U.S. Announces New $800M Package for Ukraine, Officials Say American Troops to Train Ukrainians

Are you in favor of the $800 million in new military aid for Ukraine?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Yes

    Good. Send the Ukrainian's everything they need to defeat the putin, inckudung any training needed for some of the advanced weaponry. Neither the world or our country can let the putin succeed in his quest to rebuild the Soviet empire or he will continue his quest. The Russian Military must be defeated and humiliated to end the putin's threat once and for all.

    Perhaps the World Court or some other international orgsnization can arrange for frozen Russian Bank funds to be transferred to Ukraine as reperations for the intentional civilian carnage and extensive damage to critical civilian infrastructure.

    The rest of Russian leadership have to remove the putin from power. In line with 'what goes around comes around', perhaps the Russian inner circle will arrange for the putin to get some novichok infused underwire.

  • 94.2k

    If we are going to send the equipment then folks need to be trained on how to use it.

  • 3,959
    Voted Maybe

    It is time to begin flying supplies into Ukraine. Yes we may loose a plane or two. It is time to really make a stand. No matter how well armed a country is, without military support, a well trained military, they don't stand a chance. I am an old veteran (74) but standing by picking you nose, dose not help. I am not saying send in troops to fight but to run supplies and medical, food and military supplies. 40,000 rounds will only last a few weeks. Take some 4/0 and shove it where it will give us some backbone. Then activate the draft.

  • 1,814
    Voted No

    Inflation is going through the roof, gas prices are out of control, crime is rampant, drug overdoses are an epidemic, southern border is a complete mess and homelessness is out of control. What has Biden and the socialist done to help America? Nothing, zero.

  • 94.2k

    Russian FSB is purging leadership in pro-Russian Luhansk,

    "Ukrainian intelligence said...that Russia's Federal Security Service [FSB] arrested the "Minister of the Interior Major General" Igor Aleksandrovich Kornet of the self-declared Luhansk People's Republic [LPR] in the pro-Moscow Donbas region of Ukraine, citing information it had obtained."

    "Kornet, 49, was allegedly being held at a pre-trial detention center in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don on Ukraine's eastern border, according to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry."

    "Ukrainian intelligence said the arrest was part of a "cleaning out" of leadership of the LPR that "serves as a testament to Moscow's inability to follow through with goals set by the current leaders of the 'LPR' in terms of waging war on Ukraine."

    Business Insider story also being reported in Czech & Saudi press.


  • 3,563
    Voted Yes

    A war is fought between and by armies

    even ants know that!

    indiscriminate bombing of civilians, apartments, hospitals, schools, churches is the signature of cowards and barbarians 

    zelensky is correct when he decries the hollow words 'never again' ! where are you europe, israel, the so called free world? Dribs & drabs of untimely aid won't solve anything. Those who enrich russia by continuing to buy fossil fuels are simply lame & complicit ! Dictators are weak minds & little (metaphorically) people like putin trump xi kim erdogan orban etc 

    Only idiots are still pondering if these are war crimes or genocide. 

  • 2,797
    Voted No

    Wasn't it.Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden that nixed the sending of Polish Airplanes that would be sent to Ramstein Airbase then to Ukraine as this could be perceived as attacking Russia being part of the war. Then his comments to the 82nd Airborne troops in Poland that they will see Ukraine women standing in front of Russian tanks saying they will not move meaning these troops would be going to Ukraine to actually see it. He talked about American troops training Ukraine troops. All were debunked by the White House and the Pentagon. 
    Now we know that he actually let out secrets to the press and our enemies. we will now send in attack helicopters and some very high tech equipment and our troops will now be on the ground training Ukraine troops on how to use it. I think it was President Kennedy that sent in a mere 60 advisors into Vietnam to train the South Vietnam soldiers. From that over 1 million troops went to Vietnam and 50,000 lost their lives.

    Do I trust this man that has lost two embassies in less than six months and had the Afghanistan disaster and left 85 billion dollars worth of equipment there for all our enemies? 
    No I don't him and his State Department will screw it up. 


  • 423
    Voted Maybe

    Aid to Ukraine is a worthy cause but not if it increases our deficit. We need fiscal responsibility. If Congress and President increases spending, there must be a funding source besides a loan provided. This further confirms our tax rates for people over $400k must be adjusted so increased profits equals increase in tax revenue paid by these folks. Put party politics aside and demand Congress do its job. 

  • 46
    Voted Yes

    If we don't get involved there, it will be only a matter of time we will be fighting here. This is an unprovoked hostile takeover by Putin.  Although people seem to deny that Putin is another Hitler. Numerous treaties were signed to avoid a World War with Hitler.  These Authoritaran leaders want to have it all.

