IT: Senate votes down filibuster reform, and... 🗳️ Should every voter receive a ballot in the mail?

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  • 380

    Every registered voter receives a voters guide so you have time to review issues and candidates before you vote. If you don’t wish to vote in person, you request a mail in ballot. Worked just fine for years when we voted on one day, election day. Now you have to have a month and 37 options or it’s voter suppression. Nonsense! What we leave out of this equation is that voting is a right, but also a responsibility. To preserve the integrity of the vote and make it more difficult for the process to be tampered with, what about a little voter responsibility. Study the issues and candidates and get to your polling place and cast your vote. We have handled it up to now just fine. Did we all become blubbering idiots all of a sudden? (Don’t answer that!).

  • 741

    Newt Gingrich, Hey mud puppy man How about you keep your squeaky mouth shut, you were thrown out of office because you are an idiot and after all these years you’re still an idiot. Nobody wants to hear your old bullshit ideas.

  • 349

    Leslie, not to worry! The last thing I want is to help give advice in the next election but .... if I have to do so, I will. Sucks .... however, many states are trying to make it harder for voters to vote .... but then there are people like me who know how to tell voters how to get past those restrictions without breaking the law. Together, we can do it! Right now though, Americans need to stand up and demand that Trump and his minions be prosecuted for breaking federal election laws! It absolutely must be done to protect our democracy.

  • 276

    Voter ID … is a must. Honest elections are a must! And we all have ID.. really! Wake up Democrats your not fooling anyone here. MRGO

  • 41.9k

    Frank-001: The Senate, by it’s very structure is much more leaning to the right than either the House or the general electorate. There is a lot of fear of change in the Senate which more closely works with the political power brokers that be than does the House - those wealthy influencers of the Senate want to preserve the status quo and tend to be not very proactive with regard to issues effecting the ‘common’ folk. … … … So a moderate Congressperson in the Senate is, kind of by definition, leaning very much to the right when compared to congresspeople in the House or the general electorate. That’s why we often get stuck with Senate power brokers from places like Kentucky and West Virginia, which generally, through no fault of their population, tend to draw much more of the taxpayer dollars than they receive. You would think that the ‘corporations-come-first’ Senators representing the ‘wealthy-political-complex’ would want a more of a business-like approach, where the poorer performing divisions (their states) would need help restructuring to help them catch up. … … … Oh yeah- that would require passing the full BBB! … … … Dream on Jimk, dream on!

  • 783

    This is fraud in the making

  • 126

    Unfortunately, it has come to a time when mail-in votes cannot be trusted! EVERYONE, including this Recovering Agoraphobic, should go to the Voting Booths and Vote there, with their State-Issued ID, which needs to be checked!

  • 25.7k

    Updated my "Open Source Inquiry" comment.

