Gas Prices Reach New All-Time Highs - Are You Feeling the Pain at the Pump?

Are you feeling the financial hit from gas prices reaching record highs?

  • 41.9k

    What I truly admire about the Republican Cartel is their ability to always blame anything wrong in the world as being a consequence of the actions of Democrats and their policies in order to win their declared war to defeat them. This includes everything from their faux religious beliefs, cukture wars, xenophobia, geo-political events or even their alternate fact 'realities'. They are quite good at this.

    What I have never heard from any of them is any solutions to any of the problems facing our country. Lots of promises that their solutions will be beautiful and fix everything and they will always promise to fill in the very beautiful details in a few weeks, and then, only the sound of silence.

    Is anyone still expecting the Republican heath care plan widely announced and promised universally by Republican candidates in the 20i8 midterm elections? You know, the one that would cover all pre-existing conditions, cost so much less and do so much more than the ACA?

    Just how much has Mexico paid the US to build the wall?

    How much of the tariffs levied on trade with China has China actually paid?

    How come no-one noticed when the Covid pandemic just went away with the first summer heat? Or has the ominous 'Deep State' and 'fake news' MSM intentionally forget to tell us?

    And, don’t tell me that the evil Hillary is still freely just walking about!


    When a party does absolutely nothing to address the issues that confront our country beyond making unfulfilled and soon forgotten empty promises, it takes a lot if unmitigated gall to take cheap shots at a political party that is actually trying to govern; actually trying to resolve real and consequential issues. Especially when the do-nothing party does everything that it can to stymie their efforts - all for the lust of unearned political power that they can leverage for their own financial interests.

    Fuel prices are inflating everywhere in the world, not just in our country. It is a consequence of the putin’s war and decisions broadly supported by the world of nations to remove the ability of the putin to fund his unprovoked war with Ukraine or any other sovereign nation because his actions cannot be allowed. The putin's actions are a direct threat to the treaties, norms and rules that have largely preserved the world order since the Second World War - and allowed the world economy and the world’s people to proper. 

    The US championed these tactics to constrain the putin as the best means to preserve the world order and deter other nations who think that their might-makes-right attitudes can entitle them to do the same. The only other possible way to do this would be direct military confrontation with a great risk of escalation and really punishing costs. It’s kind of like paying to fix a roof leak today even though it is inconvenient, costly and burdensome, because if the leak is not fixed now the roof will need to be replaced entirely later, a much more inconvenient, costly and burdensome prospect.

    As far as I am concerned, a political party that has morphed into a cult and that offers no solutions has no right to complain about how people who are diligently working to find solutions are doing, let alone to use willful disinformation to discredit them as their declared enemy. 

  • 48.0k
    Voted No

    Those complaining that President Biden caused this mess, what do you propose? Are you ok with taxing or fining the oil and gas companies and revoking their federal subsidies? Would you support capping these companies' executive pay so that they can't send their profits to the people at the top?


    Or will you just keep blaming "the left" and looking the other way while corporate greed continues devastating the middle and working class in this country because you don't want to actually see what the problem is?

  • 7,929
    Voted Yes

    Fortunately I work remotely and do not have to fill up that often, but the rest of my family is not so lucky. When your income remains the same and your cost of living goes up, it hurts for most of us. The more you live paycheck to paycheck/fixed income the more it hurts. 

    The fact that corporate America and big oil are bringing home record profits, at the same time housing/rent prices are through the roof & interest rates have gone up...makes this scenario even more challenging for us. 

  • 25.8k
    Voted Yes

    Causes asks, "Are you feeling the financial hit from gas prices reaching record highs?"
    Yes. Is this a trick question?

    The typical conservative commenter rarely goes beyond blame and "If onlys.

    The typical progressive commenter can cite history of recent inflation focusing on COVID, supply chain issues, and the effect of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on oil. All correct but... 

    Know this: 50% of inflation comes from increased corporate profits. Corporations. are literally bragging about record profits, 

    I suggest focusing efforts accordingly when using this App or other means of contacting your representatives. 


  • 93.9k

    Luckily I got rid of my car last Gaul and started using mass transit and the occasional Uber. Uber prices have increased but my drivers told me it's because if less drivers since Covid. And many of my drivers are driving hybrids that charge with all the stop and go traffic in a metropolitan area.

  • 48.0k
    Voted No

    I'm not really feeling the pain much personally because I drive a hybrid and I don't need to commute to work, so a tank can last me weeks at a time. 


    I am disappointed at the high cost of air travel and the effect gas prices are having on the costs of other goods.


    This is why we need to start levying taxes on companies for windfall profits and examining executive pay while the average worker is struggling. Our top-down economy which rewards wealthy and corporate greed but punishes everyone else has to stop. 


    We have plenty of gas in this country; what we don't have is the courage to do something to stop the wealthy from charging us more to get it.

  • 3,531

    Joe Biden to visit Saudi? Not a smart idea. Giving him a platform to tout his prowess, helping him sanitize his butcher of kashoggi image so we can get a few bucks off the oil?

    Are we getting so dumbed down? Dammit oil is one of the most fungible commodities. Shake hands with Iran and buy some oil from them! We reached out to maduro didn't we? See mohammed come running. As it is both saudi & uae are providing russia immense shelter and playing both sides. 

