Supreme Court to Hear Cases Challenging Use of Race as a Factor in College Admissions at Harvard & North Carolina

Do you support or oppose the use of race as a factor in college admissions?

  • 142

    I suspect that the Court will split the difference with the two cases, allowing current precedents to stand for “private” institutions while restricting or ending such practices at “public” institutions.

  • 373

    While I support equal opportunity especially to bless the campus with a diverse student body which as a result creates diverse oppinions, civics and critical thinking to think that or imply that this is the only factor for admissions is misleading. To begin with all students need to meet the standards for the particular higher educational institutions for which they apply. Most students also have their own lists of schools for which they want to attend also. I myself am more concerned about those students many of whom did not really actually qualify for an Ivy league or other getting admitted because of the who they know, donation, endowment, family or any other pulling some strings to get a/their children/student admitted without their own merit. That to me is the biggest travesty a bunch of spoiled entitled elitists acting as though they really earned it. An injustice that in the long run is a disservice to the betterment of our society as a whole and the student that was enrolled at the expense of those more qualified.

  • 90

    All children (young adults) should be getting into college because of their grades & community service. If they deserve a scholarship then give them one. I don’t feel race should be a factor to get people in or keep them out.

  • 1,382

    I also oppose the current Supreme Court. At least 2 of the justices should resign.

  • 105

    A person should be chosen by how smart they are. Color and the ability to play sports should not matter.

  • 41.9k

    I really look foreword to the day when race, gender, ethnicity, social ‘status’, sexual preferences, sexual identity, age or anything that lets some see ‘others’ as less worthy is not, cannot, and will not be used to treat them differently in any way. We ain’t there yet. … … … I have no problem with equitable equal opportunity programs to assure that no one is denied an equal opportunity to succeed in their pursuits based upon their skills, knowledge and character. … … … Some will say they are not racist so why do this? You may not be overtly racist, yeah you - but not everyone is AND that is not the problem. The problem is systemic racism where the norms and practices of university admissions and indeed, everyday life disadvantage some to the advantage of others. Numerous statistical studies clearly document the disparities without finding any overt or systematic bias. Systematic bias is intentional whereas systemic bias is hidden within the established normative processes and procedures designed mainly by Judaeo Christian white males in the past. There have also been many case studies where a black male and a white male with identical experiences and resumes are treated very differently or the same actress looking ‘normal’ or redressing to look a bit overweight are treated very differently in loan applications and retail purchases. … … … Furthermore, so long as the best candidates are selected irrespective of race why shouldn’t there be an effort to assure that none are missed due to systemic bias which clearly still exists. … … … Our country’s laws and rules of proper etiquette have been heavily influenced by Judaeo Christian values, the fundamental precepts of which are very valuable. Do unto others as you want others to do unto you. Do not lie, steal, adulterate, kill. Honor the needs of others and be charitable to those is need. These are the fundamental values and precepts that I feel underpins every major religion and the unadulterated form of most societies. Every religion (and society) can be re-interpreted and spun away from the values that underpin it, in order to rationalize some manmade goals: Jihad, the Crusades, autocracies and so on. … … … The reason I mention this is that our norms of behavior have gone beyond the Judaeo Christian fundamental values and precepts to include the manmade rules of order and definitions of ‘normalcy’ proffered by manmade religious sects that have differing definitions because they are inherently flawed, because these definitions come from groups of people who cannot be the sole interpreters of what everyone else’s God’s will must be. … … … The Framer’s captured the fundamental values and precepts that should underly our democracy and kept specific secular religious views out of the constitution. I damn well wish that our Supreme Court would do the same, and check their actions within the context of their own indoctrinated biases coming from their religious beliefs.

  • 706

    Qualifications and not quotas - it's that simple. The country has been made dumber, less efficient and less safe in many regards by the ill-advised quota system. When it comes time to choose a welder to fabricate the supports for the next interstate bridge replacement in your state, do you want a journeyman welder or a kid fresh from a hobby welding class doing the work? Specific to the college admissions topic, what's been happening at colleges and universities is that students of Asian descent, that have proven a higher level of proficiency, are being denied admission because they couldn't check the desired "race" box on the application. That's discriminatory and just plain foolish. Like most leftist Dimocrat theories it fosters a system of inferior results. Which is okay with the liberal elite.

  • 590

    RACIAL preferences, whether they favor whites or blacks is discrimination, period.

  • 35

    Just as MLK said, it is important to judge someone on the content of their character not on the color of their skin. I would especially think that Harvard would know that, but hey I guess they didn’t learn from history.

  • 96

    Not only should race or gender not be a factor in college admissions, it should not be a factor in hiring, firing, or yes, it should not be a factor in the selection of a Supreme Court Justice. If the most qualified is a black women, confirm her. If by excluding males or members of a different skin color, the Court does not receive the best Justice, our Constitution has failed.

  • 44

    If race “doesn’t matter” in college admissions anymore than why did we create those systems in the first place? Oh yeah to counteract decades and centuries of wealth accumulation and discrimination from white people being shit for most of history. Are we goldfishes and do not remember? Why is there still a huge issue around student debt for people of color then? Because history. This is a misleading case of the ruling class trying to pit the “model minority” against other races to divide and keep us from uniting on the race issue. Race should be considered because it has always been considered even though it hasn’t been said out loud.

  • 3,527

    An Arizona bill would empower state legislators to reject election results Hey scotus forget college admissions Pretty soon you are going to have the Divided States of America … which YOU helped create due to sheer negligence, incompetence & ignorance Shame on congress Shame on scotus & judiciary

  • 98

    larubia 2749, Carina 0

  • 620

    Race was used as a factor to keep minorities out prior to affirmative action!

  • 310

    It should be nowhere on the app.

  • 3,405

    Start with Harvard and the land that it sits on! Where did they get that land? Oh I know..........One of the Eastern Tribes that were promised free tuition for their children, "as long as the grass grows and the rivers flow". Yep. that's what it said.

  • 1,092

    u shouldnt use race or ex to deterrmine who gets into a college

  • 303

    I think it is a good idea that the Supreme Court looks this over. It seems to me that the Democratic Party is trying to bring more division in our country. I don’t know where anybody else lives but where I live there is no prejudice him against any person of color, religion, nationality. Or religion. It seems to me also that Joe Biden likes bringing it up. I heard him And television that he wants to put a Woman of color on the Supreme Court. I don’t have a problem with that as long as she has been a judge for several years and has a good background and is non-partisan. Joe Biden’s history in the past he has never cared about people of color and there is so much evidence to prove it all you have to do is go back and look at the videos and the things that he said and what he is called people of color. He’s still not for people of color, he’s doing this because he knows he can fool them. Not all of them people of color are intelligent. They know a fraud when they see one and when they hear one. And that person is Joe Biden go back in history go back and look it up he does not care he’s a fraud and a liar.

  • 2,934

    I support it as many don’t have the support as Whites. We have a built in advantage which many will disagree with but look at your life and the role models you had.

  • 1,124

    We can end affirmative action for minorities once we have reached the same amount of time that affirmative action for white males was in place. So about a thousand more years.