Watch & Comment: President Joe Biden Delivers State of the Union Address

How do you feel about Biden’s speech?

  • 142

    Worst clown in office ever. Was not honestly elected either. Sham and a shut show this administration is. Go Brandon!!

  • 1,552

    Very good state of the union speech. Covered all bases for our country and laid out the need to assist Ukraine in a clear and concise way.

  • 78
    Kathy N Grant

    He did a great GREAT job!

  • 472

    What a bunch of crap! Nothing new same old same old! meanwhile gas is $4.00 Gal. food is outrageous if you can find what you want. And old sleep Joe is going to end up helping Putin put an end to Ukraine. I am so disappointed in our leaders they have no ability to do anything . This is the most gutless administration I can ever remember and it all started with Obama. Welcome to the New World I hope you like it and I hope this is what you wanted for your children!

  • 42.5k

    I was not able to listen to Biden’s State-of-the-Union address. I picked up some of the summaries later. Sounds like he did a great job, spoke to the people and not at them. So refreshing to have a President that actually says something with content and meaning instead of blubbering about how great he is . … … … I did catch a poll afterwards that really disturbed me. 64% said that inflation was more important than the Russian attack on Ukraine. The Russian attack on Ukraine is an attack on the concept of a western democracy. Ukraine has had their problems getting it to work properly. Greed in our country is currently screwing up our democracy, But Ukraine is trying to do ‘democracy’ the way it should be done - and that is the reason for Putin’s attack; the Ukrainian people are too close demographically and physically to Russians and pose a threat to the Russia’s autocratic kleptocracy. … … … Putin’s desire to put so many boots on the ground in order to eventually overwhelm the much less well equipped Ukrainian populace, firing anti-personnel cluster bombs into residential areas, violating Russian signed treaties with Ukraine and more - all of this is a threat to the world and to democracies everywhere. Once ‘might-makes-right’ becomes the norm there will be no international law or order beyond the biggest bully’s desires. … … … Inflation is a near term problem which will eventually work itself out. The sacrifice of established world order and threat to democratic government everywhere would be much harder and take much longer to self-correct, if it could be corrected. … … … I am disappointed in the poll results because it shows me that so much of our country is so focused on short term issues that they cannot even think of the long term issues that will destroy them. Just think if our earliest settlers were so focused on their summer food stock that they did not bother to store food for the hard winter which they knew would be coming. It they were so short term focused most of us would not be here today.

  • 310

    What can brain dead say?

  • 23

    What a traitorous, incompetent shell of a schill! Despicable Joe will destroy this country before the end of his first term, as our worst enemies line up to destroy America. I’ve never been more outraged, offended, ashamed of this country than in this year, and it’s only getting worse! The Biden/Harris ticket is the absolute worst governance I’ve ever been forced to endure or experience. God help us!

  • 3,405

    Joe Biden was outstanding. He is a man of his word and he is doing his job with dignity, honor and a historical experience that most do not have. Go Joe! You're just the guy we need!

  • 132

    Needed more actions on fighting inflation and dealing with climate change. Would liked to have heard a real push to eliminate dark money, which is one of the main causes of corruption in politics. Biden may not be the best orator, but it’s nice to hear someone who cares about the country when compared with the Putin-loving fascist that preceded him.

  • 3,948

    I thank jimK for posting his thoughts so that I can share them with you. Yesterday at 5:02 AM ··· I was not able to listen to Biden’s State-of-the-Union address. I picked up some of the summaries later. Sounds like he did a great job, spoke to the people and not at them. So refreshing to have a President that actually says something with content and meaning instead of blubbering about how great he is . … … … I did catch a poll afterwards that really disturbed me. 64% said that inflation was more important than the Russian attack on Ukraine. The Russian attack on Ukraine is an attack on the concept of a western democracy. Ukraine has had their problems getting it to work properly Greed in our country is currently screwing up our democracy, But Ukraine is trying to do ‘democracy’ the way it should be done - and that is the reason for Putin’s attack; the Ukrainian people are too close demographically and physically to Russians and pose a threat to the Russia’s autocratic kleptocracy. … … … Putin’s desire to put so many boots on the ground to eventually overwhelm the much less well equipped Ukrainian populace, firing anti-personnel cluster bombs into residential areas, violating Russian signed treaties with Ukraine and more - all of this is a threat to the world and to democracies everywhere. Once ‘might-makes-right’ becomes the norm there will be no international law or order beyond the biggest bully’s desires. … … … Inflation is a near term problem which will eventually work itself out. The sacrifice on established world order and threat to democratic government everywhere would be much harder and take much longer to self-correct if it could be corrected. … … … I am disappointed in the poll results because it shows me that so much of our country is so focused on short term issues that they cannot even think of the long term issues that will destroy them. Just think of our earliest settlers were so focused on their summer food stock that they did not bother to store food for the hard winter that they knew would be coming. It they were so short term focused most of us would not be here today.

