President Biden Says U.S. Will Defend Taiwan if China Attacks, White House Issues Walk Back

Should the U.S. defend Taiwan if China attacks?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Maybe

    It all depends on just how China might attack Taiwan as to the methods and means that the US should use.

    It is clear that much of the world is critically dependent on the wotld leading chip manufacturing capabilities of TMSC - with proprietary fabrication processes to mass produce the smallest scale most densely packed IC's available. I do not think that any other fabricator has been able to get close to these abilities yet. The small scale speeds up IC's dramatically, packs a lot more computing power into a chip and consumes less power.

    China's taking of Taiwan would be a huge national security risk to nations of the world dependent on TMSC's production for two reasons. First China could withhold access to TMSC's fabrication capabilities as leverage to push their geo-political strategic goal of dominating the world economy. Second, with China's direction any company is required to support China's covert interests. There have been products produced in China for world use that have hidden hardware level spyware built-in which is virtually impossible to detect. A popular line of high performance low cost computer server boards manufactured in China had a tiny mystery chip installed that forwarded unencrypted server traffic to Chinese sites, The US has refused to use Chinese 5G chip technology because it would be easy to hide spyware at the hardware level. Just imagine the hardware level spyware that could be embedded in TMSC chips that are at the core of iPhones, and very useful for light weight military self guided munitions, cruse missiles, drones, target acquisition and identification systems and so on.

    Incidentally, during the trump's tenure, it was discovered that one of the servers used in the White House would periodically and randomly send very short 'blips' of unrecognizable data to seemingly random iPhone addresses. After some investigation, it was determined that these periodic blips were sll headed to Russian computers. There was nothing more reported in this afterwards.

    I think it best to keep China guessing just what and just how far the US and allied interests will go to protect Taiwan from a hostile takeover. Biden's comments make it known that the US is willing to protect in some undisclosed manner up to and including possible military intervention to Taiwan's sovereignty and it's rights to choose it's own destiny.

    I admire honesty in political leaders instead of vacuous blubbering that stirs emotions without actually saying anything at sll, made up of bullcrap culture wars over Dr. Seuss, keeping critical race theory out of class rooms where it never was taught or recommending burning basic math books because they 'advocate' racial awareness.

    The Republican Cartel needs to be politically expunged out of political existence and their right-wing propaganda outlets need to be liability-sued out of existence so we can once again have the balance of an honest, ethical and principled conservative political party willing to debate, collaborate and compromise for the common good of the country instead of focusing all of their efforts to finding big-money interests that they can sell their political influence to and, of course, to retaining their personally profitable positions by 'winning' unearned elections 

  • 93.9k

    The US should maintain its policy of “strategic ambiguity” in regards to Taiwan per existing legislation and policy going back to the 1950s and keep all options open depending on what happens.

  • 20.1k
    Voted Yes

    You heard the man. We all heard him. He meant what he said. And I'm glad that's where he stands.


  • 6,674
    Voted No

    We should assist and support Taiwan's independence, but we should never get directly involved in a war with the People's Republic of China.  

  • 7,934

    I'm with Leslie. We should continue "not to show our hand!" It's best in this world game of cards, to keep a "poker face".


    Our military might & intelligence are enough to make any other country think twice about their strategic moves. There is no need to pronounce what we will do...ever. 

    ""Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far"--President Theodore Roosevelt 

  • 48.1k
    Voted Yes

    Taiwan is our longtime ally, and we should defend them as much as we can, although I don't want a war with China. This is why we must use diplomacy as much as possible to ensure Taiwan's peace and safety, so that we can avoid war. 


    Hopefully President Biden's commitment to Taiwan will bring China to the table instead of enflaming their ambitions. 

  • 7,796
    Voted Maybe

    Biden couldn't defend an UNBORN child if his life depended on it!  All he is doing is squandering our money away to foreign countries, whom Hunter had dealings with.  This man LOVES a crisis!  Our world has never been so distraught, it's disgusting.  NO MORALS, NO FAITH! 

  • 706
    Voted No

    This would most probably be a walk over for the CCP.  They already have military forces strategically placed awaiting the green light.  It would not be a repeat of Russia-to-Ukraine but instead would be more like what Putin had hoped for - over in a matter of days.  This current US administraton demonstrates on a daily basis a level of incompetence never seen.  Okay, maybe the Carter years but too many Obama retreads are pulling old illegit Joe's strings.  Consider the pairing of Afghanistan and Ukraine and you should all have pause for great concern should we consider blooding the nose of the CCP.