  • 25.7k

    An Open Source Inquiry What parts of the Mainstream Democratic Agenda do Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema support? Years ago, both parties had room for diverse views. There were conservative, moderate, and liberal Republicans and conservative moderate and liberal Democrats. Currently, corporate media call Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema "Moderate Democrats" instead of "Right Leaning Democrats" or Conservative Democrats." What makes these Senators "Moderate?" I don't see it. Who does? Please explain. I feel that the label "Moderate Democrat" is an attempt to gaslight the public as if anything either senator does reflects the essential agenda of the Democratic Party but not the more liberal aspects of that agenda. Does anyone agree with this opinion? Review this consensus of The Agenda of The Democratic Party included below. (BTW - In reviewing this, it seems that, for the most part, the Democrat Progressives Fight Harder for these issues and have very few issues outside the Centrist Democrat Agenda.) Which items would Manchin & Sinema agree with and to what extent? (Feel free to provide a Republican Agenda.) The Agenda of The Democratic Party A Partial Non-Detailed List ** Social Programs ** 1. Support for Labor unions, 2. Consumer protection, 3. Workplace safety regulation, 4. Equal opportunity, 5. Disability rights, 6. Racial equality, 7. Regulations against environmental pollution, 8. Criminal justice reform, 9. Abortion rights, 10. Support the LGBTIA community, 11. Support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. 12. Support scientific consensus on climate change, ** Economic Policy ** Support for 1. A mixed economy, 2. A progressive tax system, 3. Higher minimum wages, 4. Strong labor unions, 5. A robust social safety net, 6. Social Security, 7. Universal health care, 8. Medicare, 9. Medicaid, 10. Public education, 11. Subsidized housing. 12. Infrastructure 13. Support increased domestic renewable energy development, including wind and solar power farms, to reduce carbon pollution. ** Environmental / Energy Policy ** Prior to the 2020 Election the Democratic Party released a 538-page report report on the Party's Environmental Goals. It included a range of targets including ensuring that every new car sold by 2035 emits no greenhouse gases, eliminating overall emissions from the power sector by 2040, and all but eliminating the country’s total emissions by 2050. Here are other salient goals: 1. Ensuring that every new car sold by 2035 emits no greenhouse gases, eliminating overall emissions from the power sector by 2040, and all but eliminating the country’s total emissions by 2050. 2. It also calls for requiring companies, to pay for emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in a way that gives money back to low- and moderate-income households. 3. Call for cutting emissions of methane, an extremely potent greenhouse gas, from the oil and gas sector two-thirds by 2025, making all new residential and commercial buildings effectively zero-emissions by 2030 and setting “climate stewardship practice goals across all U.S. farmland.” 4. Recognize that communities of color are also more at risk from the effects of climate change. Senator Manchin, obviously speaking on behalf of the Fossil Fuel Industry objected to virtually all of the energy agenda. It is reported any attempt to support "Clean Electricity" were strenuously objected to. Further, as we now know, after many attempts there would be no compromise on any item of the Environmental / Energy Agenda. On the other hand, Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and other "Progressives" pressed for a more robust environmental policy, The Green New Deal. The so-called moderates rejected the Green New Deal out of hand. ** Democrat Foeign Policy ** 1. Favor a multilateral approach in foreign policy 2. Put Diplomacy First 3. See that Ametica's Economy is linked to the economy of the world 4. See that Ametica's Health is linked to the Health of the world. 5. Oppose the Rise of Authoritarianism 6. Help alleviate humanitarian crises around the world ** Democrat Immigration Policy ** “Democrats believe immigration is not just a problem to be solved, it is a defining aspect of the American character and our shared history.” “Democrats will continue to work toward comprehensive immigration reform that fixes our nation’s broken immigration system, improves border security, prioritizes enforcement so we are targeting criminals – not families, keeps families together, and strengthens our economy.” ** Progressive Agenda–A Partial List ** Address Climate Change Aggressively; Pass The Green New Deal Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Expand investments in renewable energy. Stop investments in coal in the country and outside it. Establish a Carbon tax. Create a Regional Energy Transition Centre to ensure that the coal workers will not suffer and will be transitioned to green jobs. Provide Universal Healthcare; Pass Medicare for All. Address excessive college costs and predatory loan practices; Cancel Student Loan Debt. Eliminate the Filibuster. Abolish the Electoral College. Tax the rich. Immigration Reform Institute a moratorium on deportations until a thorough audit of past practices and policies is complete. Reinstate and expand DACA and develop a humane policy for those seeking asylum. Completely reshape and reform our immigration enforcement system, including breaking up ICE and CBP and redistributing their functions to their proper authorities. Dismantle cruel and inhumane deportation programs and detention centers and reunite families who have been separated. Live up to our ideals as a nation and welcome refugees and those seeking asylum, including those displaced by climate change. Various sources: Wikipedia, NY Times,,,, and others.

