U.S. Deploying 3,000 Troops to NATO Countries in Eastern Europe Amid Russia’s Military Buildup

Do you support or oppose the deployment of 3,000 troops to NATO’s eastern flank?

  • 21

    I support the continued deployment of NATO troops to the Russia and Ukraine area. I believe this is the right move because it appears Russia wants to intimate Ukraine into putting a leader there who is more pro-Russia than the current one (Schwirtz, 2002). Currently the leader of Ukraine is leaning towards the West and that makes Putin very unsettled. Another reason that it seems important to have NATO troops there is to counter all the military deployment that Russia has already been doing around the world including navy warships across the region (Mahadzir, 2022). I think it’s important for the world to not stay by while Putin does what he wants with Ukraine today and has been since 2014.

  • 140

    Why not support the government with this? I MEAN THEY ONLY OWN A LEGAL MONOPOLY ON VIOLENCE.

  • 115

    If you as our representatives are so lazy to have not traveled around Ukraine with an interpreter to know the truth and have only been interested in pushing Kiev to lie about there public policies then stay away. The US does not need to be fighting wars because US business and Intelligence Agency bad policies are causing a real result of civil war in Ukraine and that is the truth. Also start communications and stop the lying.

  • 115

    If you as our representatives are to lazy to have traveled around Ukraine with an interpreter to know the truth and have only been interested in pushing Kiev to lie about there public policies then stay away. The US does not need to be fighting wars because US business and Intelligence Agency bad policies are causing a real result of civil war in Ukraine and that is the truth. Also start communications and stop the lying.

  • 377

    I hate it. But I support it. Thanked a couple soldiers outside Target yesterday. Told them I was praying for them. God help us and raise up some wise leaders in these challenging days.

  • 201

    Putin is a schoolyard bully, If NATO does not stand up to him who can? Certainly not Ukraine on its own. If the US does not support NATO what are we about? If we don't keep our treaty agreements what is our point? Is our word, our honor good for nothing. Who in the world will trust us. We are already on shaky ground thanks to 4 years of Trump's lack of leadership, and we must not forget how untrustworthy has become our reputation on the global stage as a result. We must not shrink from standing up to Russion agression.

  • 303

    I have to oppose it. Because I am worried about our military. I do not want to see any more of our sons and daughters dying in a war, or coming home without arms and legs, or being burnt, Joe Biden put us in this position. With Russia, Joe Biden talks like big man, but he is a small fry with a big mouth. That says it really does nothing he’s not running this country. If he is running it he’s running it into the ground. He’s destroyed our economy. He’s worried about electric cars. Electric cars will not be available for another 30 years. Just think about it how long does it take to charge a car when it’s an electric. When I go to the gas station it takes me 10 minutes. And where do we go to plug your car is in. This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. We need oil for a lot more than gas for our vehicles. In the future they will find an energy that is instant to put in your cars. We’re nowhere near that today. The ignorance of our politicians and these companies that think that they were going to control everything. They’re blowing smoke up their own butt Take care of today and tomorrow. I won’t be alive 30 years from now and neither will they.

  • 87

    If you are going to war. It has to be to win period. No more mickey mouse wars

  • 166

    As a retired military Officer, this is a very necessary action. Russia remains a major threat and only in conjunction with our allies can we combat that threat. Troop deployments have been deterrents for years. Unfortunately in here some folks are using this focused question to bash whatever administration is in power and to go off on unrelated tirades. This is exactly what Russia (and other untrustworthy nations) wants. More Intelligent dialogue and less ranting would serve us all better.

  • 310

    We need to turn our efforts inward and take care if ourselves. Sending aid is good sending people is bad. If Biden wants to send people, he can send himself.

  • 117

    Although I would not like to see another war, use do need to show force to discourage Putin's plans to in are Ukrainie.

  • 8,978

    Germany and France must also get on board!!!!

  • 25.8k

    “When it comes to Ukraine, what do Russian citizens actually want?” https://www.washingtonpost.com//world/2022/02/08/when-it-comes-ukraine-what-do-ordinary-russians-actually-want/? The article also address what the Ukrainians want. Either way Vlad doesn’t look too good. Reminds me of the anecdotal reports of Russian Bomber Pilots “missing” their targets. оппси! Oppsy!

  • 602

    Milley is keeping Russia and China informed of our every move. Joe is trying to distract from his failed presidency by stirring up trouble with a nuclear armed country. This can't end well.

  • 1,358

    It is refreshing to see an American president standing up to Putin. I’m old enough to remember when the Republican Party was against communism and fascism. Sadly that is no longer true.

  • 44

    Why is everyone on here so war hungry. It’s honestly scary. Where are y’all getting ur sources.

  • 102

    Putin is using an argument similar to the one used by Hitler immediately prior to WWII, the populations of the areas annexed were mostly Germanic and should be under German control. I also think Putin is trying to re-establish the old Soviet Union, using President Biden's obvious weakness and the threat of Chinese aggression over Taiwan to cow America and our allies into submission. In order to avoid war with Russia and/or China, we and our allies should effectively 'rattle our sabers' to insure freedom reigns and convince the communists that war would not be in their best interests.

  • 731

    It is imperative that The USA stands up for & with democracies if we want our STILL great democracy to survive & flourish! Please use your voice for me and all Americans to insure our commitments & support other striving democracies!

  • 3,697

    NATO was a promise, and the USA doesn't do very well when it comes to keeping promises or treaties. Time to stop that.

  • 138
    A David

    We should definitely be reinforcing our NATO Allies.