Florida Gov. Pushes Bill to Protect White People from 'Discomfort'

Do you support banning critical race theory?

  • 41.9k

    Anybody that supports hiding from or re-writing history because it is uncomforatble, risks never learning from past mistakes. Perhaps it would be easier to put loud speakers across the state, in every restaurant, in every bar and on every street corner so that the only news or historical context that Floridians can or will hear will be the ‘pleasant’ DeSantis news for ‘peasants’. … … … It would probably be cheaper to issue all Floridian residents or visitors paper bags with eye holes so they are protected from being exposed to any information that does not meet the DeSantis Doctrine. … … … The fact that many seem to support this bull crap is very frightening. No one should want another trump political influencer shredding the constitution with newly protected ‘officially sanctioned’ disinformation. … … … Our democracy is in peril and will remain so as long as these Republican Cultists continue to see the electorate as dumb ass peasants that they can easily manipulate with control over what they are allowed see and hear to keep them emotionally connected to the alternate reality that the cult wants them to believe. … … … Time for the Floridians reach for the ‘blue’ pill to disconnect themselves from the Republican Cultist’s Matrix.

  • 5,211
    Voted No

    Am I missing something, or can minorities also use this bill to sue over being made to feel "uncomfortable" about his or her "race, color, sex, or national origin"? Because that sounds like an amazing can of worms to open in Florida.

  • 7,986

    I support facts. I support uncomfortable facts. I support facts that are relevant and timely. I support facts that are historical and purposeful. I support facts that are pedagogically appropriate. I support history based on facts, no matter how uncomfortable or ugly. Most who do not support CRT, know nothing about it. Many of the States, local governments and school districts banning Critical Race Theory do not even have it in their schools. America’s history with different races, ethnicities, genders, religious groups isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. It’s messy, cruel and complicated. Florida’s law resembles something you might find in North Korea. So, rainbows & sunshine it is boys and girls, because we don’t want you to “feel” bad. This is now what our education system has become…we cut the Free lunch program. We don’t care if you’re hungry. We just don’t want you to know the facts, because you might feel bad.

  • 5,211
    Voted No

    Jeez, can you imagine if Germany stopped teaching their Holocaust history because it made people uncomfortable?

  • 45.1k

    Wow, we haven't touched this subject here on Causes since 1/25/22. Well, DeSuckass signed his 'Don't Say Gay' bill today. And of course on top of that is the resulting Book Burning in Florida, Texas and any number of other trumputin run states. You know, Christian values.

    Not sure if I remember being taught about Book Burning back those years ago when I attended church with my folks. 

  • 86

    What about the discomfort that Black people have to endure at the comfort of Whites? What kind of freedom and liberty is that??

  • 33

    We live in a country where minorities are forced to explain to our children how to stay safe in America. We have to tell them to keep your hands visible when you walk. This is so no one will think you have a weapon. Do not touch things in a store, unless you are going to purchase that item. You don't want people to think you are trying to steal. Do not wear a hoodie when you are walking. People will assume you are a thug and may try to shoot you. If we live in a country where I have to give these instructions for life. White children should be able to be taught America's real history. It is history being taught and people are upset because it's ugly. It tells of how callus and hateful some people have been to people that don't look like them. This is part of America's history. Tell the truth and not just the truth of what happens in other countries.

  • 201

    I am sick to death of hearing Republicans moan about Critical Race Theory!!!! If you can show me [Remember I'm a Missouri voter] 5 of their voters who even know what CRT means I'd be surprised. What they really want is for schools to STOP teaching history that they want don't want to confront. It's just that simple. If future voters don't learn from the mistakes of our past how can we believe we will ever progress "toward a more perfect union". . . .or "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." Just tell me!!!!

  • 171

    Let’s not teach about the Holocaust in case it would offend neo Nazis.

  • 21

    Critical race theory is an incredibly important educational step for any student. In college. Where they teach it. Teaching children to treat their peers with dignity and respect is just ethical, not critical race theory. Maybe people should learn something about the thing they want to banning before jumping in headfirst?

