Apprehensions at the Southern Border Continued at a Record-Setting Pace in December

Are you concerned about the rate at which people are attempting to enter the country illegally?

  • 255

    Is this really more trying to cross or a better job of catching illegal immigrants? Republicans will say it's Biden's failure. Democrats will say they're doing a better job. Neither is the truth. It's somewhere in the middle.

  • 36

    Yes I am concerned about our Immigration system. Immigration reform has continually eluded presidents from both parties and Congress doesn’t seem any more up to the challenge. Measures have been passed with bi partisan support from one chamber but they always seem to stall out short of final passage. In fact the Dream Act, that would give undocumented youth a path to legal status, had the support of both parties in Congress in 2001 and was approved by committees in the House and Senate but was not passed into law. Congress needs to become more PRO-ACTIVE and have foresight as to the future!! Even in 2015, IRS data shows that the agency received 4.4 million income tax returns from workers without Social Security numbers—who are more likely to be undocumented—which were worth $23.6 billion.

  • 218

    I’m concerned about the numbers of people asking for entry to the US at the southern border. It shows how chaotic the world is right now during a time of the highest refugee count worldwide. It also shows us that, even during the time of Covid and insurrection in the US, we still have a country that people want to flock to. I don’t have the answer to the border crisis and neither has any administration in my memory.

  • 90

    We would try to escape to another country if we were dealing with what these poor immigrants are running from. We can’t even wear masks in public much less deal with gang violence etc…They just have to help them go through all the channels to get citizenship.

  • 762

    This is their behavior in face of our-USA-not developing any workable Immigration policy.

  • 809

    What you are seeing with illegal immigration, exponential increase in crime, destruction of educational and societal norms, etc. is nothing more than the Cloward-Piven Strategy (here’s a good primer: ). Illegal immigration is a major component to completely overwhelm (primarily) the welfare system, then the social and political system to create a permanent dependent underclass who knows nothing about Constitutional liberty. The end game is to entrench the Left and their allies and make government both God and provider.

  • 1,703

    There not ‘attempting’ anything, there doing it!!!

  • 105

    We have more then enough illegals in our country. We can’t afford any more. Hire more guards to patrol the boarders. Maybe they should be riding horses, so that they could hear them coming. Use Dogs to help flush them out. Sometime low tech solutions work better.

  • 1,212

    If our politicians would change the immigrations rules and allow work permits to be easily obtained we could add all these people to the tax roles and investigate those who need to be not let in at all and then change the overall status of illegal crosser s and send them home quickly. The fault does not lie with any president as they are short term at best. We need to ask serious questions of these lifers we have in office.

  • 117

    I am all for LEGAL immigration. That's how this country was built after we took it from the American Indians. The British, French, and Spanish were illegal immigrants/invaders/conquerors. Let that sink in. Maybe we should think about building a Southern border wall to help control immigration, i.e. continue legal immigration and greatly reduce illegal immigration. If only we had a president who would do that and our legislative houses would support it on top of what they normally do: accumulate wealth by exploiting the masses. If we gave each senator and congressperson a million dollar bonus for finishing Trump's wall I bet it would be done in 90 days or less. Bottom line I don't believe all illegal immigrants are bad people. Actually I bet most are good people who will make this country better. But the rest...should be a great worry to all of us. If we don't secure our Southern border how will we ever separate the good from the bad before they are already here living among us? We never will.

  • 648

    I am concerned at the rate people are allowed to illegally enter the United States of America. Unfortunately, they bring disease and crime, both which go unchecked. While US citizens are dealing with the worst rate of inflation in 40 years and struggling to provide for the needs of our families, we are forced to pay for the food, clothing, shelter, education, health, travel expenses, and spending money for those entering our country illegally. The Biden administration actually gives preferential treatment to these individuals over its own law-abiding US citizens. All illegal crossings should be stopped immediately and all those who entered illegally should be deported. The lives of US citizens are clearly in grave danger and it is the President's duty to uphold his vow to protect the citizens of this great land. How many more Americans must be assaulted, raped, or murdered by unvetted individuals?

  • 602

    Joe should be prosecuted for not upholding the laws of the US for which he swore to uphold.

  • 86

    I am not concerned about the border. I believe money should be spent on getting enough people in place to process the immigrants in a timely manner. Most are fleeing for their lives, and want to contribute to our country. Our country was built by immigrants. We need immigrants, especially now, with all the job openings in the service industry.