    We didn't get involved until Pearl Harbor was bombed. The United Nations is acting in Unity, and is a strong alliance. History is important. Those who do not know history are bound to repeat mistakes.

  • 3,563
    Voted Yes

    Oleg Tinkov, the billionaire founder of a big Russian digital bank, has blasted Russia's "insane war" in Ukraine and urged the West to help President Vladimir Putin find an off-ramp to "stop this massacre."

    An 'off ramp'!? Really?

    why don't you greedy shameless self serving bastards who empowered him make this monster walk the plank and let his ugly face drown? 

  • 257
    Voted Yes

    When are we going to seriously get involved in the defense of Ukraine. Send in t

  • 177
    Voted No

    Not at all ok with what Russia is doing, but do we really want to be involved in another war? We're fighting over budget stuff every day in this country, but now we're just going to give almost a billion dollars to Ukraine?  Inflation is at 8.5% but you'd rather give money to another country to help them kill each other? Our priorities are messed up.

  • 257
    Voted Yes

    Send in all the weapons Ukraine needs along with the US Marines to help fight this Putin war.

  • 3,563
    Voted Yes

    No matter how the international landscape may change, China will continue to strengthen strategic coordination with Russia to achieve win-win cooperation, jointly safeguard our common interests and promote the building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind," Le said, according to the statement

    Tall words. EU US ANZ must show the chinese exactly where their bread is buttered! Lets see how much chinese crap the russians can absorb? 

  • 3,914
    Voted Yes

    F Putin may the beady eyed little piece of shit meet the same fate as Mussolini but on the streets of Moscow. He has stolen literally billions if not trillions of dollars from his donation and now he's stealing the lives of the people of Ukraine he truly is a satanic little asshole.

  • 244
    Voted No

    This is not great! The military industral complex is benefitting & we are getting no closer to stopping Putin. We have to be doing more talking & less shooting!

  • 202
    Voted Yes

    Putin/Hitler. The similarities in the propaganda and aggression are striking. Standing firm - and supporting Ukraine is the only way to avoid another "Peace for our time" fiasco. 

  • 3,563
    Voted Yes

    Emirates will keep flying to russia unless 'owner' stops it - as will Saudi Airlines 

    Some day hopefully they will be at someone's mercy and will be asking for support 

    Derive your own conclusions

    I for one do not want my taxes to support any of these countries in any way. 

  • 1,358
    Voted Yes

    We should provide them with whatever they need. If we don't stop the war criminal Putin here, he will do it again elsewhere. 

    we should also make all forms of foreign aid contingent on condemning Russia and Putin. That includes Israel. 

  • 1,582
    Voted Yes

    We need to step up the delivery, and we need to send more long range weapons to allow to Ukraine deal with the missiles that are launching at them! They also need more anti aircraft weapons for high altitude bombers ! 

  • 44.9k

    While we support 🇺🇦 with food, medicine and more arms, and the US has quite importing Russian Oil and trying to help other NATO countries lessen their dependence on said oil, we apparently need to watch what we Import that will continue to finance Russia's war AGAINST Ukraine and the rest of the Free World. 

    Wouldn't have thought specific fish as a target, but no more. Buy Carefully!!


  • 3,563
    Voted Yes

    Putin, Saudi Crown Prince Upbeat on OPEC+, Kremlin Says

    The Crown Prince spoke on Friday with Chinese President Xi Jinping

    erdogan transfers kashoggi trial to riyadh

    connect the dots congress?

    and you want to continue biz as usual with these clowns? 
    america truly does not need any of them! 


  • 3,914
    Voted Yes

    Let's make this a fair fight let's give you a queen in the ability to attack Moscow directly. What the hell is Puden going to do about it nothing his army is inept his Air Force is Inept. His Navy is a joke. F Putin.
    Lets Bring this asshole down.

  • 921
    Robert J.

    Russia has no plans to reduce its military assault or to negotiate a cease fire. Now that war crimes are in play, Putin will dig in. By my estimate he has 19,000 dead in six weeks in Ukraine. (More than the 15,000 dead in ten years in Afghanistan)  Using a 3 to one rule for casualties, Russia has 50,000 wounded so far.  Clearly, the next phase of the war could be worse for casualties on all sides. Perhaps this helps explain why Russia sent several crematoria to Mariupol. 

  • 62
    Voted No

    Instead of sending money and resources overseas how about put that money towards the rampant homelessness here in the US!