Should the U.S. Help Investigate & Gather Evidence of Russian War Crimes in Ukraine to Hold Perpetrators Accountable? (H.R. 7276)

Do you support or oppose this bill?

  • 210
    Voted Yea

    This bipartisan bill would ensure that U.S. government agencies compile evidence of war crimes committed amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and share that with courts and tribunals to hold the perpetrators accountable and deter the commission of future war crimes.

  • 111
    Voted Nay

    After Vietnam and Iraq, the US does not have the high ground when it comes to undeclared wars. Let someone who has not invaded any foreign nations conduct the investigation. 

  • 193
    Voted Yea

    HR 7276 vote yes.

  • 303
    Voted Yea

    Yes I think we should be looking into what Russia is doing in the Ukraine. That is out in our murder. It is very disturbing for people to have to see this. It seems to me that the world needs to get together and stop the inhumanity of what is happening in the Ukraine. It is very difficult Why Putin is doing this. It would have been better if Putin and maybe help of other countries sat down and talked. We hardly know the truth of what's really going on. Joe Biden is not a good president nor does he give good answers. To any questions. I believe America is extremely afraid of the weakness of our 

  • 180
    Voted Yea

    The Russian government has committed numerous crimes that violated people's human rights and constitute war crimes. The government officials who orcestrated this invasion need to be held responsible. Doing this would help quickly end this war and prevent these types of actions from occurring again. Russia needs to be stopped to protect the well beings of the people in Ukraine and surrounding countries. 

  • 36
    Voted Yea

    This is sickening and we should absolutley help ukraine. Theyre fighting their butts off. We "helped" others when they refused to help themselves and now were denying help to those who are fighting for their freedom and families

  • 112
    Voted Yea

    Russia has a very long history of the evens now happening Ukraine for the past month. If Putin and his supporters in Russia aar not stopped, this could easily advance from former USSR countrise until Putin gets his dream of rebuilding the old Communist country. How many more people will have to die? How many more cities and all the infrastructure have to be beaten to the ground? The World Court and The United Nations need to become very active with stopping this so called "war".

  • 55
    Voted Yea

    I think you should absolutely look into if Zelenski is lying or not.

  • 49
    Voted Yea

    If we don't allow other countries to get away with war time then Russia should be no exception. Russia needs to pay for all the damage and death they are causing. 

  • 154
    Sam Jeffro
    Voted Nay

    we sould look in chimes at home cops kill black thats a chime to