U.S. & NATO Sending More Military Aid to Ukraine Including Tanks, Armored Vehicles, & Drones

Do you support or oppose additional military aid for Ukraine to defend against the Russian invasion?

  • 41.9k
    Voted Yes

    It’s time to get Ukraine whatever they need. The Russian atrocities and human rights violations can not be tolerated by the world order. Putin cannot be permitted to take Ukraine and kill thousands of civilians just to satisfy his ego. … … … No matter how much our trumPutin loving Republican Cartel admires the putin and try to emulate his tactics he, like they, needs to be brought to Justice. … … … It’s time to demand that human rights corridors need to be opened and maintained with lethal force while there is still a Ukrainian populace left. … … … I would like to see the Republican Cartel’s (and the putin’s) leading propagandists do about a year tour of duty and broadcast their drivel from Moscow; they should be honored. Perhaps with a three month tour in Victor Orban’s Hungary as well. Let’s see how they fare: If they are ever allowed to leave or are ever even seen again. … … … The fools that support the autocracies of the putin, Orban and the Republican Cartel deserve each other - I wish them well and would certainly enjoy the peace. … … … These autocracies operate with the same tactics and are at different levels of development - but they are all walking down the same path, each with the same objectives.

  • 25.5k

    Representatives, Thank you for Supporting NATO and Democracy! The House Voted on H. Res.831 - Calling on the United States Government to uphold the founding democratic principles of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and establish a Center for Democratic Resilience within the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization The good news is that 362 Representatives vote for the Resolution. The bad news is "63 Republicans vote against House resolution affirming support for NATO and its 'democratic principles'" –The Week https://theweek.com/nato/1012212/63-republicans-vote-against-house-resolution-affirming-support-for-nato-and-its See how your Representative Vote. Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives - Vote Details https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022115 Type "No" in the Keyword Field For all the 63 No Votes. Type {Your state} in the Keyword Field to find your Rep. The usual Trump loving Q-Whackadoodles like Boebert, Cawthorne, Gaetz, Gohmert, Gosar, Greene, & Jordan voted against upholding the founding democratic principles of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and establishing a Center for Democratic Resilience within the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

  • 207
    Voted No

    We need to stop spending money/resources overseas when there are issues that need addressed here. If the government has money to send to other countries we pay too much in taxes. 

  • 7,796
    Voted Maybe

    The power and the strength of the Ukrainian people is something we should be in awe of…. I can’t say our nation would show half as much love for their country, nor would the Dems do anything to protect our great nation. It’s a damn shame that we are only standing by and watching the mass murders and destruction of cities and basically not doing a damn thing. Who cares if they do not belong to NATO! They don’t pull their weight in change anyway. Trump was right! Carpetbag this organization and save our money.

  • 41.9k
    Voted Yes

    NoHedges: The answer regarding hybrid planes is that it would be kind of possible to replace turbofan engines with electric motors if we had very, very light batteries large enough to hold all of the battery power needed to drive the propellers long enough to keep the plane in flight. There are some very light weight and large capacity batteries being researched, like lithium-graphene which are getting very light weight. If people driving cars had to lift the weight of the cars off of the ground to operate, they would be much less efficient. … … … Most people do not realize that turbofan engines used by commercial aircraft are pretty efficient. 70% the propulsion comes from that big bladed fan that people see which simply pumps air out over the plane nacelle like a ducted propellor, and only 30% comes from the jet exhaust, the actual turbine engine is much smaller and has the sole purpose of driving the fan (propellor). … … … There are people looking into driving the fan with an electric motor and even using high temperature superconducting magnetic shaft bearings for efficiency (there would still be rolling element bearings to transmit propeller thrust to the aircraft). Turbine engines would still be used to drive generators but could operate at constant speeds where they operate most efficiently and could be located in better places than just behind the aircraft propulsion. There are a lot of maintenance and operational efficiencies as well. Not a hybrid, just a more efficient, easier to maintain and easier to optimize propulsion system and safer since two propellers powered by two turbine generators will still have two lower powered props if one of the turbines were to fail. … … … The very large later model cruise ships use electric power provided by two turbine engines (with one operating and the other a rapidly available spare). Everything from ballast management, desalination systems, prop drive, stabilizers, food storage and lights is provided by one of these two turbine engines operating at constant most efficient speeds. … … . This can be used for aircraft as well, but the systems all have to be lower weight ‘flight weight’ systems, … … … While I am at it, the vapor contrails, often seen trailing the wingtips of moderate altitude aircraft, have nothing at all to do with pollution. An aircraft wing is curved in cross-section to force the air flowing over the top of wing to move faster than the air flowing across the bottom. This is his how aircraft wings develop enough lift to fly at altitude. When these two air streams meet at the back end of the wing, the air stream leaving the wing is spun which creates a trailing vortex that generally forms at the wing tips. If the plane is passing through air which is at the right temperature and has the right content of ice crystals, the trailing vortices cause the ice crystals to vaporize and form the contrails that people see. It’s not pollution, it is just a locally triggered cloud formation - caused by the side-effects of developing lift using wings. … … … Oh, I forgot to respond to your question about taking two from five and leaving four. FIVE take away ‘F’ and take away ‘E’. This leaves only ‘IV’, the Roman numeral for ‘four’.

