What's a No-Fly Zone and Why Do the U.S. & NATO Oppose One Over Ukraine?

Should the U.S. & NATO impose a no-fly zone to prevent Russia from launching airstrikes on Ukraine?

  • 1,214

    Putin is a baby killing terrorist that thinks like a dog with rabies who must be put down.

  • 78

    In politics, one should never say never. Biden made a mistake publicly saying the US will never commit ground troops in this war. The US should follow Europe’s lead. This is Europe’s war, not ours. The US should not be leading anything in this war, but should be ready to support whatever Europe decides to do. The UN needs be disbanded, it is the only way to remove Russia from the security council. The UN charter does not have a remedy to remove a county like Russia. Under the current UN charter, the UN does not work anymore. (If it ever did) The world has changed greatly since WW2. The UN charter has not. I really believe we have seen the start of WW3. NATO will be tested soon and it remains to be seen if it’s a paper Tiger or not.

  • 184

    Yes they should fully consider doing a no fly sound or they wind up with January 6 Congressman and women that were on a former President Trump side will try to use excuse,in those whom condemn Biden for not doing so they will have the victory if we do not impose a no-fly zone those evil Erode. our democracy

  • 363

    As much as this pains me the reason I am against a no-fly zone is that it would be a declaration of war against Russia which has nuclear weapons. The chance that Nuclear weapons could be used is too horrible to even imagine.

  • 674

    It is an offensive maneuver

  • 36

    We draw the red line not Putin. America doesn’t let innocents get bombed. What do we stand for? We watched Putin do this for 20 years and stood by and did nothing. Makes me think how much money he’s put into our politicians pockets. If they attack one of our fighters defending against a genocide that fighter will pay the ultimate price. But we decide how things will go down. Not Putin. Send our planes and tell the Russians good luck finding them

  • 3,863

    The United States must leave all options open, depending on how this war plays out we must be flexible.

  • 3,405

    Yes! By all means, do it now so we can save that very last building that is standing in Kiev. All the Churches, schools, hospitals, apartment buildings are gone now!

  • 40

    A no-fly zone is not another way to declare war. Not declaring a no fly zone is buying the kremlin time and it makes us look like handwringing, pearl grabbing, idiots incapable of decisive action

  • 3,405

    The Ukrainians have so little left now. The Russians are weak, Putin is nutz, why didn't you do it sooner to preserve some of their infrastructure? Don't give me that WWIII crap. If the Russian are weak and Putin is nutz, it really shouldn't take long to clean them out. So much wasted.

  • 2,934

    Too great a chance Russia will overreact

  • 255

    There should be a no fly zone over NATO countries, but no military action unless the Russians strike these countries.

  • 992

    While i strongly support providingvsupport for Ukraine, I believe that implementing a “no fly zone@ against Russian aircraft is too likely to escape military action between the U.S. and Russia. Consequently, I don’t believe that it is an option to consider at this point.

  • 41

    Ukraine is not part of NATO and Russia is not at war with the US. I think we should stay out of the conflict and avoid escalatory actions.

  • 2,215

    ONLY once the Russian forces impact NATO nationals directly in a NATO country. Acting in UKRAINE airspace now would put NATO forces in direct combat against Russian air, which could trigger WWIII and a nuclear exchange sufficient to end life on earth.

  • 113


  • 1,479

    Ya ya we got it, but isn’t there some covert thing we can do? Would Russia or China just let it go and chalk it up to following the rules? How can we allow another nation of human beings to be annihilated by this tyrant for nothing but pure “I want”. It just boils my blood to think we and all of NATO can’t do something?! Maybe not act as NATO but as humans and once and for all hit the bastard. How many babies have to die? We’ve seen the heart of the man in Syria, Crimea, in his own country, and with what he does to opponents and those lucky enough to escape…time to use all those years of covert operations. Evil cannot win!

  • 204

    As I have said before, I usually choose peaceful solutions. Putin is threading nuclear actions if we prevent him from bombing civilians and non military structures, these are war crimes. Give Ukraine the aid it needs now, or loose Europe, he will continue to explain the necessity to invade Poland, Rumania………

  • 706

    It's time to punch the bully in the mouth and it becomes more likely by the day that we will get involved as millions flee their homeland and untold number of others are already dead. "Special military operations", as Putin continues to refer to his war, do not target civilians, hospitals and schools. With the number of missiles he's fired and bombs dropped so far there isn't much left of Ukraine. Meanwhile, the world sits idly by. I'm becoming more comfortable with the idea that Putin's big bluff to fire nukes is just that. It isn't like he has a fob in his pocket to launch missiles, it would take the participation of others who would probably decline to act since it would surely end their lives and those of their families. Did Sadaam Hussein and his vaunted Republican Guard vaporize US and allied forces in Desert Storm creating hundreds of thousands of casualties? Quite the contrary. They turned tail and ran as our forces blew the Russian equipment they'd procured from the sky and the ground. The only difference here is that their is the nuclear option and the fact Putin is recruiting foreigners to fight I think demonstrates his desperation. He envisioned an Operation Desert Storm yet his mighty military struggles, resorting to turning their weapons on unarmed women and children. He isn't brave nor tough as his KGB resume would suggest - just a bully. Time to confront him and we'll see how quickly the rats abandon his ship.

  • 41.9k

    I support getting all of the logistics in place to get the MIG fighters into Ukraine should they ultimately be needed. Yes, the Putin like the trump, is a risk taker without a well thought out plan or really any clear end-game for Ukraine. I suspect these planes would have already made it into Ukraine if the Polish had not tried to publicly push the issue by giving the planes to the US in Germany in order to get them to Ukraine. Their action put the US and NATO directly into the conflict and gave Putin the excuse to keep going through eastern NATO countries. … … … That being said, Putin cannot be allowed to succeed in his conquest of Ukraine for several reasons. First, if successful he will not stop and will continue his and Mendelev’s quest to rebuild the Soviet Union. Secondly, if successful, he will have shown other autocracies that Western Democracies cannot thwart autocracies willing to use their might-makes-right brutal assault on civilian populations to take over the territories of anyone that they want to. … … … The very idea and ideal of a democratic world governance, with rules and norms that all will abide by, is at risk. Putin cannot be allowed to succeed. If weapons, offensive and defensive missile batteries, body armor and secure communication devices given to the proud Ukrainians are insufficient, the world of nations must take on the risk of shutting the Putin down. The next step would be getting capable air cover by quietly getting fighter jets into Ukrainian hands. … … … It was very unfortunate that mobile land based artillery was not provided to Ukraine. The stalled column of Russian trucks, tanks, fuel and other supplies would have suffered greatly. They are still vulnerable to artillery fire as the unpaved ground is becoming more difficult to traverse with heavy mobile military resources. If the financial sanctions and mounting number of Russian body bags being sent back are not enough to stop Putin, NATO may have to get involved after the Russian military machine and fossil fuel industry is starved of spare parts to keep each running. … … … I fully support Biden’s and NATO’s actions to date. And, getting more lethal weaponry and defensive weaponry into the hands of the Ukrainians. I support quietly getting the polish jets and Ukrainian pilots and ground crews ready for transfer to a Ukrainian site if the added weaponry proves to be insufficient. I support other actions, including direct NATO involvement to prevent the outright conquest of Ukraine and the horrendous police state that Russia would have to impose to hold the Country. … … … The Putin cannot be allowed to succeed in Ukraine. The long term risks outweigh the short term risks of letting him get away with his war crimes in order to satisfy his ego and dream of restoring the Soviet Union.