IT: U.S. and NATO provide military aid to Ukraine, and... Do you support banning critical race theory?

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  • 105

    My Great Great Grandfather Darcy and his Son felt so bad about our War between the States he dropped off his wife and daughters to New Jersey and started distributing goods to both the North and the South, to try to even the odds.

  • 110

    Just teach EVERYTHING!! STOP LEAVING THINGS OUT of our HISTORY that put Responsibility onto white European LAWMAKERS for SO MUCH MISERY done to others!!!!!!!!!!! WE NEED TO KNOW!!!!

  • 388

    Another Republican legislator aiming a rocket at free and fair elections: “An Arizona Republican legislator is pushing a bill that would overhaul the state law to give lawmakers the right to reject election results. Republican state Rep. John Fillmore is pushing a proposal that would sharply limit ballot access by eliminating early voting and voting by mail. “We should have voting — in my opinion — in person, one day, on paper, with no electronic means and hand counting that day. We need to get back to 1958-style voting,” Fillmore said during a committee hearing Wednesday, according to The Hill. Most radically, Fillmore’s bill, HB 2596, also proposes that after a primary or general election, the legislature “shall accept or reject the election results.” If it accepts them, then everything would proceed as normal. If the legislature rejects the results, then “any qualified elector may file an action in the Superior Court to request that a new election be held.””

  • 388

    And in Virginia, the thunder of a new tsunami of teachers exiting their profession as yet another state turns citizens into thought vigilantes in another echo of tactics reminiscent of Nazi Germany: “Once rumored to be a moderate, Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin has revealed his true sympathies. The Republican wasted little time after taking office this month: He swiftly banned the teaching of critical race theory in schools, even though the subject wasn’t being taught in Virginia classrooms. Yet that wasn’t enough. He’s also set up an email tip line that allows parents to report “inherently divisive practices” in schools, including any attempts to enforce mask mandates and, of course, the teaching of what he terms CRT. “We’re asking for folks to send us reports and observations that they have that will help us be aware of things like privilege bingo, be aware of their child being denied their rights that parents have in Virginia. And we’re going to make sure we catalogue it all,” he said on a right-wing radio show.”

  • 140

    💯 convinced this app is compromised. Good comments are all in support of CRT, those that oppose get pushed to the bottom. Causes, why you trying to suppress voices?

  • 674

    Grievance time Call, write email, text or go to your reps offices Do the same to the White House Make Election Day a federal and states holiday

  • 32

    CRT is only dangerous to racists.

  • 388

    And this is why gerrymandering, a tool used by both parties with varying degrees of impact has to be banned for the hreat that it is to “free and fair” elections - a foundation of our republic’s democratic foundations.

  • 140

    Why should CRT be taught over educating the youth about personal finance? CRT is absolutely worthless along with 95% of the cookie cutter criteria taught in schools. Straight up legal prisons for children. Why the hell should children sit at a desk from 8a-3p every day just to learn how just to receive a satisfactory grade from an educator? You think CRT will actually provide transferable skills in the workforce? Time would be much better spent teaching children how to actually apply skills in the workforce. These politicians are absolutely worthless for society if this is the crap they’re actually discussing should be in public education criteria. Then people complain about all the H1B resources we have in the states that are being sponsored to work here vs. hiring an American citizen…

  • 1,304

    @Frank-001 Biden? A Moderate? Really? Bernie Sanders wrote his platform when he was a presidential candidate. And, as person that has two eyes and a brain, I can tell that he is not a moderate. Did you see how poorly this old fool is doing in the polls? Do you remember hearing him call everyone a racist who disagrees with his supposed "voting" legislation? And, you know, Biden also said that he didn't think the 2022 midterm elections would be legitimate. Do these examples look like someone who is a "moderate?"

  • 1,304

    Anyone with two eyes and a brain knows that CRT exists and is being utilized in primary and secondary schools to indoctrinate children. Racial essentialism has no place in education.

  • 59

    CRT is just an academic’s way of packaging the study of our black history and it’s impact at present. Some people can’t handle history any way it is presented.