  • 7,817

    We needed to do this weeks ago! Move quickly!!!

  • 3,861
    Voted Yes

    If the Free World cannot help these people of Ukraine from an unprovoked Russian Invasion, What good is it to say we are The Leader of the Free World?

  • 257
    Voted Yes

    Send Ukraine all the weapons they are asking to get. Implement a no fly zone. Send in the US Marines to help.

  • 579

    Not only sending military equipment, also ending the war by neogations.  where both sides gets something.  press the end of this NATO -Biden war.

  • 54
    Voted Yes

    We can either support Ukraine now, or be force to deal with a bolder Putin later.

  • 404
    Voted Yes

    The US needs to send planes to Poland in exchange for Poland supplying MIGs to Ukrainian Air Force.  There is no way to stop Putin from using Nuclear arms other than what we have already done.  Putin, as well as all of the people who have to sign off and agree with him, will not use nuclear arms for the same reason today that he understood yesterday.  The use of nuclear arms in a war brings the destruction of earth and all its people.  This has always been the answer--nuclear arms among the nations keeps each nation from using them.  The US needs to step up the fight against Autocracy and support the war for Democracy.  The Republicans want an autocratic governent like Putin's Russia and the Democrats want the freedom to live as we please.  It is time to move on this war against Democracy that is being fought in Ukraine!

  • 35
    Voted Yes

    The West, including the USA should support Ukraine with all the military aid they need including a no fly zone. We cannot allow Ukraine to lose this war.

  • 1,186
    Voted Yes

    Now is a perect time to accept Sweden and Finland into NATO.

  • 41.9k
    Voted Yes

    The only way to stop Putin’s war and remove the threat that he represents to Ukraine and the world is for Ukraine to decisively win the war with Russia and have Russian leaders agree to pay reparations from already impounded funds: funds to compensate families who have lost family members to Russian war crimes as well as funds to rebuild wantonly destroyed infrastructure. … … … 

    We need to cut through the bull crap and get all the weapons that Ukraine needs and wants into their hands before the clumsy Russian military can consolidate their forces in the Donbas region. The optimal time for Ukraine to strike is now and will be less effective once the Russian forces can fully consolidate. … … …

    Get Ukraine all that they need and want now. Let’s help Ukraine force the putin and his lawless military into a decisive and humbling loss - and end the threat these thugs pose to Ukraine and the world. 

  • 2,580

    Midterm Messaging: 1. If Trump were still president there likely would be neither a NATO or a NATO response. 2. After a year of whining, Trump announced the US withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council on June 19th 2018 Had Trump still been president, the pressure to remove Russia from council likely would have had to come from a European country. 3. Biden announced shortly after taking office that the US would rejoin the UN Human Rights Council, although Biden has yet to join the Convention on the Rights of the Child. (a bit of a mystery since now would be an optimal time to do so) 4. Rigorously and publicly questioning the effectiveness and adherence to vision/mission of international leadership often leads to international leadership stepping up: even if only to protect their own positions as powerbrokers. (Frank-001😉 ;) maybe, now you will forgive me for my insensitivity?)

  • 679

    They need all the help we can give them.

  • 113


  • 264

    I support this but I think the Ukrainians are being “catfished”, the US is slow walking the arms these people need to protect themselves. Weeks after the political “outrage”, they are still begging for arms from the West.

  • 446

    Where is all this money really going to that the United States is giving to Ukraine’s defense?

  • 21

    The greatest necessity is ending the war, not continuing the war through more ammunition. Encourage Zelensky to diplomatically negotiate an end to this war, the longer this war drags on the greater the chances of WWWIII.

  • 165

    Send in the Mig-29s. Ukraine’s Air Force will help prevent aerial bombing of civilian targets.

  • 3,405

    With the outright rape and murder/butcher of these people you should put an end to it right now!

  • 674

    Where is Dick and his mercenaries ?

  • 91

    Ukraine is repelling a Russian invasion with surprising success. They’re fighting for their freedom! The United States of America was born the same way. They deserve the right to self determination when making sacrifices on the battlefield like they have against the larger Russian armed forces. They also deserve our support because Russia has already lost this war and providing arms to Ukraine hastens that end.

  • 32

    Everyone has his or her theory as to why “Russia” invaded Ukraine. I support the civilians living in Ukraine because they’re unaware of Vladimir Putin’s intentions in regards to ‘this war.’ Had any Ukrainians visited Canada? One of my far fetched theories.