  • 2,468
    Voted Yes

    The US will intervene in Taiwan if China attacks Taiwan, but we won't intervene against Russia attacking Ukraine. Why is that??? Oh, perhaps Taiwan produces products that we need and want, while Ukraine doesn't produce much for us. Is that it??? Have we reached the number of Ukrainian people who must die before we and NATO will intervene? How high is the number of Ukrainian people who must die? 90% of the population??? 95% of the population?? Is it a specific number? How about 25,000, or perhaps 35,000 dead Ukrainians? But Russia might use nuclear weapons against us or Ukraine! They are already using the nuclear facility as a weapon, and maybe they'll sacrifice Russian soldiers and blow up the nuclear facility in Ukraine! I am not a war monger, but I do not believe in watching people being slaughtered by another invading country! Hitler and Putin; same mindset, just a different era.......

  • 74
    Voted Yes

    I'm sick and tired of China!

  • 199

    Why should our Soldiers die on their land?? Teach them to fight their own battles!!

  • 149
    Voted Yes

    I think maybe we should rethink our policy on Taiwan.  In today's world, while we watch Russia invade Ukraine and China, who is no friend of ours, threaten Taiwan, maybe we should show some backbone for a change and protect Taiwan.

  • 35
    Voted No

    We should only be protecting ourselves the people that live in the United States. And I'm not talking about immigrants I'm talking about born and raised in the United States let's take care of our own.......

  • 234
    Voted Maybe

    The whole point is to keep China guessing. Only a dimwitt would tell their advisaries how they will respond. Telling our adversaries what we were going to do is exaxtly what Trump did in Syria and Afghanastan. Those did not work out so well.

  • 329
    Voted No

    We do not want a war with China. And the possibility that Russia would back China. Stay out of this one Biden. Don't we have enough going on here in the USA ? 

  • 8,978
    Voted Maybe

    This is a wait and see!!!

  • 1,531
    Voted No

    Not our lane.  We have too many mouthing off who are clueless about China.  It is a self inflicted wound that we are so dependent upon Taiwan and China.  Thanks to our elected officials, initiated by George W and Rumsfeld, we seek 2-years' immediate savings to influence reelection prospects.  Making it worse, the same elected officials are too narrow minded to consider long term effects and national security provided by guaranteed access to critical components and precious metals.  

  • 602

    When will they create a walk it back dept? Thats about seven times Joe has blundered on the national stage and his handlers have had to clarify what he actually meant,wink wink

  • 890
    Voted No


  • 989
    Voted No

    Biden would love to have nuclear war.

  • 1,827
    Voted Yes

    The Biden administration is doing the right thing to stand with Taiwan 

  • 354
    Voted Yes

    We have to defend Taiwan against China, who is lead by a Dictator who wants to stop the Democracy in Taiwan. China much like Russia is out to destroy & take over every Democratic Country they can. Both those countries are afraid of loosing power to their own people. The people of those countries & their younger generations, want freedom of Choice, that is why many young people of Russia & Chinawant to leave. We the United States along with all Democratic & Nato Countries have to do all they can to Defend Taiwan, just like Ukraine to stop the Bloody Killing Machines that China & Russia have become.

  • 1,358
    Voted Yes

    We should always stand with democracies. Also, TSMC is one of the most advanced, and maybe the most advanced semiconductor manufacturing fab in the world. If China took over Taiwan they would control that capability and have access to the chip design for many locations, probably most chip designs for American companies 

  • 1,161
    Voted Yes

    Basically our Corporations have left us no choice! Most of our clothing comes from Taiwan now. We have seen how COVID has effected this, since basically our clothing isn't made in America! The clothing in stores is mostly prior COVID, left over from past years. If we want or need new clothes we will have to help defend the Countries that make it for our Corporations now! This could change if we once again make our own clothing in America. I don't see this happening since our Corporations are more interested in profit than quality, and would rather use a Country where they can set up the sweat shops America no longer allows, and pay workers less to increase their profit! It's sad that the CEOs don't understand that a worker treated with respect and paid well, creates a better product! These CEOs are will to sacrifice quality for profit!

  • 1,064
    Voted Maybe

    Depends on the agreement we have with them.

  • 268
    Voted Yes

    I see this as little different from Ukraine.  Big countries like China and Russia should not be in the business of invading other countries because they feel they should have greater control over a territory or, for that matter, feel they are owed something.

  • 3,405
    Voted Yes

    Who exactly is it in the Whitehouse that can change the guarentees of the President of the United States?  I think we should change that immediately!