How to Honor Women’s History Month

Do you do something to honor women’s history month?

  • 41.9k

    I ask again: When will the ERA finally get ratified? … … … I mean, with ratification of the ERA, it would be much less likely that the conservative activists on the Supreme Court could promote the Federalist Society’s idealogical goal to ‘scale-back’ women’s rights to choose, rights to be protected from domestic abuse, and rights to demand equal pay for equal work. … … … Once women are forced to assume their conservative role models of being Stepford Wives and proper Handmaidens their right to vote can be repealed altogether since their votes would then simply become a redundant echo of their man’s vote.

  • 26.0k
    Voted Happy

    As ever, I steadfastly support Choice, Equal Pay and the Equal Rights Amendment. (The first version of an ERA was written by Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman and introduced in Congress in December 1923. I undoubtedly supported the ERA in my last incarnation, too. :-} ) The best way I can think of to honor Women’s History Month is doing things like reading and watching articles and shows exploring women’s accomplishments. Examples: Famous Firsts in Women’s History | HISTORY Amazing Achievements by Women in the Last 50 Years — Best Life Women’s History Milestones: A Timeline | HISTORY Decade by Decade: Major Events in Women's History | History| Smithsonian Magazine If I see some of interest on a Streaming Service, I'll post it.

  • 45.0k

    In my small way …. Support 1) Women’s right to choose. 2) Equal pay. 3) And vote the Republican Taliban out in Nov!

  • 26.0k
    Voted Happy

    @Joanne said "Why I exist! Nuff said." 👍🥰 Yep! To Existence! To Life! L'Chaim!

  • 33

    How do I block JimK so I don’t have to see his terrible opinion on every post?

  • 3,571

    "The difference is, you have nine people who sit on the highest court in the land, who are there for life, and it requires a level of review and scrutiny that is in line with the position," Murkowski told CNN. "So yeah, this is a different game." Sounds Murky. Where were you when Brett & Amy were being confirmed. Wasn’t difficult? They (especially Brett) had significant skeletons in their closets but you pushed them through.

  • 1,479

    Remember your daughters!

  • 7,880

    Not enough to honor the sacrifice women make. It is better than nothing, but more is needed! Women are the other haft of Society. The backbone, humanity, morality and entrepreneur of the world!

  • 373

    As a women I'm naturally inclined to do something everyday of the year. It's within me, it is me, it is all around me; respect & integrity I stand with both hands Placed on my hips Full round hips Swaying and playing With the rhythm of my stride Ageless feminine femininity  Bouncing and trouncing Forever to confide I flaunt I taunt You will never take away A lady is a lady Until her dying day My womaness ouces  from my pores Or even can stick like glue On the back of your shoe I delight with the essence I cherish the creation My female has nothing to do with you We bear sweetly sore We bore We bare It is inside worn Whatever age size or color No patent on the form A compliment oh yes We do enhance Not a misplaced tandem Our very ribs were placed proud We are never merely random

  • 310

    They need more than one month. Without them we can’t exist.

  • 603

    When is national mens day? And why don't we celebrate white history month ? And why no hwc's? Why can't a white woman enter in Miss Black America beauty contest but a black woman can enter in Miss America pagent?

  • 7,976

    So, Why do we celebrate Women’s History Month? The goal of Women’s History Month is to highlight the achievements and contributions made by a variety of women in a variety of fields, because the vast majority of US history that is documented celebrates the accomplishments of white men! Throughout time, women have played a vital role in U.S. history. Therefore, Women’s History Month seeks to give credit where credit is due and recognize the women who have changed the world in so many different ways.

  • 17.0k

    Why I exist! Nuff said.👍🥰

  • 666

    I wonder if discussion of Women in History is allowed in Florida schools this month, or ever, since it’s apt to make the male students uncomfortable. We wouldn’t want to do that now, would we DeSantis?

  • 863

    Everybody whining about Rights. We live in the Most Free Nation on Earth and you would think we are in Hell if you go by all the whining you hear and see from our people.

  • 142

    I love my mother, my wife, and my daughter, but I’m not a fan of these designations to “honor” a group or segment of the population for a specified period of time. We should strive to be kind & decent to others every day.

  • 666

    I celebrate, honor and respect women every day. They are far superior to men on every level.

  • 218

    I don’t need a month to honor what achievements I made in my life. I was employed in my career as a professional nurse for over 46 years. I don’t need a month to honor myself or any other female. My belief has always been the following; God helps those who help themselves. There is no color chart to go by, you don’t have to be black, brown, white or any other color. You don’t have to be “ woke” and make a big fuss that someone with colored skin actually made something of themselves. It is all a charade and actually very tiring. We need to stop “ honoring” all this fake made up hoopla and try being a better American. Let’s have a month where we honor our flag, our country and our history that makes this country so good.

  • 48.4k

    @targeted/triggered. I respect your loving your womanhood. I wish you could allow all people the same respect. You don't have to like or approve of trans or nonbinary people, but you don't have to say nasty things about these humans nor act as if they are lesser than you. Why can't we all be human beings who deserve respect, dignity, equity, and inclusion? Isn't that what a free country would be?

  • 1,128

    Women have always had to fight for our rights. We fought and won our right to VOTE. We had to fight to not be considered the property of a father or husband. We have had to fight so many battles but we will never give up fighting and we will fight and win to keep our right to our own Reproductive Freedom! Abortion is Healthcare!

  • 48.4k

    I try to celebrate women every day, but I'm always happy to hear more about the accomplishments of women during this month. It's time that we realize that American history IS women's history, black history, latin/hispanic history, LGBT history, Asian history, and disability history. I don't want to not have these special months of observation, but Americans are intersectional and so many different types of people have contributed to our short history. The sooner we do a better job of teaching and honoring these contributions, the more united and inclusive our country will be.

  • 1,927

    I thank my very smart and wise wife every day for being my very smart and wise wife, and for being crazy enough to grant me the honor of being her husband. Nothing about that changes for Women's History Month except that our history grows longer (and better).