Senate to Take Up $40B Ukraine Aid Bill, House to Consider Bill Letting the President Halt ‘Excessive’ Energy Price Hikes During Emergencies

How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?

  • 93.7k

    Ukrainian $40B aid passed the House with a bipartisan vote of 368-57 due to the many changes made to accommodate both sides of the aisle in the House & the Senate. The Senate is overwhelmingly unitec over this legislation except Rand Paul with intermittent ethics demanding oversight for Ukraine funds while turning a blind eye on Trump removal of oversight on $2T Covid spending, 50X more money, while he & his wife bought drug maker stocks in companies that were receiving govt Covid funds 

    Changes to gain buy-in:

    1) drop provision for the Afghan refugees
    2) add $304M-replenish US weapons 
    3) add $7B by removing COVID scope
    4) drop $3.7B US AID disaster relief food
    5) add $310M reopen US Embassy Kyiv
    6) Treasury Department $52M for "special agents and associated support to trace Russian financial activities
    7) Cut $900M of $1.2B for HHS financial and medical aid to Ukrainian refugees arriving in the US but added $54M for the CDC medical screening.
    8) Cut $21B in Treasury loans to the IMF due to inadequate oversight. 
    9) Cut $500M assistance to US farmers to boost production of wheat to offset global supply problems caused by the Ukraine war.
    10) Cut $100M "Food for Progress" fund at USDA to provide food aid Middle East and Africa. 
    11) House bill adds payment to the spouse of a deceased lawmaker (Ann Garland Walton. Her husband was Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska)

  • 25.7k
    Voted Happy

    Dear Senators,

    Based on our understanding, upon a knowledge of our country's obligations to Ukraine, and a feeling of incredible horror over what Putin and his heartless minions are perpetrating, my family and I most strongly urge you to support Ukraine in its war again the Russian Invasion. Send the $40 Billion for military & humanitarian aid.

    Putin must be stopped! 

    Best Regards,

    CC Sent via Causes App

  • 1,085
    Voted Excited

    All I want the Senate to do at this point is confirm more judges and important executive nominees. I'm done holding my breath for Manchin and Sinema to grow a conscience and actually vote to pass filibuster-proof legislation. Time in the Senate is too precious to be wasting on long procedural votes to pass legislation that are not voice votes. Sorry, but we need to encourage Democrats to use their floor time more effectively and fill every vacancy they can fill with progressive fighters. If you are unsatisfied with that, then just vote in more Democrats in Congress to override Manchin and Sinema on November 8, 2022! Simple as that!

  • 47.9k
    Voted Apathetic

    I support Ukraine, and am ok with sending them more money and weapons, so long as there's a plan for how much and how long this continues, and how we will balance with other NATO members who also must contribute.


    In the meantime, we've seen two mass shootings this weekend, one of which a mass lynching by a young white racist. I want to see immediate action on stopping the spread of white nationalist conspiracy theories and stronger action to curb gun violence in any format (I'd even take more funding for mental health care if you think that will help). We cannot continue to stand by as more and more people die every day of gun violence in all its formss, even suicide. 


    I would hope the "pro life" party could see that all lives must be protected, even the lives of shoppers in a grocery store.

  • 8,330
    Voted Angry

    I request that my representatives (aside from McConnell, who is a traitor to his own party) continue to fight against this $40 billion dollar ridiculous aid package to Ukraine.

    Thank you, Senator Rand Paul, for acting in the best interest of the American People, instead of contributing to the corruption and overspending of the Democrats and RINOS. 

    I cannot overstate the importance of removing McConnell from his leadership in the Senate.

  • 412
    Voted Sad

    How interesting that the repuk "lawmakers" who voted against additional funding to Ukraine siting the need for assistance to the American people first are the same repuks who shot down many of President Biden's proposals to help the American people. How strangely these "lawmakers" minds work. 💙

  • 25.7k
    Voted Happy


    The “Real Work” happens in committee.

    This week, evidently, Committees will hold hearings on abortion access, resilient U.S. food supply chains; and bills related to agricultural supply chains.

    This are important discussions.

    Please use apps like this, email and phone to communicate to your opinion to your Representatives & Senators.
    Venting & pontificating is understandable but acting like an involved,  knowledgeable citizen is best.


  • 7,775

    GOP Republican tax cut did nothing to help the Americans people. It line the pockets of corporate  executives, the buy back of corporate  stock, it was nothing but corporate socialism that create a monopoly, like oil and gas, baby formula, which only create shortages!

  • 762
    Voted Apathetic

    Rand Paul--get out of way!

  • 2,409
    Voted Excited

    The bill for more aid to Ukraine and the bill to allow the President to act to end price gouging by utility companies during emergencies are bills I hope Congress will support.

