Biden Speaks on Russia-Ukraine Crisis, Senators Send Bipartisan Message of Solidarity to Ukraine & Warning to Putin

Do you agree with Biden’s remarks and bipartisan senators’ message?

  • 41.9k

    Biden has overall been doing a great job. His leadership has been crucial in consolidating allied nations to unify in their commitment to severely punish Russia if they choose invade Ukraine. His use of intelligence to preempt any false flag or other manufactured excuse has helped to box Putin in. Biden has re-unified the NATO alliance and our congressional resolve as well as serving clear notice of the consequences to Russia if they choose to invade. He has put the Russian chess player in check more than once without having to launch devastating Russian sanctions that would also impact the world economy somewhat as well. … … … The economy is growing, unemployment is at record lows and there has been substantial wage growth. We got out of Afghanistan after twenty years of the first ever un-budgeted foreign war in our country’s history and did so without dishonoring US commitments made by the former administration. He cut child poverty to new lows, took care of the people needing support due to the trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic and the Republican Cult’s continual denial of the problem, got vaccines manufactured and distributed for all Americans ahead of the rest of the the world and saw a path for our country to finally address the Climate Crisis and to profit from doing so. … … … Biden did all of these things with unprecedented Republican obstruction and their peddling of willful disinformation that is their ‘alternate reality’ and spewed by their right wing entertainment news propaganda outlets. They have no agenda, no platform beyond ‘winning’ unearned political influence - and the only thing that they spend their time on is finding ways to discredit their opponents for political advantage and finding new ways to politically control the outcome of elections to favor ‘winning’ at any cost. It is truly a shame that they are not interested in the needs of the people other than than those able to buy political favor to enrich the cult. … … … Biden’s ability to form a cabinet, get a government office, and get security briefings was held up for three months by the trump and the Republican Cult. The Republican Cult Senate has been slow walking confirmation of Biden nominees into critical government positions. I believe that they have set a record or soon will for the longest confirmation process in history. … … … Yet, Biden has barely complained publicly about the travesty that the Republican Cult has become, nor the tragic loss of support for voting rights and the build back better program due to big money’s investment in Manchin and Sinema to submarine these much needed packages. They tentatively supported various embodiments of these programs until it was time to vote for them (out of the playbook for Republican Cult obstructionism to rope-a-dope things by pretending to negotiate until it is time to vote). … … … Objectively, the Biden administration has accomplished a great deal in a short period of time with a heavy obstructionist headwind, needed repair of many government institutions left devastated in the trump’s wake, a continued pandemic, political ‘alternate reality’ activists convincing many to not get vaccinated to keep enough people ill or dying for political advantage (our country with the first mass produced widely available quality vaccines has the lowest vaccination rate of any industrialized nation). Biden has only fallen short on getting the widely supported Build Back Better program and repair of voting rights legislation passed due to big money funded sabotage of the couple votes needed to get these needed programs past the Republican Cult - who would rather let people suffer than let the Democrats get the credit for passing these popular and needed packages. … … … Big money interests do not like Biden because they will eventually actually have to pay more reasonable taxes. Most of the bad-mouthing of Biden comes from the Republican Cult whose benefactors represent big money and directly from big money ‘investments’ to discredit the Biden administration by gumming up the works. The economy is booming and the worldwide problem of inflationary problems due to pent up demand and broken supply chains cannot be attributed to Biden. Even with the recent spike in inflation, the overall wage growth in this country is exceeding the inflation rate, and that has resulted in a $120 billion surplus due to increased tax revenues. … … … The US is critically dependent upon international supply chains ever since we allowed ‘free market’ capitalism free reign to conglomerate, use economies of scale to cut prices and focus on ‘just-in-time’ manufacturing - which is very efficient when everything is ‘normal’ and there are no global events to disrupt the processes. While very efficient, these dependancies are not at all robust and rebuilding damaged supply chains has led to much of the earliest inflationary pressures. Wage growth contributes as well. But neither of these pressures on a economy which is rebuilding are the most significant. To see what is causing the major inflationary pressure all you have to do is ‘follow the money’. … … … Much of the international supply chains are dominated by large conglomerates of already large corporations with common interests. For example, in this country commercial meat is dominated by a small number of corporations. They, and other large conglomerates, are making record profits because they can control the pricing of their products distributed to and from other countries. The large transnational shipping industry is also making record profits. This is not capitalism in action because these ‘collectives’ have no meaningful competition and therefore no pressure to reduce their profits and absorb the costs that they would have to if they were actually competing. Further, big money interests would like you to believe that this inflation is Biden’s fault. Excessive profitability at the expense of boosting inflationary pressure is in big money’s interest - to prevent the US from requiring them to pay normal taxes. … … … I lived in suburban DC when Carter was initiating numerous programs for renewable energy (the basic design of wind turbines was developed by the government and mirrored in all of the wind farms today), as well as improved photovoltaic technology (also developed Federal programs that underpins the solar farms around the country), as well as biofuels and some technology for hydrogen fueled vehicles. The big oil industry did not want these initiatives to succeed and gasoline became in short supply for consumers in DC and suburbs - kind of a band extending around fifty miles in all directions from DC. The following year I moved to Blacksburg, far away from DC. That is when there was a nationwide fuel shortage organized by OPEC and worsened by corporate hoarding (corporations were buying railroad tank cars and filling them with fuel to assure that there fleet-vehicles would not run out). This shortage occurred solely due to big money oil interests in order to make a political statement and discredit the Carter administration. … … … Unfortunately, the ‘sheeple’ did not see the forest from the trees and only saw that fuel was hard to get without ever considering why - and laid the blame on Carter. In all, a good return on Big Money’s investment despite short term losses. … … … Biden’s administration is suffering the same way and on many fronts - all due to big money dominance of our politics and an unprincipled Republican Cult willing to sell political influence and do literally anything to secure their unearned political influence. … … … This is all driven by big money’s investment in quietly buying political influence. Money corrupts and big money corrupts ‘bigly’.

