shots were being deployed the battles would go on for awhile until on side had too many soldiers with only one eye and their people started to demand the war stop as like what happened in the 1970's with the American peace movement. 

    Now to help Ukraine the US and NATO decided to help turn the balance of power and gave Ukraine our advanced pellet guns Ukraine would have the advantage until Russia with thousands of wounded soldiers decided to give their troops 22 Caliber rifles. As the Ukraine troops are being attacked and no real defense to these long range 22 rifles the Ukraine government now request better weapons. So the allies give them repeating rifles like our Calvary use to use in the 1800's. 

    Russia brings in the new AK47 automatic rifles to counter and for artillery they bring in a new weapon called a cannon like was used by the Calvary. 


    I think you get my point by now, this war will never end until they are no longer getting bigger and better weapons and sit down to negotiate. That does not mean Ukraine can come to the table and say absolutely not one in of land will be given. You only get to do that when you won the war and the other side surrendered. We did that to Germany and Japan. 

    The Korean War still has never ended it stop hostilities with an armistice with an agreement at the negotiating table to stop the fighting and a line drawn at the 38th parallel which we call the DMZ. Opposing forces are just yards apart, but peace remains. President Trump is the first President to ever step foot in North Korea. Both leaders were at that line on the ground and each of them shook hands across that line in a sign of peace. President Trump ask could he step across that line and he was told yes and he was led into North Korea and given a small tour. That was trust between the two leaders. 

    Many advantages are found when we talk with each other and look for peace. 

    Lastly, Putin is a peace of crap and we have helped Ukraine in so many ways. 

    An example would be situation awareness of the battlefield. We have been able to give them knowledge of Russian troop movements etc.  Can you imagine when General Custer went to Little Big Horn that back in that time Canada had a satellite over North Dakota and could have got a message via a new thing called radio and could have been warned of the enemy strength and locations. That is the kind of help we are giving Ukraine. 
    Russia has not used all the force or weapon systems that they have. As we increase Ukraine weapon systems that will force Russia to bring to the fight something even bigger. See beginning of my remarks how that works. 
    Putin did not start this war to quit in utter defeat to leave with his tail between his legs. He would be killed in no time. So he needs a way to save face. This will come at the negotiating table not at the battlefield. 


  • 3,014

    What advantages will the US MLRS will give Ukraine's forces compared to Russian MLRS systems? 


     The US MLRS will give Ukraine's forces the ability to strike further behind Russian lines, and from distances better protected from Russia's own long-range weaponry.

     The GPS-guided missiles the Himars shoots from its six-pack pod have a range about double that of the M777 howitzers that the US recently supplied to Ukraine forces.

     That roughly 80 kilometers generally puts the Himars out of the range of Russia's own artillery, while placing the Russian batteries at risk.

      It also could threaten Russian supply depots, amid western belief that the Russian forces suffer logistical problems.


  • 101
    Voted Support

    Война в Украине — это война, которой  Путин уничтожает весь мир. Развязав агрессивную войну в  Украине, российское правительство посягнуло на мировой порядок. Еще до вторжения Путин бросил вызов Западу, запретив помощь Украине. Он думал, что, прибегнув к угрозам и ядерному шантажу, сможет заставить цивилизованные страны отказаться от своих идеалов и принципов. Но его надежды не оправдались. Хотя он по-прежнему пытается поддерживать имидж мирового лидера, его агрессивная и лживая политика подвергалась критике и потерпела неудачу. В благие намерения России уже никто в мире не верит – многочисленные свидетельства зверств и насилия над мирным населением в Украине не оставляли иллюзий по поводу захвата территорий и подчинения народа независимого государства. Из уроков Второй мировой войны мы знаем, что если диктатора вовремя не остановить, его аппетиты будут расти, как и жертвы. Сегодня сдерживающим фактором российской военной агрессии является украинская армия и ее поддержка коалицией стран свободного мира. Но недостаточно сдерживать распространение агрессии — российская армия должна быть разгромлена на территории Украины, а чтобы агрессор не прибег к реваншу, санкции должны душить российскую экономику, пока она не согласится на ядерное разоружение.

  • 46
    Voted Support

    It is important to continue supporting Ukraine with weaponry so Russia does not gain the upper hand. Ukraine needs ammunition and continued encouragement. 

  • 257
    Voted Support

    Why aren't we sending Ukraine tanks? We have more than we will ever need.


  • 257
    Voted Support

    Send Ukraine all the weapons they request. Putin will not stop with just Ukraine. Moldova will be next. 

  • 67
    Voted Oppose

    Do not send any further arms to Ukraine. 

  • 237
    Voted Oppose

    Sending more weapons only prolongs the war causing more unnecessary deaths and additional unnecessary suffering. No more weapons should be sent, at all, ever. Ukraine never had a chance of winning this war, sending more weapons only delays the inevitable loss Ukraine will suffer, and everyone suffers when war is prolonged.

    This is a military industrial complex give away, and we need to stop fighting until the last Ukrainian. It's inhumane and driven by nothing but greed and pursuit of power. We should have worked with Zelenski and earnestly tried to meet Putin's demands...we should have been diplomatic. But we blew Putin off, it's too late now, the Ukrainian military is no match for the Russian military, and the longer this draws on, more and more people will die, go hungry, become displaced, etc. It needs to stop. Now, all we should be doing is sending non-military aid and helping refugees. End the war. Stop sending military aid. 

  • 8,989
    Voted Support

    I wish wehadsent them sooner!!!!

  • 890
    Voted Oppose


  • 2,600
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Support

    Get in or get out....but stop playing games at the expense of the Ukrainian people 

  • 1,017
    Voted Support

    Please replenish and supply Ukrain weapons and FUND the replacement munitions stocks for our military.

  • 731
    Voted Support

    PLEASE help Ukraine DEFEAT Russia before it's too late!

    Putin will NOT stop at Ukraine!

  • 113
    Voted Support

    How many are dead already? Hurry up.

  • 2,515
    Voted Support

    Putin must be destroyed as a 'leader' of one of the nations on this earth. He must be destroyed as he invades other countries, as he destroys the freedoms of his own people and murders anyone who stands in his way, and as he influences the Republicans in the US who seem to think that Putin's way is the only way. We need not only to fund those who fight Putin abroad but also those who fight his minions (i.e., the Big Lie Republicans like Ted Cruz) in the US.

  • 1,535
    Voted Support

    Ukrainian fighters, with the support of many, are killing and destroying plenty of the Russian Army.  Putin will not stop until some Russian neutralizes him, and that is his greatest fear.  So we should support inflicting as much damage as possible to his forces since his intent is total domination or destruction of Ukraine. 

  • 989
    Voted Oppose

    Biden/Harris want WWIII.

  • 98
    Voted Support

    I support this because the Ukrainians forces would be able to accurately strike targets deeper behind the lines from areas outside the range of Russian counter-battery artillery fire and will help aid their soldiers to take back some territory. 

  • 676
    Voted Support


  • 59
    Voted Support

    Yes, send Ukraine what it wants. They're paying for democracy with their lives.

  • 54
    Lord Justin
    Voted Oppose

    Tell them to go get the stuff from Afghanistan. Then tell them Ukraine isn't going to be the Democrats money laundering system!

  • 285
    Voted Support

    I support sending them long-range missiles to bomb Russian capitol building!!