  • 872
    Voted Sad

    40 billion more to assist Ukraine protect their suits to prevent the spending of 4 billion to protect our own border...pallets of baby formula going to the border, mothers aren't able to find formula to feed their children...protect abortion up to the 9th month...Obama care provides low or no cost birth control, yet the liberals want to wait until the baby is ready to be born to kill it.

    congress wants to give the president even more power, just who wants to be dictator?

  • 163
    Voted Angry

    Our country is in dire straits due to poor policy on all fronts. $40B to Ukraine is outrageous and we cannot afford it. My heart aches for Ukrainians but we have to Fix America  We can't help others until we help our own.  

    Good place to start:

    secure our border

    address inflation by producing US energy

    be tough on violent criminals


  • 1,582
    Voted Happy

    Yes, let's continue to support Ukraine, and not do this half hartly, do this well to shorten the war and make it clear to Russia that this is not tolerated! 

    High Gas prices right now is a function of the war in Ukraine and big oil fleasing us! 
    They gave been dragging their feet in producing, to drive up the prices and effect the election! 
    we need the Federal Government to get more charging stations in more locations! 
    Examples of needed locations are rest stops, existing gas stations, restaurants, and work places! 

  • 1,271
    Voted Angry

    UKRAINE is not our country!!!!!!   I am sure this money is making its way back to you communists.. No one cares about Somalia either.. 


    We care about our boarders, our skyrocketting crime and putting on trial you criminals in Congress and the Senate. 

    Lindsey Grahm, Mitch Mconnel and Mitt Romney and I sure others are traitors.  


    Your not rulers - we are.. Neuremburg trials.. 

  • 54
    Voted Angry

    I can not believe you people voted for this :-((

    build the wall, fix the roads, get some formula on the shelves. 

    So done with RINO's

  • 412
    Voted Sad

    How very reassuring that the HoR are meeting again to name VA facilities after people. I don't care what name is on the outside of the facility if the care inside of the facility is not adequate it is a mute point. ( I have experienced this first hand as a VARN and a Veteran's wife). 💙

  • 7,796
    Voted Angry

    Bullshit Bullshit BULLSHIT!  
    Work on something meaningful for the American People!  

  • 2,929

    I am all for the $40 billion to the Ukraine and I sure as hell approve of the POTUS taking charge to control the energy financial abuse.  It is just too bad that nothing will be accomplished in the Senate.  They do this on purpose to keep the population divided and kiss the arse of "big money" from whom they get their campaign funding.  The power of fascism is alive and well in the Senate until the majority of them are voted out.

  • 25.7k
    Voted Happy

    Another Bipartisan Agreement

    McConnell Sees Wednesday U.S. Senate Vote on $40 Billion Ukraine Aid Bill | World News | US News


    "We expect to invoke cloture - hopefully by a significant margin - on the motion to proceed on Monday, which would set us up to approve the supplemental on Wednesday," McConnell told reporters on a conference call from Stockholm after visiting the Ukrainian capital on Saturday. He was referring to a procedural "cloture" vote that caps further debate on a matter at 30 hours.

    <End Quote>

    Seems Rand Paul was either used or kicked to the side by his fellow Kentuckian. Not even a gnawed bone? Wow!


  • 320
    Voted Sad

    If only the two bills listed are this weeks votes, it should be over and done in less than half a day...not a week!!!


  • 3,885
    Voted Excited

    Time to boot Turkey out on NATO and they can start learning how to speak Russian.

  • 870
    Voted Excited

    We need to rein in the urge by large corporations to take advantage of shortages and supply chain problems to raise prices. I don't care whether it is through price controls or excess profits taxes. As it is, it is just an excuse for those with the most to take more from those with the least.

  • 1,927
    Voted Apathetic

    How do I feel about the Congressional agenda for the week? Most of the Democratic priorities, positive, and most of the Republican ones, negative. That's the same as I felt last week, and  the week before, and the week before....

  • 1,873
    Voted Apathetic

    I'll wait for results before giving an opinion.


  • 2,934
    Voted Happy

    Will republicans vote to censur big oil?  I know two who want as they still think we are an oil state.

  • 290
    Voted Excited

    The bill to give ukraine aide should be passed. Don't let Raind Paul hold it hosatge. And yes the President must be given the power to freeze the price of energy. 

  • 176
    Voted Angry

    We need to take care of our own supply chain issues here at home before sending billions in aid to other countries. The most egregious issue being a baby formula shortage. The fact that parents can't find the resources to feed their babies (for many breast feeding is not an option and the era of wet nurses has long past) in 21st century America is probably one of the most telling pictures of the Biden Admin. The current Admin puts American families last. Parents are going to have to start going to the border to get baby formula since that seems to be where it is going. It's certainly not on store shelves!

    The Biden Admin is just paying lip service to the energy crisis. If Biden was really interested in easing any pain at the pump he would immediately ramp up American oil production.