  • 217

    CRT needs to be banned, period. It is the Communist Democrats new form of segregation, and to divide the country. Now Joe is making plans to replace Supreme Court Justice Steven Breyer by race and gender first and not by qualification. The Supreme Court has already declare this before as against the law as unconstitutional. Need to tell Joe that he needs to find a justice that is well qualified and will follow the law, keep the right, liberty and freedom for each Americans, and a constitutional justice, NOT a radical racist communist person. Russia see Joe as weak and incompetent so Russia see this as the time to invade Ukraine. There will be a war under Joe. Now look for China to invade Taiwan and a good possibility of another war. Joe cause invasion on the southern border, inflation, supply chain shortages, left and abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, (just heard that Americans and Green Card and people that helped us, hiding in a safe house, just got raided and were killed or are being help hostages) a failure on covid especially when he kept importing people from the southern border and transporting them all across the country, higher overdoses, higher crime (which they are showing to favor criminals over the victims). Joe is putting America last and every other country, especially rogue countries that chants death to America. Do you know that Joe is defying Supreme Court order to send the illegals crossing into the U.S. back to Mexico. They have been showing Joe’s administration flying illegals and a lot of single male with criminal records under the cover of night, under cover of darkness to other states all across the country. One video showing this when asked why they are doing this in the middle of the night was heard saying that this administration doesn’t want the Americans to know because they were betraying the Americans. Joe is a traitor to us...he will defend other countries border, but refuses to protect our own border...Joe is a traitor, he needs to be charged with the crime! There are so many other failure os Joe and this administration, they need to be voted out. And then you have Nancy Pelosi and her family committing insider trading and getting rich, and then they say they are for the poor and the working Americans. She doesn’t want the bill to pass to stop this practice, she lies when she claims to be working to the middle and lower class people, she is only working for herself and her family members. Vote her out in November if not for insider trading, but for what she has done to her district and what she is trying to do to our country...turning it into a third world country like her district.

  • 783

    We shouldn’t get involved with a war that we don’t have business with. My concern is why are we interested in this? Does president Biden have personal business that is still on going if he does. Then we have a problem and you idiots set a precedent so we can investigate it

  • 246

    I am glad Ukraine is getting the help it needs.. Imho CRT is only dangerous to racists

  • 388

    Critical Race Theory is about historical fact, sociological impact, and potentially serves as a foundation for beginning conversation within and across racial divides, in my opinion. Why should we not learn and talk about it instead of deny it as do those who deny that the Holocaust never happened? In fact, why are we not doing a better job of teaching the historical facts and current results of the treatment of Native Americans? I agree that we (no one) is responsible for what their ancestors, who were products of the understanding and norms of their time, did or did not do. Nonetheless, history is still history and I agree with the quote that reads: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Afghanistan and Iraq are recent examples of that, and the new proposed Bill in Florida purportedly protecting white people from stress is yet another. Let’s learn!

  • 25.8k

    Lot's of stupid articles and segments about Biden in the mainstream news. Biden's ideas are moderate yet very well intended. The Republicans and two Conservative Democratic Senators have obstructed them. Do I blame Biden? No. Do I blame the Democrats? No. Do I support the Republican Agenda No I do not want Republican Politicians To 1. Create a Fascist Oligarchy 2. Deny Voting Rights 3. End Free and Fair Elections 4. Guns, guns, and more guns 5. Support the Military-Industrial Complex 6. End Women's Control of their bodies 7. No Rights for the LGBTIA community 8. Deny Science 9. Deny the Pandemic and its severity 10. Deny the effectiveness of COVID vaccines. 11. Deny the Climate Crisis 12. Support the Fossil Fuel Industry 13. Apply the Shock Doctrine 14. Decrease Government Service 15. Destroy Health Care 16. Destroy the Safety Net 17. Reduce the Taxes on the über wealthy and large corporations 18. Support Putin 19. Trash any attempt at good governance 20. Trash everything Democrats do 21. Facilitate White Supremacy Print that message, editors!

  • 25.8k

    @Andy wrote: "Newt Gingrich Invented Donald Trump's Lock-Them-Up Politics" Yes, that's one of @jimK strong opinions that I tend to agree with. There is more about Newt: See the Time Magazine article & the book Burning Down the House: Newt Gingrich, the Fall of a Speaker and the Rise of the New Republican Party. "Newt Gingrich Laid the Groundwork for Trump" -Time BY JULIAN E. ZELIZERJULY 7, 2020 12:30 PM EDT Zelizer is a political historian at Princeton University. He is the author of a book, Burning Down the House: Newt Gingrich, the Fall of a Speaker and the Rise of the New Republican Party.

  • 44.7k

    Heard about this first on MSNBC this evening (I believe it might be the Last Word) in a segment discussing Newt's impact on dump and company. Several here have already pointed parts of this out ... From Intelligencer (at least i can still read articles there since I haven't quite used up available visits before needing to subscribe - oh well, hope you can too) .... "Newt Gingrich Invented Donald Trump's Lock-Them-Up Politics" ...

  • 25.8k

    "Yeah, so I'm Dutch and my ancestors were slave traders. Can I move to Florida to be absolved of ancestral guilt? I mean my great great great grandfather Sven made a good living. Did he do something wrong? His chattle were known as hard workers. Is it my fault slavery became illegal in this country?" "You understand? I can move to Florida? Great! And I can continue the family human traffickng business? Great! Yes, your honor young and pretty. You have my word. Sure three to Matt Gaetz, you got it!" Oh Boy!