Biden Admin Balks at Banning Russian Oil Imports Amid Putin's Invasion of Ukraine

Do you support or oppose the Biden admin not banning Russian energy imports?

  • 89

    After I weighed in on this topic, I saw that only 16% support the Biden administration's stance on Russian oil imports! Even a cursory attempt to research the logic behind Biden's strategy will reveal its wisdom. Keeping America safe is Biden's duty, and he's doing a masterful job of it!

  • 142

    Biden wouldn’t know what day if the week it is or who’s at war with whom!! Most inept, incompetent, and corruptly “elected” president ever!! Go Brandon!!

  • 3,808

    Ban ALL fossil fuels as soon as it is realistically possible, and make that transition your primary focus to make it possible right now!!

  • 2,934

    OBE as he did

  • 22

    Representatives need to insist Biden open our pipelines back up and make us energy independent again.

  • 22

    We must start up the keystone pipeline. It will be a start to getting back to where we were a year ago

  • 22

    Biden continuing to buy oil from Russia is ridiculously in effect fighting against America’s own efforts to aid Ukraine and ally’s battle Russia. That’s right. It makes zero sense at all! The best option for the American people would be to reopen the oil pipelines Biden closed, tap the boundless resources here in our own nation, and make the USA energy independent once again. It’s ignorant and bad management of money and resources to purchase a product from other countries when we have energy sources in the United States. Why not help our economy, sell to other nations, and know our products are sourced as environmentally sound?

  • 805

    Hooray for Biden for implementing A ban on Russian oil. F Putin. Enjoy the 1700s Mr. Putin I hope your population takes it out on your hide you psychopathic murderer.

  • 58.7k

    Looks like the import ban is going to happen. I don't want to hear anyone complain about how Biden did this on his own; he was pushed politically from both sides. If you don't like it, call your representatives.

  • 25

    The Russians supply about 6% of our oil, right? Strengthen the sanctions, help Ukraine, don't buy Russian oil. Also, it's a great opportunity for the US to learn to do with less petroleum. Why don't we cut back on plastics production by 6% while we're at it.

  • 21

    I support banning Russian oil imports.

  • 53

    Ban it already and stop talking about it . While you’re at it pass a bill that stops these gas moguls from hiking the prices for consumers. There is absolutely no reason for a company to have a 98% profit margin! Use your brains . This is common sense ! And also holds true with inflation in other segments . STOP allowing multi billion $ companies from robbing the working people to line their own pockets . ITS COMMON SENSE ! Obviously these people have zero humanity look at how they hiked prices in the middle of a pandemic capitalizing on humans suffering . STOP asking them politely and FORCE them to do the right thing

  • 57
    Mary Ann

    If Russia is not stopped, all of Europe is next. Putin is hell bent on destroying democratic Europe and the United States

  • 882

    We have more oil and natural gas than Russia. Our natural gas is much cleaner. Send a message to Russia and stop buying oil from Russia. Let’s be energy independent!

  • 21

    Fuck war, let's make love and some money with cuz it's the best gambling platform in the world

  • 1,048

    The Biden Administration is going to take heat for its prior failed energy decisions, so they need to hear from the American people very clearly about the path they are on. At some point politicians need to do what the people want and face the music come elections for failed stretegy. The people/voters will equate the increased energy costs at the pump as a result of Democrat priorities. If the Administration cannot find a way to relax their year old policy and new regulations which limit oil, gas development then a new Congress may speak more loudly than the current one

  • 663

    All of Biden’s tough talk during his state of the union was really nothing more than empty hollow words if we keep funding Russia’s war effort.

  • 5,140

    Russia Threatens to Cut Natural Gas Flows to Europe Via Nord Stream 1 Call their bluff! Who are they going to sell it to? China? How are they going to transport it? And the chinese will happily take it for nothing with deferred payments.

  • 5,140

    An 8% reduction in oil supply does not drive the price from $70 (which was overstated to begin with) to $300 plus per barrel!? Congress do your job or resign Hang those oil tycoons and ceos for such traitorous actions This is absolute nonsense We have been watching the whimsical price gouging by corporations beyond sensible & logical levels using all forms of excuses Shipping lines have made more billions last year than the last 10 years combined There will be a day of reckoning You may not have many clients after all of this is over Greed has no limits

  • 283

    It’s time to shut off the tap of oil from Pukin Russia!