  • 442
    Voted Angry

     US to announce $1.3 billion in military aid for Ukraine - Reuters.


    I object to irresponsible use of our money when we have so many needs at home and growing debt. Congress should insist on a vote before any more taxpayer dollars are wasted in Ukraine. As my representatives, I expect you to ask hard questions about our involvement in this war. 

  • 442
    Voted Angry

    You are delusional if you believe this is a just war. We instigated the conflict in the Ukraine starting with the actions of Obama. We have blood on our collective hands. Our leaders have fought every effort to bring about peace. We are warmongers serving a global agenda.

  • 58

    It’s imperative at this time we, America, presents a United front to the world. Showing confusion & disarray feeds into Putin’s hand & purposes. Likewise, it is offensive, unAmerican, & dangerous, given Putin’s threat of nuclear war, that Trump call him “genius” with Pompeo chiming in, & others likely running for GOP ticket in 2024 & Tucker Carlson, praise him and his actions, if only from the human point of view, while bombs are dropping all over Ukraine, people are dying in the streets, & newborns are in jerry-rigged NICU’s in underground bomb shelters! Their remarks are inhumane, but more than that, they attempt to pull the rug out from under the Biden Administration efforts to help protest us, thru NATO, NATO, Europe Ukraine & democracy from devastation by an out-of-control authoritarian, threatening he world with nuclear annhilation if his authoritarian unilateral demands aren’t met, in the midst of bombing. It should be considered whether they should be charged with terrorism for support of an obvious enemy to us & our democracy. Congress must begin legislation on usable definitions of terrorism for domestic terrorism incidents, actions, & undermining of our government. Putin has to a large part succeeded in spreading confusion & inaction to address this internal rot so dangerous to our democracy.

  • 84

    We must support Ukraine.

  • 3,405

    Don't ever forget where NATO came from. End of WWII Treaty. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Those Eastern Block Countries that wanted to stay FREE from Communism. We promised them that we would make sure of that! So I think we should do what we say at least once in our history!

  • 178

    The US government needs to focus on the safe withdrawal of US citizens in Ukraine and Russia so we don’t have another catastrophe like Afghanistan on our hands.