  • 347

    BREAKING: in a court filing Wednesday night, the January 6 committee reported: “The Select Committee…has a good-faith basis for concluding that the President and members of his Campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States.” Via POLITICO.

  • 107

    He’s such a corporate tool.

  • 40

    The state of the union is sad right now and has been for almost 12 years. When people on both sides can’t accept and election be use their candidate of choice loss, that’s a sad day for democracy. When you have to riot in streets cause your candidate lost, sad. When you have to storm a capital because your candidate lost, sad. When both sides of the aisle would rather fight with each other and just vote against bills because the other side presented them, sad. When you tear up a SOtU address cause you don’t like the president, when you heckle a president during his SOTU address, your just sad and don’t deserve to be in office. When you support questioning if a president was born here, even though he has to prove it to run, with no proof other than someone said it, sad. We used to argue points and counter points, not scream and threaten eachother. We used to watch our government come together and pass laws that helped the workers achieve that American dream, not be spiteful babies because their party lost an election. We used to be able to debate things without attacking the person. Have conversations at dinner tables and be able to disagree with each other and still love and care for one another. We used to agree that hate groups and white supremacists were evil, not watch as elected officials spoke at their rallies and gatherings. This country is and has been falling apart and it’s not one party that is to blame. It’s both. It’s all of us. Period. I’ve had “friends” walk away and stop taking to me just because of who I voted for, or because I didn’t agree with them. It’s craziness. I have never done that to anyone I care about. Ever. I wouldn’t.

  • 3,039

    Exactly what was needed at this time. Biden seized the moment emotionally, psychologically and intellectually to unify and bring respect and dignity back to the office of President by leading

  • 706

    Good grief, anyone that found that uplifting or encouraging has some deeper issues. Among the many lies Joe read from the teleprompter, and there were many, was the credit he took for creating 6.5 million jobs. Created! If you believe that old illegit Joe created 500,000 new jobs per month since taking office, you are categorically delusional. And for the lefties that are screeching about the absence of Republicans from the carnival - where were you during 2016-2020 while Dimocrats were equally if not more disrespectful of an election outcome and presidency? Hypocrites.

  • 404

    I’m sure it was worthwhile… not.

  • 27.8k

    Validating @TheDarkSide's Comment: Jan. 6 Committee: Trump Broke Several Laws in Bid to Overturn Election - Rolling Stone

  • 27.8k

    Re: Boebert & Greene Heckling Two Trolls for Trumpism pandering to the deplorable souls on the Far Right. Reminded me of intoxicated teenaged girls. Whatever.

  • 2,580

    For all those who did not like Boebert’s outburst and would like to see her replaced. Sol Sandoval is running an impressive campaign to unseat Boebert, but she needs help to grow her base. Colorado Congressional District 3 is huge and it will take hundreds of volunteers to unseat Trumpian Lauren Boebert. Please consider helping to restore law and order to Colorado Congressional District 3 Lives of kids depend on a strong progressive lawmaker with a coherent vision of hope for working families in rural communities winning the primary election. And it would mean the world to me personally if my Countable/Causes community of friends were willing to help bring hope to my community.

  • 99

    I will continue to support and vote for Biden, but please can someone find him better speech writers? This speech should have been heavy with historical significance. More inspiring and everlasting. So much is on the line. There were many missed opportunities to make the case for democracy everywhere; and to summarize his historic domestic accomplishments since taking office. The only issue right now is inflation and that was 100% predictable when Trump did not act on COVID or focus on the middle class and infrastructure!