Taiwan Issues War Survival Handbook for Civilians as Threat of Invasion by China Looms

Should countries around the world help Taiwan deter China’s military threats?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Yes

    China has more than cultural history reasons for their desire to annex Taiwan. There is significant economic benefit as well, a benefit that contributes directly to their long term goal of becoming the world’s dominant economic power.

    China has tried and failed to develop complex chip fabrication technology. Taiwan’s TMSC has developed and continues to improve mass production of computer chips at a packing density and smaller detail than any other mass producer has been able to match. This results in much faster and much lower power consuming computer chips which are in wide demand around the world - and a clear economic ‘prize’ for China if they were to take Taiwan.

    TMSC accomplishments in chip fabrication have largely been due to Apple who has funded some of the research and the huge contacts to purchase chips to meet the demand for Apple products. Apple chip fabrication engineers and scientists appear to have made undisclosed contributions to the TMSC fabrication process which has continued to support Apple’s position as a dominant supplier of electronic devices. Others, particularly manufacturers of energy efficient as well as all electronic vehicles, want the established benefits of TMSC chips as well - and TMSC is building increased fabrication capacity to meet this demand.

    While China has been unable to mass produce computer chips comparable to the TMSC chips, they have leveraged the Chinese population, the Chinese culture and covertly or overtly acquired manufacturing trade secrets to become a leading manufacturer of computer boards which integrate many other chip sets. For example, they mass produce high performance low cost computer motherboards for home computers, workstations and computer servers. Very large server farms have mass purchased Chinese manufactured server boards. (In fact, a ‘mystery’ chip was discovered on at least one of these server board product lines; which was determined to be capable of transmitting unencrypted server traffic to covert monitoring sites. This was done in such a way that no on-board software could either monitor nor detect the fact that the board was potentially being monitored)

    Taiwan’s TMSC represents a huge economic ‘prize’ for a Chinese forced annexation as well as a threat to the world’s economies should China selectively ‘turn off’ fabrication for the economic interests of any country that opposes China.

    Most of all, most of the world views Taiwan a sovereign nation. Taiwan does not want to be part of or annexed by mainland China. 

    One solution to take some of the ‘reward’ away from a Chinese hostile takeover of Taiwan would be to subsidize moving some of the TMSC manufacturing to the US as a national security requirement. Apple may have a basis for claiming some rights to the TMSC manufacturing processes with their role in helping to develop it. An even sweeter but unlikely solution would be for TMSC to move their headquarters and engineering staff to the US.

    Anything that we can do to minimize the ‘reward’ to China that comes with annexing Taiwan would lessen the desire for China to do so. It is much less costly than any form of military conflict.

    It does truly amaze me just how much the world’s autocracies have been re-energized by the trump and our own autocratic Republican Cartel. 

  • 7,988
    Voted Maybe

    China invading Taiwan is a very real threat, and just like aiding the Ukrainians it becomes a very tricky situation. One thing is for sure, autocratic leaders are doubling down on efforts to "regain their" territories. 

    The other point that should be crystal clear, is the need for the US to be independent from Russia & China. We need to take a serious hard look at our energy and medical resources and ensure that production can be done here in the USA. 


  • 94.6k

    Chinese President Xi believes in his historic task of reunifying Taiwan with China much like Russian President Putin believes in reunifying Ukraine with Russia and what better time than when NATO and the US are busy with the Russian-Ukrainian war? I'm sure Xi would rather have his own historical mission than get involved in Putin's genocide and war crimes. China ends up with sanctions for helping Russia so why not get what he wants out of it.

    All the think tanks & thought leaders are saying Xi won't invade China just like they said Putin wouldn't invade Ukraine.

    Tauwan is issuing the same sort of Handbook as Japan and Sweden have.

    Hope it doesn't come to that as Taiwan's location is much more difficult to support and there is no strong regional defense equivalent of NATO with a vested interest as they'd be next.






  • 2,580
    Voted No

    No, until we can afford to put back the anti-poverty measures that effectively lifted 3.7 million children out of poverty in a matter of months; we have no business pretending to be a sustainable leadership model or spending money we apparently do NOT have, 

    A responsible parent put the needs of his/her children first. Our leadership need to lead by example to build political trust among younger voters.

    People are frustrated, they are angry, and they are going to continue to seek both inappropriate and appropriate ways of being heard until our leaders finally address the overwhelming class warfare that has taken over every aspect of the American's daily life. 

    Democrats ran on a platform of defending the "soul" of the nation need to remember that..

  • 2,915
    Voted Yes

    Happy Easter to those who celebrate. 