  • 783

    This is going to going to effect either way if republicans or democrats are in power. The democrats would rather have full political power control for centuries to come but, this is going to make them mad when these LOSERS realize that their utopia fantasy fails. The democrats would want the filibuster back

  • 741

    Here’s the facts, the undisputably faxed that any moron that doesn’t believe it can look up. Only 30% of America’s population are registered Republicans. 30%. They’re outsized impact on this country is a result of the fact that they have Jerry rigged elections across this nation. Why only 30%. Because their beliefs and their actions are against 70% of what this nation believes. It’s time to stop the bullshit. It’s time to let the tail stop wagging the dog. At the Republican Party wants to do better than it needs to do better not be a pack of wires, not be a pack of old white men. This does not reflect with this nation is today and it’s time to stop it kill the filibuster throw these two asshole Democrats out who do not support it they are obviously Republicans aligned with 30% of this nation.

  • 3,959

    I have come to the conclusion that folks who think Mail in ballots can cause fraudulent ballots, have never seen how our voting system really works. They only believe in hear say, not investigating how the process works. I have volunteered for years in our voting process. Sometimes I even received compensation. The process for counting ballots is an overseen process taken very seriously. Even Mail in ballots, if questioned, is double checked. Even contacting the voter if in questioned. So before you slam our voting process, investigate it first. Many volunteers, paid staff take this process very seriously. It is an insult for someone to make an unjust claim, when they no nothing of the process or the many hours to verify every ballot, whether Mail in or electronic or hand penciled in. It just proves our education system is failing our country.

  • 22

    The closing statement is that nuclear weapons are not allowed to any one. And the work on nuclear should be banned all over in the world. Have some enjoyment on dorama vip

  • 208

    During the 2019-2020 Congressional term a record breaking 328 filibusters were recorded with Democrats in the minority. Suddenly the filibuster is an obstacle to voting rights & anti-democratic.

  • 190

    We have become a Political Country all about what American CANNOT do No freedom of choice Fight for everything right all over agan all the progress women, races, religious groups have made for centuries have been thrown out the door even endorced by our spinless Congress & Senate Some of them forgot where they came from, forgot the poor people they represent!!! Shame on us🙈🙊🙉🐵

  • 37

    How can a person prove their identity? More so shouldn’t we revive ballots for all elections from city council to senate to the president? Why have the focus on representation that should be chosen by electoral votes

  • 204

    Arizona Democratic Party finally goes after their self imposed nightingale. Now if W. Virginia would just kick it into high gear and grab the money torch from her robin, maybe, just maybe, Dems could pass something before all hopes are dashed on getting this country back on track…The thought of convicted felons being able to run for political office should scare everyone to death!

  • 7,786

    Vote by mail is the only way to go. You only get one and one chance to vote, plus it is sent to your know address and mail it back. Making it hard to vote twice as some republicans have tried to do. Also if by chance you do get another Ballot, one will be canceled out because of duplicate. Gets rid of the snow bird and residents problem from voting twice. Need a national voting registry for voting. So where is the bipartisanship what Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema’s said it would happen with the republicans? Those fools were played by the republicans again and will be the poster child as why nothing gets done by the democrats, plus be the fall guy! They believe the lies the republicans had out. This is not the past when your word meant something, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema’s leaned that from the republicans.

  • 347

    “The final problem of the productive society is what it produces. This manifest itself in an implacable tendency to provide an opulent supply of some things and a niggardly yield of others. This disparity carries to the point where it is a cause of social discomfort and social unhealth. The line which divides our area of wealth from our area of poverty is roughly that which divides privately produced and marketed goods and services from publicly rendered services. Our wealth in the first is not only in startling contrast with the meagerness of the latter, but our wealth in privately produced goods is, to a marked degree, the cause of crisis in the supply of public services. For we have failed to see the importance, indeed the urgent need, of maintaining a balance between the two.” The Affluent Society Chapter XVIII The Theory of Social Balance By John Kenneth Galbraith

  • 39