  • 44.7k

    First, I KNOW NOTHING! I’m beginning to think the Closing Ceremony in China may mark or hide the Ukrainian invasion by Putin. Looking like the Donbas region at least, but maybe more. Those false flag incident reports in that region are disturbing and could easily ignite. Got to be bad if Biden is broadcasting he thinks it’s going to happen.

  • 201

    The world needs to come down heavy on Russia should they enter Ukraine! Sanctions should be harsh. Putin‘s funds should be frozen. There is no justification for Russia to enter Ukraine. Ukraine is the weaker country Russia cannot be allowed to bully it’s neighbors. Putin is lying for justification it’s not true. Russia must be held accountable for their actions.

  • 706

    We're led now by so many paper tigers who really knows. Biden may open the door for them without the password. Frank-001 and jimK must have posted their comments from the corner bar after a few cheap bourbons. Your decree of Biden's many successes, flawed such as they are, suggests you are attempting to make yourselves feel better about your wasted votes. Just because you speak it doesn't make it so, but if you repeat it enough you will probably convince yourself. Since you've lost track of illegit Joe's losing record on COVID, killing more people than your hated Trump, maybe you could predict how many more months before the 25th Amendment is invoked and Joe goes home?

  • 90

    We have to help Ukraine because Putin is a mad man just like Hitler was and he will just keep plowing through countries until he gets too close to our allies. He must be stopped now. I have felt this way since Crimea.

  • 349

    President Biden is doing a great job! Our country (and the world) is lucky to have him as president of the USA. Even though times are challenging, President Biden is the most qualified person to deal with the issues we face.

  • 57
    Mary Ann

    I support sending troops into Ukraine to support democracy and to protect the Ukrainian people.

  • 178

    Putin and Russia need to be stopped in terms of their aggressive attacks on democracies across the world as well as Ukraine.

  • 921
    Robert J.

    Hang in there. Putin is tough, but Biden is better.

  • 41.9k

    Lynn: Thanks. I do think that many people are so focused on the tree in front of them that they are unable to see the forest all around them. There are so many on this site like yourself, willing to look deeper to get at the heart of things. I am honored to be in your company and to learn so much from your and our community’s comments. … … … There are those that cannot or will not take the deeper view because they get so enraged over manufactured issues, like the graffiti someone painted on their chosen ‘tree’ - and that is all that they can see. Vaccination deniers, people enraged over critical race theory which is not taught in schools, ‘wokeness’, ‘cancel culture’ and other issues are promoted to these people to become the ‘trees’ for them to focus on in order to divert their attention from the forest that surrounds them. The only way that we can reach a few of these folks is to continuously remind them of the rest of the forrest and point out some of the more evil trees in the forest and the poisoned groves that they foster. … … … I probably have a few more verbose analogies regarding ant farms managed by pheromones and the nature of lemmings - but I will spare you from this.

  • 325
    Robert (Steve)

    Start sanctioning Russia now, stop talking about it and do it. We should deliver truckmounted long-range missiles to the Ukraine and have them all targeting Puter.

  • 3,865

    At the Capitol, a group of bipartisan senators including the Democratic and Republican leaders and the top lawmakers on several key committees released a joint statement to express their solidarity with the people of Ukraine. The lawmakers also warned Russian leader Vladimir Putin that both sides of the aisle are prepared to support strong sanctions against Russia if it invades Ukraine.

  • 201

    Russia thinks the world is stupid that we don’t know that Russia is doing this crap. I’m here to tell you the world is not stupid! Russia bombed a school in Ukraine. Russia lied about mass graves containing Russia soldiers (false flags) Russia LIES that’s the plain truth. Russia is looking for a reason to justify invading Ukraine nothing I said NOTHING justifies invading Ukraine! They should be punished SEVERELY! Russia will not set the narrative!

  • 255

    It's great to see some bipartisan action for a change, but the problem is great. No amount of sanctions or threats will cause Putin to back down. We live in a divided country and he, and his Chinese counterpart, know this. I believe he is taking this action now because of this division. Had he taken it during Trump who knows what would have happened. Trump could of congratulated him and launch nuclear missiles. With the country and NATO divided he has picked a perfect time to act. We'll rattle sabers and not do a thing of any consequence. Look for Taiwan to be next.