  • 104
    Voted Yes

    Let's remember that ALL republicans and 4 democrats voted against a bill that would prevent price gouging from the oil.companies. they aren't working for us and we should vote them out.

  • 270
    Voted Yes

    Biden has NOT created any jobs, the ending of Covid restrictions created jobs as stores, restaurants, plays, hotels opened back up. The only jobs Biden has created are "truth censors" & "ministers of social justice" in most departments of the Federal government.

    Biden says the economey is so good then people who read and then SIGNED Studnet CONTRACTS can get a job and pay off THEIR student loans!

    Forget the gas, Diesel at $6.52 in CA!!! Used by trucks and most farm equipment! Expect the cost of ALL food to keep climbing! #Bidenflation to blame!

  • 468
    Voted Yes

    Thank god I drive a hybrid. 

  • 95
    Voted Yes

    Consumers are being seriously gouged by the gas and oil industry. When are we going to learn. We need alternative forms of energy that are environmentally sound and get off this fossil fuel train. It's finite and dirty.

  • 199
    Voted No

    We drive a small car that gets good gas mileage. We also fill up when the tank's down halfway. 

    I'd love for our next car to be a hybrid (my area doesn't have the infrastructure for electric vehicles) so we could save even more.

  • 663
    Voted Yes

    Washington State is reprogramming their gas pumps so that they can have $10 a gallon gas. Oh, and they are running out of gas also. 

  • 8,978
    Voted Yes

    Big buisness oil and gas companies are creating this with their GREED.

    Many of Congress receive funds from them so may of congress will NOT go after them, putting their need for $ ahead of those they are suppose to serve.

  • 101
    Voted Yes

    I apologize but i'm a little tired of people blaming Biden and the democrats for gas prices....We live in a capitalist country; the government doesnt set gas prices.

    There hasnt been any real substanitive legislation to blame prices on...  Keystone wasn't producing anything, America produces a ton of it's own oil, and Biden is still approving a ton of drilling permits so.... What's next?  

    Since it's not likely we'll Nationalize the oil and gas inustries, solutions include weening off our dependancy of oil and gas altogether. 

  • 338
    Voted No

    We should have switched to electric cars years ago. While fast charging stations can be hard to find, and you have to find something to do while the vehicle is charging, I would rather have that inconvenience than pay a penny more to those fat, greedy, fossil fuel companies. They can go f**k themselves.

    This is not a great time to be shopping for a car, but keep looking and make the switch. You will not regret it.

    I have a Nissan LEAF, and I pay around $0.07/mile.

  • 83
    Voted Yes

    Hold oil producers accountable for price gouging ... not a biden problem but yours in congress...

  • 398
    Voted Yes

    To an extent. I shop at a local grocery store that gives away gas cupons at their own gas station if you buy a certain amount of groceries. You can stack them up. Since I am an old retired guy now I don't drive very much anymore and I was able to stack up a lot of cupons. Yesterday I finally went to get gas as I had a little under a half a tank. I had pumped enough gas to have $45.00 worth and, with the cupons, I got $21,00 off of the gas price so I paid $24.00. If I had to drive all over the state like I used to in my job I would be complaining. First they denied the pandemic and now they are denying the effects of coming out of the pandemic that is still going on. Stupid people. It's all Biden's fault. LOL

  • 47
    Voted No

    I have an all electric car plus solar panels on my roof.  I charge at night and never have range anxiety.  I have a cheaper Nissan Leaf - can't afford a Tesla - it does the job nicely.

  • 947
    Voted Yes

    When is Congress going to stop illegals people crossing the southern border?

  • 1,212
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    As a retired person on a limited income, it is easy. I do not go anywhere and neither do my friends. So soon I will qualify as a hermit with no friends. As inflation increases I don't need to go out any way because I can not afford to buy anything including GAS or Diesel.

  • 240
    Voted No

    Staying home all the time since COVID mitigates that.

  • 43
    Voted Yes

    Everything went up costing for all transport this has impacted my daily supply of food my vehicle parts and maintenance costs has increased dramatically higher than expected 

  • 3,894
    Voted No

    I'm not going to complain about that as long as no one's dropping bombs on my head I'm OK if it helps people to have bombs falling on their head. And on that note is DeSantis the governor of Florida trying to become the biggest ass in the galaxy, oh wait a minute he already is.

  • 1,139
    Voted Yes

    but I don't blame Biden.  The pandemic hit supply chains hard, the war in Ukraine, fossil fuel and other large corporations making record profits by hiking their prices higher than inflation all contribute.  

    To those saying the GOP has made many suggestions to fix it:  the only things I've seen would make things much worse for the poor and what's left of the middle class, things like letting federal legislation funding Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security expire.  On the local and state levels maybe there are some actual solutions being offered but at the national level it seems more like Newt Gingrich's War on America is continuing (on steroids).

    The non partisan CBO tracks effects over time of how our economy does under each party's administration and it still shows clearly that we do better as a nation under the Democrats - deficits lower, the poor and middle class do better, the rich still do better but don't amass money as fast as under the GOP.

    If the Republicans would stop blocking legislation that helps most Americans we'd be doing better more quickly but they are only interested in power.

  • 881
    Voted No

    I have an all electric car.