U.S. & Allies Announce Sanctions on Russia for ‘Flagrant Violation of International Law’ in Eastern Ukraine

Do you support the new sanctions on Russia for its actions in eastern Ukraine?

  • 1,214

    Cripple Russia's economy until they hit Cubas level for the next 20 years.

  • 84

    I support sanctions AND more aid and weapons to Ukraine. Why not make them a member of NATO? Why not Putin has already shown he will not stop. He is already targeting citizens of Ukraine with cluster bombs. I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes to chemical warfare in Ukraine. He must be stopped. Sanctions alone won’t do it. Why mince around? Keep squeezing from all sides. If he launches nukes our world may end, but his will, too. Will his oligarchs allow that?

  • 3,405

    I would have started immediately! Putin is a stain on humanity and most people have known that for a long time. Now I just heard on the news that trump supports him 100%. Two of a kind I say!

  • 2,427

    Agree, Ronald. 😊❤️😊 NATO or not, Ukraine needs our real help, too!

  • 3,878

    I totally agree with larubia Voted Support last Tuesday ··· I support the Russian sanctions. It’s time that Causes rid itself of Russian bots (like Carina). I’ve had enough of Putin’s disinformation campaign designed to destroy our country. I want to add: The USA should act as the Leader of the Free World and consider the military assistance that is required. In 1940 Britain and France were not a member of NATO!

  • 304

    I support the sanctions, but the ideal way to curtail Putin would be to again make America Energy independent. That would lower the price of oil per barrel thus cutting off the ability to finance his crazy ambition of restoring the old Soviet Union! The United States would then be able to supply Europe with the natural gas they need to become independent of Russia's natural gas they need to not freeze! America produces the cleanest natural gas in the world!

  • 3,405

    Of course! Limit everything we can that will prevent them from butchering those innocent people over there.

  • 41.9k

    Good, the sanctions are needed - with more to come if they go after even more of their neighboring country’s territory. By definition, Russian troops crossed the border with heavy armament against the will of the sovereign government: invasion. Russia broke international law and could still do much more harm. Keep the sanction-bucket full of greater and greater sanctions and find a way to inform the Russian populace; they will suffer along with the oligarchs and they need to know why.

  • 88


  • 195

    Putin is a terrorist who must be stopped.

  • 1,582

    Yes, and we must support Europe with their energy needs, from Nuclear to wind and solar! Help them stop buying any energy from Russia and friends! We must must mine and process precious metals here in this country that we currently get from China 🇨🇳, this will help us reduce our dependence on China!

  • 41.9k

    Lots of hypocrisy from trumpublicans. Remember how they called everyone else socialists for wanting policies that will help people and the country. ‘Socialists’ in their context were an inference that US was becoming ‘socialistic’ like the ‘socialistic’ autocracies that represent countries like Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela. Ok, proper grammar is really not one of their strong suits. Now they are supporting and enabling Putin as he violates international law by taking over portions of another country by threat and decree. Make up your minds already: Do you now support ‘socialists’ that are socialistic autocracies or not. … … … The trump knew Russia’s plans, openly discussed letting Russia take over the Donbas region from the Ukraine and attempted multiple times to drop the US sanctions against Russia over it’s takeover of Crimea. The Democrats and the Republican Faction refused to drop the Russian sanctions. The trump threatened to veto the legislation to renew Russian sanctions but acquiesced when polling showed it would make him look bad. … … … That is real history and not the bullcrap ‘alternate reality’ being promoted in this country by Russian operatives and eagerly being used by morons like Tucker Carlson and the Republican Cult (No longer ‘just’ a faction) as fodder to politically discredit the Democratic Administration - even though they know how damaging reinforcing and endorsing ‘alternate realities’ are to a functional democracy. … … … The Republican Cult is trending toward an Oligarchic Autocracy just like Russia. … … … Damned socialists!

  • 120

    More. Harsher. Cut them off from their money, stop buying anything from them, and don’t sell anything to them. Period.

  • 310

    This is how we support. Turn our oil back on and flood Europe with cheap gas and break Russia.

  • 162

    I believe it's a start, but I think it is not enough, they should be pushed to the max, even though they will also hurt NATO countries, better have pain now, later it will only be worse!

  • 718

    Absolutely. I’m afraid this response should have been implemented at least a year ago. We should never have dealt with Putin by letting him lead! He’s a bully and had all his training in the KGB. He wants his legacy to be reestablishing the USSR. Each time we have a weak Democrat in office, Putin takes more. There’s no stopping him now. Sanctions will hurt Russian citizens, but he doesn’t care.

  • 1,386

    I'd like to know what it would take to obliterate the Russian military.

  • 48.1k

    We must do everything we can to punish Russia, including its people, for this violation of international law. It's time for change in Russia, and maybe if we hurt them enough the people will step up and cause that change. It's too bad we might feel some pain from this, but it's also time that we change where we get our resources from.

  • 1,092

    sanctions really dont work and its the people that suffer from it not those in charge but right now its seem a better choice than sending our military and starting www 3

  • 1,020

    The US needs to stay in step with NATO, not on its own.