North Korea Tests 3 Ballistic Missiles, Chinese & Russian Bombers Drill Near Japan Amid Quad Summit

Are you concerned about provocations by China, Russia, and North Korea against the Quad?

  • 96.3k

    It was the 4th time since November 2021 that Russia and China joint flights were spotted near Japan. Tokyo has border disputes with China, Russia & Korea.

    Since these flites started before Russia invaded Ukraine and Russian military aircraft has routinely been flying in NATO airspace even after all Russian flites were banned, need to assume they are testing boundaries response times and perhaps even baiting the US. 

    Also shows Russia, China & North Korea have been collaborating on this prior to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

    The US needs to be careful not to be drawn into border disputes and to assist Allies by lend-lease equipment and Intel.

  • 49.8k
    Voted Yes

    We do need to continue diplomatic efforts with China, Russia, and North Korea, because all three countries clearly plan on staying aggressive against their neighbors. 


    Despite the repeated efforts by the previous "president" to engage North Korea, nothing has changed. They are still testing missiles and still not participating in the global community. This makes them very dangerous, even though they likely don't have the financial ability to compete on the world stage.


    I don't know what the solution is, but we must keep trying to bring them to the table and seek peace.

  • 8,104
    Voted Maybe

    What is interesting is Russia is stealing Ukraine grain and selling. China wants Taiwan most likely because of the semi conductor industry. North Korea wants South Korea because of the the economy of goods. I guess it is easier to steal than develope!

  • 905
    Voted No

     Are we jealous? Should I be concerned about this?

  • 8,196

    China, Russia & North Korea puffing their chests in a ritualistic display of aggression. Just like animals, this agonistic behavior is meant to warn us to stay away from "their territory". 

    The Trinity of Evil need to stand down. The rest of the world has had enough of their drama and we FINALLY have a president, unlike the last dumpster fire,  who is NOT enamored with the likes of Putin, Xi, and Kim. 


  • 20.1k
    Voted Yes

    Every single fascist here is spreading Putin's propaganda and doing his bidding.




  • 8,104
    Voted Maybe

    Russia, China and North Korea have one thing in common, it's propaganda, fear, intimidation, slavery and assassination. They are basically  Terrorist groups that shows their true colors. They fail to understand one thing, the world also has nuclear weapons as well. So be careful what you wish for.

  • 169
    Voted No

    Keep an eye on it but Russia is no position to take on another war most of there troops are just trying to save face in Ukrainian ass kicking there getting. They have lost 1/3 of Russian forces so I wouldn't worry bout Russia. North Korea is a joke and china has no logistics to even carry out a war there only aircraft carrier has been docked and turned into a recreational center for there troops. These are desperate country looking for attention to remain relevant but in reality all 3 country's couldnt take on the USA military the only thing that would prevent a total route would be the war rules we would impose on ourselves. Russia nuclear capabilities I have serious doubts about the working conditions of those weapons most are soviet era. Do they even work? I know one thing if we continue to allow this behavior it's only gonna get worse until someone smacks these people in the face. 

  • 1,532
    Voted Yes


  • 731
    Voted Yes

    The U.S. can NOT allow Russia, China or North Korea

    to intimidate us‼️

  • 156
    Voted Yes

    This is a situation that needs to be closely watched. 

  • 54
    Lord Justin
    Voted No

    Russia and China in cahoots with Biden(s) and Obama. Rather see North Korea left alone. Not our fight!

  • 685
    Voted No

    I'm more concerned with Xi Jinping Biden and his regime and all the democrats running our country with their daily tearing apart of our government and WE THE PEOPLE!! 


    "We will take America without firing a shot ... we will bury you!

    "We can't expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism.

    "We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within."

    This is a quote attributed to the late Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev.


  • 809
    Voted Yes

    Absolutely I'm concerned!  Why?  Because we have the weakest, most inept, corrupt buffoon, the world has ever seen as the (supposed) "strong voice" from the United States!  That's why! 

  • 5,232
    Voted Maybe

    I like to think that the West's reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine is causing these other "strongman" governments to reconsider actually crossing a similar line.

  • 1,927
    Voted Yes

    Yes, concerned. Tyrants are always a cause for concern. 

  • 2,934
    Voted Yes

    The close calls may be too close sometimes and an accident will happen.  Provication.

  • 1,183
    Voted Yes

    Apparently Russia, China, and North Korea don't understand what a WWIII would bring to this world! All 3 countries have done things that have taken many lives, and all 3 of these Countries currently cannot be trusted! It's so sad that they haven't learned that war and use of  weapons of war don't solve any problems, they just create more problems! They destroy life, and after, the problems still exist as every war fought throughout history has proved! All agressors must be stopped before they effect the world and the people upon this planet!

  • 657
    Voted Yes

    Never give an inch because they will take everything.


  • 3,721

    India increases flow of heavily discounted Russian oil as West continues to place sanctions on Moscow

    quad or triad? 
    modi is to quad what erdogan is to nato 


  • 2,431
    Voted Yes

    Yes. none of those three countries can be trusted and are crazy enough to do anything, as we've seen with the invasion of Ukraine.  You'd have to be a fool not to be concerned.  I'm sure that the actions of all three countries are being monitored very closely by our security agencies and that President Biden is being fully briefed about their actions or suspected actions.

  • 2,215
    Voted Yes

    I see no reason to expect any of these three countries (or a handful of others) to stop aggressive displays and provocations. The best response from the rest of the world is to avoid providing them with means to develop better weapon systems, develope the best defensive systems we can (on the QT), and continue to engage in mutual defense treaties.  That, and avoid showing obvious weakness, because they will consider any weakness an invitation to action: war.

  • 865
    Voted Yes

    We can see Trump’s little buddies are threatening to destroy the world.  Maybe we should describe a world where their happiest nightmares occur and how their own world will suffer.