Should Congress Ban Russian Energy Imports? (H.R. 6968)

Do you support or oppose this bill?

  • 2,427
    Voted Yea

    Why do I have to keep signing in?  This is ridiculous.  Where do I see the comments of those I follow without going to the comment page?  Why the hell did you need to change this?  

  • 98
    Voted Nay

    Not our business, thus don't hurt our businesses 

  • 176
    Voted Yea

    Please push for sustainable energy independence. Green renewables desperately need to be prioritized in all energy decisions. 

  • 262
    Voted Yea

    Russia is out of control. A dictator has gotten bigger than his britches. We need to stop him.

  • 36
    Voted Yea

    IMHO, these sanctions on Russian gas imports should have been done earlier. But better late than never, I suppose. And anything that hurts Putin in his pocketbook is well-deserved payback for the ongoing Russian atrocities in Ukraine that he enabled or supported. Thank you, Congress, for voting for these sanctions.

  • 46
    Voted Nay

    No, we should NOT ban energy imports from Russia. The only thing the sanctions are hurting is the American people. Go look up what gas prices are in Russia… I'll give you a hint, they're a lot less than they are here! And I do love how everybody's just kind of pretending like the US isn't arming and supporting a bunch of literal Nazis in the Ukrainian military (Azov Battalion, Right Sector, etc etc), and apparently nobody had a problem with the Ukrainian military shelling the Russian speaking population in the Donbass (Eastern Ukraine) for the past eight years. People need to stop running solely on emotion, and stop believing all the propaganda in the media. Putin obviously isn't a saint, but he also isn't the unhinged monster that they make him out to be. What about all of the war crimes that the US has committed over the years? Nobody cares about that, right?

  • 257
    Voted Yea

    Support Ukraine. Send them all the weapons they are asking for. Send the Marines in with the weapons 

  • 43
    Voted Yea

    To not  support the people of Ukraine by NOT condemning the aggressions and atrocities of Russia is to be complicit with their actions.  Putin is a war criminal.  I EXPECT my representative to support freedom and independence of nations such as Ukraine  versus the totalitarian government of Putin (and his toady Trump!) 

  • 27.8k
    Voted Yea

    Already Passed House & Senate.


    Thank you Representatives & Senators!  

  • 351
    Voted Yea

    The world needs to do all that it can to provide Ukraine whatever it needs to defend its democratic country for this unjustified invasion,

  • 324
    Voted Yea

    We should be doing absolutely no more business with Russia!

  • 344
    Voted Yea

    We should ban everything that brings money into Russia. We should ban the dirt that will be thrown on to Putins grave. If Putin was on  fire I would throw him a bucket of gas that just cost me $ 4.29 cents a gal. Higher if your from Canada. So lets do all this stuff all the sanctions. Just in case no one has noticed. None of this stuff including all the TALKING has helped Ukraine. Just another matter of fact day in the lives of the UN and NATO. Sorry I left out the EU. I'm just sitting here drinking my Dunkin Donuts coffee while the people of Ukraine are being annihilated, humiliated,murdered,raped,kidnapped,tortured. Did I forget anything ? Putin just another Hitler. Did we not learn anything from 1941-1945

  • 409
    Voted Yea


  • 580
    Voted Yea