  • 325

    The Governor should address non popular vote getting issues like climate change, sink holes, water pollution, wetlands protection, insurance companies, support of lower drug cost for growing healthcare problem, eliminate Stand your ground and eliminating no knock warrants! People say they are sick and tired of the pandemic but don’t support mask wearing although over half the globe wears masks. People don’t understand why police who protect and serve are always bashed for just doing their job, because their sons and daughters don’t have fatal interactions with law enforcement. Further, they respect law enforcement and feel everyone should. (Hold that thought)…People are tired of being tied to the past over slavery, massacres, and lynchings. They didn’t or don’t own slaves, or hanged a negro, or burned down any towns of African Americans…and there it is. The difference with these sentiments is RACE. A majority of Americans respect, love, and vehemently support the BLUE because they don’t have their doors kicked in with license to kill no knock warrant by police. Their (your) defense circles around, well they shouldn’t be in the wrong place or my favorite, well they must of done something wrong - right? The suburbs don’t experience law enforcement tactical teams bursting through doors at the same fury, pace and lathered aggression as they do in communities of color - unfortunately that is an all too powerful and sad fact. Not debatable!!! His name was Amir Locke. I don’t know him but I recognize his experience. Police have allegedly murdered him. There is body cam footage before we get worked up the “you weren’t there” syndrome! Your proud civil protectors of law and order whom tirelessly work to keep your gilded communities safe from rampaging people of color from storming your communities. Sure black people commit crimes but so do every other ethnic and racial group. But no other group is more protrayed as crime ridden as the African-American male. Television news and print media plaster crimes of blacks at four to one ratio that white or hispanic males. Yes, Chicago has a homicide issue with black on black crime and the mayor is black, but we had a black president and four years later we have rampant racism and sit at the door step of authoritarian rule. THis expected desensitized view is what numbs you to the disparity of justice to the point that when law enforcement gets it wrong , you turn it into Minority Report (crime prevention based on likelihood of person committing an offense in the future). So killing an innocent black person on the presumption they are guilty of something, somewhere or somehow. Google the movie…minority report Equality peace and freedom are protected under our constitution but rarely enforced. Creation of a more perfect community starts with recognizing each other’s humanity and dismantling entitlement and privilege that causes the repugnant social disorder of oppression. I am not better than the next person and I see value in you - a human being!

  • 42

    As a student of a private parochial school, the purpose of which, was to make one feel guilt and uncomfortable; I learned empathy, respect, consequences as well as conformity and morality. I find it ironic that the so called Conservative party is choosing to dissuade those attributes by encouraging ignorance. Even more threatening than a novel, is the condemnation of students to learn about subjects like sexuality, morality, history and science from the internet which has already proven disastrous in sexual relationships and domestic abuse.

  • 23

    As a white person, I am offended by history being distorted and people being fed a pack of lies by obfuscating the truth of our nation’s complicated past. What about my fee-fees on this matter?

  • 255

    Some of our white forefathers created unspeakable acts. We should feel discomfort. We should feel shame. But these kinds of efforts only perpetuate the hate and discrimination of the past. Let's put it behinds us. The Civil War is over. Racists lost. Get over it.

  • 33

    Critical Race Theory isn’t taught in any public school. It’s a graduate level and law school course. As in you need to already have a bachelor’s degree. CRT is s stupid red herring for elected Republicans and activists who want to prevent the honest teaching of history. It is sad that anybody falls for it.

  • 78
    Kathy N Grant

    How many years have Black students felt uncomfortable? Critical race theory is not taught in schools, but American History should be. This governor is THE WORST governor we in Florida have EVER had! Even worse than you Rick Scott!

  • 347

    "Thus has emerged the conservative obsession with critical race theory (CRT), a mode of pushback that has taken on a life and logic of its own. It is a psychological defense, not a rational one. And it has become so prominent because the status quo is comfortable, and accountability is not...Critical race theory has been purposely mischaracterized as a divisive form of discourse that pits people of color against White people, that reduces children to their race.On their face, these arguments might sound considered. Concerned. Academic, even. There is plausible deniability — they aren’t about anyone’s personal discomfort with the changes racial reconciliation would take, they’re about preserving the best of the United States and protecting the children from bad ideas. But these are straw man arguments, the use of which highlights the discomfort underlying critics’ obsession with CRT in the first place: their fear of criticism itself, and an anxiety about what actually addressing racial inequality might look like...Objections to CRT are an emotional defense against unwanted change, not an intellectual disagreement. Conservatives were never debating the facts."

  • 1,605

    This surpasses Kelly Anne's idiocy of "alternative facts" with "no facts at all, if we don't like those facts".

  • 373

    First of all, repeat this with me for those who do not seem to be getting the bigger picture; CRT is a college level often graduate school level course. Stop conflating learning American history of which all should do including on your own outside of a classroom setting with CRT. It's a lie and is being propagandized for political purposes only. This gov along with some others are to snow flakey for my taste. I will also add that he and his admin have not done anything of any real substance re the neo nazi's rearing their anti semitic hateful rhetoric and propaganda either or as a matter of fact has he pushed law enforcement to take it with the seriousness that it should be taken of which I believe is far more important than the false CRT analogies that might hurt some peoples poor pathetic entitled little feelings.

  • 7,925

    Corrupt Trump is trying to buy the GOP 2022 and President 2024 election with pardons, he need to be read his Miranda rights for corruption! Lindsey Graham need the black votes, to stay in office, granted he came out for a black women to get the black vote, but he knows which way the wind blows, but he stands for nothing. It was long over due for a black women to the supreme courts appointment!

  • 90

    So there it is…22% of our population still live in the dark ages!

  • 201

    All this crap about critical race theory is because white people don’t want to be reminded of what their ancestors did. They are afraid of losing their place in society they want to be on top always. If they can hold strong they can convince themselves they do no wrong then their standing is safe. They will re-write history into their version to put them in the best light. When enough people stand up for the truth that’s when things begin to change. We must always expose the truth no matter how much it hurts! That’s a part of healing.

  • 592

    I was gonna write a bunch of stuff, but then I remembered, it’s just Ronny DeSantis. The Idiot Ron DeSantis!