NATO Activates Response Force for First Time, U.S. & Allies Increase Defense Aid to Ukraine Amid Russia’s Invasion

Do you support the NATO Response Force’s activation & defense aid to Ukraine?

  • 42.2k

    It is getting close to the time when the Russian leaders will have to decide whether or not Putin remains in power. His risk taking is and will continue to cost the Russian Oligarchs, the Russian military and the Russian people dearly. Putin’s implicit threats to unleash nukes has got to terrify all of them. His days are numbered and while his successor is not likely to have different policies, they should be a hell of a lot less reckless. Let’s hope this happens sooner rather than later for the sake of the Ukrainian people. … … … A word of caution: Russia’s offer of a safe corridor for Ukrainians to get out the country opens the door for much more horrific actions by the Russians - such as leveling cities without regard for those left behind, Putin will claim it was their own fault that the Russian Army dispatched them, because they chose not to leave when they had the chance.

  • 27.8k
    Voted Yes

    Some help from Big Tech Twitter Post: @elonmusk, while you try to colonize Mars — Russia try to occupy Ukraine! While your rockets successfully land from space — Russian rockets attack Ukrainian civil people! We ask you to provide Ukraine with Starlink stations and to address sane Russians to stand,” Ukraine’s vice prime minister, Mykhailo Fedorov, said in a Twitter post. Federov is also the country's minister of digital transformation. Musk responded via Twitter “Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route,” Musk tweeted in response. “This comes as internet outages have been reported in parts of Ukraine amid the ongoing conflict.” “Musk says SpaceX Starlink satellite internet service activated in Ukraine amid Russian invasion -TheHill “Musk announced that the service was active on Twitter after a Ukrainian official asked for the billionaire to provide the technology on Saturday.” "Musk says Starlink active in Ukraine as Russian invasion disrupts internet -Reuters Musk says Starlink active in Ukraine amid Russian invasion - The Jerusalem Post

  • 8,811

    I think all the actions NATO has taken have led Russia to come to the negotiating table in Belarus. Putin thought this was going to be another Crimea. Putin puts out disinformation; Elon Musk keeps the internet up! Putin invades Ukraine; the Ukrainian people fight. Putin believes he can do whatever he likes; the NATO community takes out his knees. It is only a matter of time before Putin’s own people rebel. Keep up the resistance!!!

  • 27.8k
    Voted Yes

    The Ukrainian government has requested that Apple shut down the Russian App Store.

  • 3,907

    Rather dumb for news channels especially widely monitored cnn to get retired generals to live quarterback russian movements & mistakes! Why are we helping them correct mistakes? It kills people real time. Just shut up! On the contrary use your technology and knowledge to assist those being attacked to save lives.

  • 64

    Watching the news about the difficulty getting mig fighters from Poland to Ukraine. I can understand how flying them in could be twisted by Putin into an act of war. This may be a stupid question but why not fly the migs to the Polish/Ukraine border, land them on the road on the Polish side, drive them across the border on the road, hand them off to waiting Ukraine pilots who can then take off in them from the Ukrainian side….??

  • 1,530

    Support all aid to Ukraine and wish there was something else that we could do to crush the head of the snake once and for all.

  • 42

    It is too late for more sanctions, it is too late to be debating if we should cut off Russian oil. Putin does not care about the Russian economy or Russian people. Ukrainian cities are burning and elderly, women and children and caught in this Blitzkrieg. There is a humanitarian crisis happening right now and the US is doing a great job sitting back and watching Putin steamroll Europe. Stop the shelling of civilians, impose a No Fly Zone and pass Lend Lease. Because everyday that goes by from today is more needless civilian casualties that should have been stopped 2 weeks ago when Putin started this pointless and reckless war.

  • 72

    Please tell your colleagues especially Matt Rosendale that most of the German descendant’s ancestors are from Ukraine.

  • 23

    Gee, unless you want to be pushed around by totalitarian regimes currently behaving pugnaciously, I’d say it’s time free societies cooperate on resistance.

  • 62

    Absolutely! Any and all the Ukrainians need because who knows where it will stop in Europe!!

