Congress Looks to Avoid Gov’t Shutdown, Possibly Consider Ukraine Aid Package

How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?

  • 947

    There is way too much spending for things that are not necessary to survive, yes I said to survive as a nation. Inflation hurts everyone and spending more just makes the US dollar worth less. Where are the funds to stop illegal immigrants from crossing the southern borders. This administration is breaking the immigration laws and have enriched their friend by shipping the illegals to various locations in this great nation infer the vail of labor needed, It is people like the Ukraine’s that are leaving their country that should be allowed in as immigrants fleeing political persecution and just some Tom,Dick and Harry to walk across our borders. Where are the Federal judges when you need one?

  • 1,007

    This information is old. Both houses of congress has already approved a budget for 2022 and it is moving on for the Presidents signature as far as I can tell. Unless my info is wrong. If it is someone should comment and send me an update.

  • 90

    No Ukraine package. Not funding Hunter Bidens crack addiction!

  • 947

    As usual there is more pork in this bill with no justification. Is everyone in the House hubris? Heaven forbid if the leadership doesn’t change soon.

  • 373

    @Michael 777, Democratic's=construct Gop/gqp deconstruct & obstruct Like driving a car, dems forward GOP backwards

  • 50

    Why are we sending financial aid to Ukraine? Can’t we just send them “thoughts and prayers” like when our kids get shot up in schools?

  • 1,252

    jimK trying to out trick Barr

  • 2,580

    If you believe the market is “too fragile” to bear the impact of reducing Wall Street’s 9T dollar balance sheet that has corporate profit margins and inflation soaring to new heights. Please think again! “The top 30 companies in the major industry categories of the consumer price index have raised prices while collectively boosting their profits by $151 billion, according to the liberal watchdog group Accountable.US, which compared the firms’ latest yearly and quarterly earnings reports with the previous year’s filings.  The companies also bought back an additional $28 billion of their own shares, a strategy to boost the stock price, which also happens to boost executive compensation.  “These companies would have consumers believe they marked up prices just to keep up with outside costs, but the tens of billions in extra profits and generous giveaways to investors last year show otherwise,” Accountable.US President Kyle Herrig said in a statement.” If either the Biden administration or our septuagenarian legislative leadership truly cared about rising inflation, then why are they in such an almighty rush to increase corporate dollars at every available opportunity? Bad news… Republicans care even less.

  • 1,085

    The week of March 7, 2022, has truly been the most productive week for the 117th Congress so far: Finally making lynching a hate crime, the largest reform of the US Postal Service ever that will save billions of tax dollars, a historic budget agreement that includes Ukraine aid, and an actual reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act! All of this passed in just one week! Democrats deliver results, while Republicans only delay and obstruct. This is news truly worth celebrating!

  • 50

    Am I the only one seeing parallels with Ukraine to our involvement in Vietnam? American foreign policy after World War II had been based on the goal of containing Communism and the assumptions of the so-called "domino theory”—that if one country fell to Communism, the surrounding countries would fall, like dominoes. The Eisenhower administration was concerned that if Vietnam fell under Communist control, other Southeast Asian and Pacific nations, including even the Philippines, would fall one by one. In response to that threat, the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) was formed in 1955 to prevent Communist expansion. President Eisenhower sent economic aid to the government of South Vietnam. That was the beginning.

  • 2,580

    A note and hope of happier times ahead. As many here on Countable/Causes are aware I live in ground zero of the right-wing militia. It is so bad where I live that for awhile I avoided using Causes because of threats I was receiving. Recently, I changed my Causes address to family property in Congressional District 2, where I do spend part of the year… and to avoid any blow black from Boebert’s militia and radicals. However, today for the first time in 5 very long years there is talk around town and all along the western slope that Colorado might not be as friendly of an insurrection Homebase as it was believed to be. Why? What changed? It is very simple, with the arrest of Tina Peters for allowing the hard drives of voting machines to be imaged by people without clearance… those who are considering similar actions are considering the consequences and deciding where they might want to relocate. I do not know why Merrick Garland refuses to protect America the same as Jena Griswold has worked so tirelessly to do for Colorado. But, Garland should learn from Griswold that standing up for the rule of law is an effective antidote to right-wing attacks on every American’s freedoms and our democracy.

  • 46

    We should investigate the allegations of human trafficking and possible ties to US before giving any aid. If evidence is found, place sanctions on Ukraine and incarcerate anyone in US 🇺🇸 involved. Including the powers that be.

  • 947

    Where is the money in the budget for securing our borders.

  • 22

    We need to take care of America first. All our tax money going to other countries while we here in America are suffering from Bidens decisions can no longer be tolerated

  • 2,934

    More examples of how republicans can’t govern

  • 184

    Congress into all of Congress both houses January 6 was a taste of what could happen and this is a clear and present danger you see as in Russia protein and as he targeted maternity awards and other innocent victims innocent babies kids families wiped out for generations in one swoop this is a reminder of January 6 what could have been beyond our control And you thought it would never happen to such a great nation as ours look what could happen as in Russia could happen very much here,don’t allow this to happen in the future as well all world stage leaders needs to step it up and charge Putin for what it is a war crime war cry and beyond imagination and we may be next again on a different level if you allow President Trump former to run once again or his rhetoric to continue to deteriorate and he wrote our democracy and all that’s holy and consecrated in our nation and all our hard work and those before their hard work of this nation to be united now let’s bring about peace in this nation and equality for all…………

  • 22

    We shouldn’t send any money to any other country! When there are plenty of things we could spend it on here like our veterans.

  • 50

    Although I fully sympathize with the struggles of Ukraine, there are so many issues here at home that demand our attention and support.

  • 872

    One more time this congress has decided to spend trillions of dollars for what? What happened to the proposal that before a spending plan was to be signed it would be put on line for all to see? That disappeared real quick. From what I have been able to find out, this is a totally democratic spending plan without Republican input. Not they will have a few days to read and understand over 2700 pages of spending. And this will not increase inflation? What about restarting the American oil industry that has been shut down and will remain so to push their “new green deal”? It’s mind over matter, they don’t mind because we don’t matter. Oil does more that produce gas…look it up…just what does a barrel of oil produce…educate yourselves before you want to stop fossil fuel.

  • 53.8k

    Just great! Thanks John S. Another TX Gov. abbortt (sp?) in North Carolina. Another dead dick. Thanks for your service, but you're not the privileged little white shit who you think you are. Like abbortt, your brain appears to reside in your dead ass, what little there is. From CBS .... "North Carolina Congressman Madison Cawthorn charged for driving with revoked license in third recent traffic offense" ... This goes to you too, my Reps.