White House Walks Back Biden's Statement About U.S. Training for Ukrainian Troops in Poland

Do you think U.S. troops in Poland should provide formal training for Ukrainian troops?

  • 142

    Please help Ukraine in anyway we can. We don’t want a 20 year war here.

  • 1,219

    Putin is a baby killing terrorist that must be dealt with.

  • 69

    Stop being so afraid of Putin. Weak!

  • 1,219

    Close the southern border during this war, Arm Ukraine with everything.

  • 99

    When the media choose words like “walk back” versus just reporting the WH reiteration of our actual national strategy regarding Putin, it shows what harpies they can be. I loved that Biden did not back off his personal viewpoint when asked again. Putin, like Trump, does not need an excuse to commit ongoing, egregious crimes. Have we learned nothing? Two comments is the best of both worlds.

  • 8,082

    I hope Ukraine take it to Putin front door! US need to start sanction China and India for their support of Russia invasion of Ukraine!

  • 3,719

    NATO doesn't mean much if it doesn't do something real to help against aggressive Soviet-era expansion.

  • 1,020

    Why not? These people need our help.

  • 303

    This is a difficult question to answer, isn’t it late to do this? They are in a war now? Too late everything this president is done Joe Biden has been too late and wrong. Everything that he is projecting in wanting to give to America it’s not the way we want to go. The American people do not like what he is doing. He has failed at everything. You never ever use your oil reserves. When that’s gone what are you do then? How ignorant and stupid can you possibly be. We can have our own oil but the stupid president will not allow that to happen. So now you’re using our supply of oil, to reduce the price $.35 who the hell does he think he’s kidding how long will that last. I have never in my life ever seen a dumber president and all of his representatives be so stupid. And you are angering the American people with your stupidity. And why can’t he answer questions? Because he has no real answers ,We are a failing country with a failing government

  • 42.0k

    What Causes and some media outlets refer to ‘walk-backs’, I refer to as ‘clarifications’. Very few comments taken out of context deserve to be absolutely interpreted as this or that. Of course, US troops are explaining how to operate, interpret and repair complex weapon systems that we are providing Ukraine. Like an apprentice who has read all the manuals and has the basic skills, advice from experienced practitioners is needed for them to become fully proficient in the safe use and application of complex tools. That is what the US can and should provide along with the weapon systems that they are providing - Kind of a crash-course apprenticeship program. … … … The fact that some chose to interpret Biden’s comments with their own aspirations or fears is on them. Clarification was needed. … … … Beyond that, there is little reason why the NATO alliance cannot use the same methods that the Putin has used in countries he has invaded. In these cases, there was the phenomenon of what was referred to as the ‘little green men’; Supposedly unaffiliated Russians that stirred unrest and probably scouted targets. … … … I wonder why NATO cannot provide a core of unaffiliated ‘little blue men’ to help Ukrainians. … … … Just as it is ‘right’ to avoid getting into a world war, it is ‘wrong’ to be overly afraid of the Putin and ‘wrong’ to let him control the agenda. The Putin must not be permitted to simply take over Ukraine. If he is successful, it will be difficult to prevent him from rebuilding the Soviet Union. … … … So yes, support Ukraine in any way practicable short of having NATO forces on direct military contact with Russian forces. If this includes tactical and strategic advice and training, so be it. If it involves ‘selling’ weapon systems, including aircraft to Ukraine, it is little different than Russia buying supplies and weapons from the world market or getting help from China, Bellaruse, or Brazil.

  • 404

    No! We should not engage in war in any form or fashion. Ukrainians aren’t idiots. They can train their own military. The only reason the war machine wants to do this is to funnel money for it! It’s only for profit, not for peace.

  • 3,405

    Or you could give them the no-fly zone. There is not much left there to protect. The people have fled. Their homes and businesses are in rubble. What do you think we should do for them? Pray?

  • 162

    Whatever NATO can do to help Ukraine should be done, give them the Polish MiGs, and cruise missiles so they can carry the fight to the russian criminals!

  • 1,069

    The Ukrainian military is being provided some advanced weaponry to use in this war. That equipment will not perform to intended function level without training on how to use it! We should be helping them get trained and ready to fight.

  • 921
    Robert J.

    Do they need it? They seem to be good at training the Russian Army...

  • 221

    We need to help them.

  • 2,934

    Help them with our experience and expertise

  • 303

    It’s a difficult question to answer. I really don’t know the answer. I think it’s too late to do anything it should’ve been done a long time ago when Putin was moving his army to the Ukraine even before that. It seems to me that Joe Biden is always late and uninformed and blames everything on everybody else but himself. He’s a failure at everything he has done in our country with all of his mandates. What he did in Afghanistan was a disaster. I could’ve done a better job than he did you never send the troops home first, leave all the military equipment there which was billions of dollars. Do not empty your embassy before you leave and get the American people out of there, gave up the best airport for a week one. He never even mentions it anymore. I don’t think he can even think for himself. And now with the Ukraine another disaster. Wait too late Joe Biden. I don’t know who’s telling you to do what in your administration but I gotta tell you this much they’re leading you down the wrong path. You have done nothing since the first day you became president but tear everything apart.

  • 23

    Not U.S. troops

  • 817

    Let Ukrane take care of them selves. This Idiot administration is dysfunctional and don't know shit from puddy.He needs to be removed per 25 amendment at once the damage he has caused is out of hand.