  • 3,697

    I'm not worried about the people trying to enter. I'm furious at the people trying to keep them out and trying to keep it "illegal." It's important to me to help those in need by making legalization easier to earn and to show the xenophobes that the xenophobes are the very people this country is better off without.

  • 13.3k

    boarders are violence! and no human is illegal. I wish the media would stop playing into xenophobic fear mongering. These are human beings, just like you. Americana is ''the land of the free'' I was taught in grade school, and ''home of the brave''. cowering behind walls, and clutching guns at the thought of innocent people seeking a better life does not ring true to our values as a nation, and makes us look stupid, and afraid. Stay free America, and be brave, welcome people. Fascism didn't happen over night. Don't fall for it my fellow Americans. The new Nazis don't wear uniforms, they carry a cross and a flag. We are better then this.

  • 96

    The growing number of illegal alien crossings, as well as the current administration policy of distributing these illegals around the country, is very troubling. This action puts every American at risk. It appears from reports, those crossing are not mandated to be vaccinated, nor tested for illnesses, including the global epidemic of Covid-19. So while local communities struggle to keep themselves safe, the federal government is intentionally infiltrating them with more probable carriers. We wonder why we can’t get our health crisis under control. The reason is obvious. While the health risk is the most obvious risk, it should be noted, due to the lax background checks of these individuals, the likelihood of terrorists crossing as well, is a certainty. My thoughts are not just the idea of padding voting numbers, but by distributing these illegal aliens into locations that will provide additional congressional representation, this administration is intentionally attempting to influence results of congressional laws. I urge Every representative of the people to hold this administration accountable. I an not just speaking to my Iowa representation, but those in the 49 other states as well.

  • 1,531

    Congress has again proven that they are inept. Only ones worse is the Senate. We do not have the moral courage or compass to pass fair and legitimate immigration laws. Immigration must be proper and legal.

  • 149

    What Biden has instigated at our borders has further eroded any sense of trust I had left for our national government’s ability to follow and enforce it’s laws. Anarchy is coming from within. How tragic!

  • 1,927

    It's tops on my B list of problems; the A list is large and crammed with more important stuff like saving Congress from the right-wing maw in November, confirming the new Justice, securing voting and a fair count for all, gerrymandering, and convicting, locking up and purging the government of Trump and his henchmen/acolytes/fellow insurrectionists.

  • 862

    Way too many illegal aliens are being aided by our own government to enter our USA. Even Legal Immigration has been way out of control for many years. And both Parties have some blame for that. But Now, the Dem Admin is Rediculous. It has to stop. Through Legislation that includes very stiff penalties for playing Stupid and not enforcing our Borders. We need to CLOSE the Borders NOW. We need to Deport ALL Illegal Aliens Now. We need to Enact a method for how to handle a President, Politicians and All Appointees when They REFUSE to Enforce our Laws, Policies, Constitution and Customs. THIS Border Crisis is our HIGHEST PRIORITY right Now. Congress, ALL of Congress should put EVERYTHING on Pause until THIS PRIORITY is Fixed. And we must have a 10 Year Pause on All Immigration including Visa Schemes and Student Schemes. This is needed so we can Enforce and Analyze our USA in the Aftermath of what this entire issue has caused over the past 40-50 years. The FORCED Diversity Scheme has FAILED us. If you are Honest with yourself you Will Realize this. A Self-Deport program must be Enacted now. Set a deadline by which all illegal aliens,DACA, Nonsense Visas, Foreign Student Schemes and other Questionable Guest Grants Must be out of the USA. After that deadline being in the USA illegally becomes a SEVERE FELONY (Murder and Major Drug Trafficker Level). Once Caught these people get Deported, not Face Deportation, Deported. Any cost of Deporting these Aliens must be paid by the Alien and/or the Nation the Alien is sent to. Like in Many, if not Most Drug Trafficker situations, ALL of their ASSETS become the property of the USA/USA Citizens. If we were Naive and/or Optimistic or just plain Stupid, what have been doing is not working for USA Citizens, it is not the Correct thing to be doing and what we have been doing has FAILED. We need to Enact ENGLISH as the Legally Official Language of the USA. All our Documents and Communication Forms, Applications... Everything must be printed in ENGLISH Only. Again, this IS our Highest Priority Right Now. We must cut the BS and get Bipartisan Commitment on Repairing the USA to the Constitutional Republic we are Founded to Be. All USA Citizens believe in Organic and Logical Immigration. But that is not what we have been getting for a very long time now. Note: this message is copied to Two USA Senators and One USA Representative.