  • 48.6k
    Voted Maybe

    We should stand by our ally Taiwan and help them to prepare for possible Chinese invasion, but we do not want a war with China. Diplomacy should be our best policy here, and it needs to work better than what happened in Ukraine and Russia. The people of Taiwan need our help, and we have a base there, so it's in our interest to support them in any non-military way we can.

  • 8,330
    Voted No

    Happy Easter to all! Yes, even the Leftist. 

  • 865
    Voted Yes

    China may follow Russia’s example and we may have to think of a different strategy.  Also, Taiwan is giving us all a good example.  We may need to do the same thing for ourselves for a variety of reasons.

  • 882
    Voted Yes

    We need to be proactive in supporting and defending Taiwan.  

  • 7,796
    Voted Yes

    To an extent.  We can't save the world!  

  • 1,358
    Voted Yes

    We should be supplying Taiwan with military aid to deter Chinese aggression. We should also make it clear to China that they will be treated just like Russia if they invade. 

  • 762
    Voted Yes

    Taiwan, Free  now Free forever.

  • 2,797
    Voted No

    Well great question. Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden has lost two embassies in six months. He totally allowed the State Department to take control of Americans out of Afghanistan. He actually sent the military out first before all civilians and SIV's were out. He ended up returning some military to help process the civilian. 

    he is blowing the help being sent to Ukraine.

    I an not trust what this man and the state department will do to help twaiwan. 

  • 1,085
    Voted Yes

    Countries like Russia and China are scared of the growing success and prosperity Democracies provide to common people, so they are becoming more desperate in expanding their influence through fear and threats. Such tactics will only serve to unite Democracies across the world against the authoritarian oligarchies. The Ukrainian crisis has proven that. The world will stand with Taiwan if China ever decides to try and invade it.

  • 3,938
    Voted Yes

    of course they should where the hell were trying to be without the United States who else would buy all the crap, Russia, that's a laugh. On another note you almost have to laugh out loud at the obviousness of Elon musk moved to buy Twitter, it's a pandering to the right who would never dream of buying an electric car because answer all "There is no global warming" And you know Trump supporters may just be stupid enough to go along with it and then heat up Elon Musk advertising for his electric cars and buy them up. It's a laugh a minute, he totally recognizes the stupidity of it all the people that are willing to follow Trump and how gullible they are.

  • 26.1k
    Voted Yes

    I am partial to Taiwan due to a handful of relationships I have had with some folks from Taiwan and with a relationship I currently have with an organization based in Taiwan. My father had numerous business dealings with people of various levels of immigration status from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other regions in China. 

    Since I was a kid, the generally held belief in my community was that America _should_ protect Taiwan. Given the aggressive, totalitarian nature and history of Mainland China, including highly repressive autocratic rule,  I firmly believe we still protect and assist Taiwan. Just look at what's happening in Hong Kong. 

  • 2,915
    Voted Yes

    If China decided that they are going to invade Taiwan, unfortunately there is not enough that any other country can do or would be willing to do to deter it. 

  • 1,814
    Voted Yes

    China is the real world threat but the socialist democrats, Disney, Nike, NBA, Hollywood and the list goes on think nothing is wrong with China. China is oppressive, racist and want world domination. They know America is weak with Biden in office. All of our enemies know we are weak. Biden and his catastrophe in Afghanistan set the stage.  China will invade Taiwan soon and they will be the first domino to fall.

  • 8,330
    Voted No

    That's a brilliant idea! Let's do what we always do and get ourselves into more wars! If any of you think that with our current military leadership and dementia ridden President, that we could stop China, you have truly lost your damn minds! China would eat us alive. 

    But why wouldn't they invade Tywan right now? We are all up in the business of Russia, our country is falling apart, and we have the weakest leadership in American history. I can't believe they haven't already done it. 

    And yes, I will say it. NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING IF IT WEREN'T FOR BIDEN! He has been in bed with China and Russia for years now. Selling his office and the American people out for his own personal financial gain. He is compromised and both Russia and China have the goods on him.

    Then they see what the bumbling idiot did in Afghanistan. They see our borders wide open, which no sane country on Earth would ever conceive of doing. They see our military talking about gender identity, domestic white supremacy, and equity, instead of focusing on how to remain the most badass military force on the planet. They see we have overspent more than we can ever pay back. They see that America is a broken, dysfunctional country that can't tell the difference between a man and a woman. 

    We are a laughing stock to the world. And all it took was a rigged election and a year and half of Democrat rule. 

    So no, I think we need to stay the Hell out of China's business!