  • 201

    Stopping the Putin takeover of Ukraine is a world war, not just a Ukraine war, and you need to understand that. If he succeeds in Ukraine do you really think he will stop there? Take off your "rose-colored glasses" and look at his record. He has almost succeeded in his desire to seriously weaken the United States. . .time will tell if the ship of state can be righted. He has ignored non-aggression pacts right and left. His word cannot be trusted as he has proven time and again. He hates NATO and has made no secret of his feelings. Where will you draw the line if not here and now? The US must stand with our NATO allies.

  • 303

    It is difficult for me to believe that any other country that includes China would go along with Putin invading the Ukraine. For his own glory. I don’t understand why we are buying oil from Russia. When Joe Biden shut down our Keystone boil pipe line? All of our resources Joe Biden has taken away, to buy the same thing from other countries including coal. Why does Joe Biden care about other countries more than he does about America and the American people. It’s about time the world would stand up for what is right. Stop Putin. What if it was to happen here in America, and no one helped us. Imagine going through with the people in the Ukraine are going through and have to beg for help. Where is the humanity in this world. The caring of human life and freedom. I am extremely sorry that Joe Biden is our president anybody else would’ve done a better job than he is doing. His State of the Union address was outrageously stupid. And Nancy Pelosi behind him who stood up constantly to applaud I don’t know what the hell she was applauding. The prices for everything in America have skyrocketed. The Democratic Party doesn’t care they just wanna create more debt. I personally have had enough and anyone and everyone in America is getting tired of it. Things have never been so bad. In every direction. Joe Biden has not done anything good for our country America he’s even trying to take away our constitutional rights. and he wants to mandate everything to force Americans to do what he wants

  • 199

    Justice for All near or far!!

  • 198

    I believe This wouldn’t be happening to Ukrainian’s if the Trump administration and the Congressman who supported eliminating the INF Treaty (without producing proof of Russia’s violation of the Treaty). ( ) It appears to me that from the time then PRESIDENT Donald J Trump entered office to this day he is deaf, dumb and blind when it pertains to Putin. Question, would this war have happened to Ukrainian’s if the Trump administration and the Congressman who supported him wouldn’t have abolished the INF Treaty? I have always been bothered by the fact that Trump has NEVER denounce Putin from the moment he took the Office in 2017. Even with the world was watching him on a stage in Helsinki ( ) Donald J Trump instead chose to denounced the United States intelligence regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election, till the day Donald J Trump PRAISED Putin ( ) as a genius and savvy just a week ago. It appears to me that Trumps FEAR of Putin and REFUSAL to denounce him has emboldened Putin. And because of his blinds eye inactions in his term in office handed Putin the power but not the right to destroy a sovereign nation. Think before you vote about the persons character and their devotion to “selfless service” NOT “Self-Serving” (Trump) so we can respect their words and deeds. That is what government is suppose to stand for. It’s just bad news TRUMP didn’t have the decency to speak out against the only person he is AFRAID OF…ignorance is definitely bliss in his eyes. I am old school and believe that respect, honor and decorum are traits that should be mandatory in public settings to represent these United States.

  • 753

    Let’s send Putin’s Russia back to the Stone Age, they need to be in a place where they look at North Korea and think wow I wish we could live like that. That’s what they deserve under Putin they need to rise up and illuminate that asshole. The people of Russia have been ripped off and screwed for years by Putin and his minions they have all become billionaires of the backs of the Russian people. Smarten up Russians treat Putin just like Benito Mussolini.

  • 201

    If Russia blows up that nuclear power plant we can only hope the winds are blowing towards Russia and they get the blunt of the fallout!

  • 377

    Glory to Ukraine!

  • 2,934

    Needed and glad NATO is alive

  • 67

    if russia takes ukraine they ain't gonna stop there, does anybody remember hitler

  • 3,405

    Yes, now everyone is in and doing exactly what was intended when NATO was formed! Yippee, Skippy, this shouldn't take long now! Vlad looked bloated a couple days ago. Cardiac?

  • 3,405

    Everyone is doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing for the first time in a long time! Except Putin of course!

  • 47.8k

    Leslie, thanks for the info. On the way

  • 753

    It’s time to pull out all the stops and send Russia back 50 years. They should be worse off than North Korea, their leader Putin is nothing short of a deranged animal and he needs to be treated as so. It’s time to wreck they were economy totally.