How You Can Help Ukrainian Refugees Fleeing Russia's Invasion

Learn more about how you can help Ukrainian refugees and spread the word!

  • 377

    I have been donating through Smaritan's Purse which is a wonderful, efficient organization. They are working through a network of over 3000 churches in Ukraine to extend their reach across the entire country.

  • 1,020

    of course the Ukrainians need all of the help that we can possibly provide them. But we also need to keep perspective. The United States has really crossed into a "cold Civil War". While the Ukrainians are in a horrible plight, women fleeing into Poland have better access to reproductive healthcare than my daughter who lives in Texas. There are people today living in America, primarily the hillbilly states, who are suffering from decisions being made by the evil Republican politicians. Why can't we pass a $40 billion spending bill to take down Greg Abbott's evil empire?

  • 93.9k

    I've been helping by raising money to purchase food, medicine and gas that is driven in buses, trucks, vans, etc east Ward to Kyiv, Kharkiv, Donbas, Mariupol, etc and then retur with civilians escaping the violence. Miney is also used to find feed & lodge those from the east in Lviv and assist them in reaching Poland, Germany and other European countries via bus.

    Have also been buying 1st aid supplies (Celox, Israeli Compression bandages, tourniquets, etc) that are sold out in Ukraine and Poland for shipment to Poland where my friends pick them up and drive them into Ukraine. Amazon now has 2 warehouses, one in Slovakia and the 2nd one that just owned in Southern Poland. Because Amazon has also been sold out have also been ordering from online Israeli companies. First deliveries arriving this week, fingers crossed.