IT: SCOTUS hears arguments against vaccine mandate💉, and... How do you feel about the job market?

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  • 229

    Thus branch of government is supposed to be apolitical. Now that it is conservative “stacked” we regress on forward thinking

  • 416

    This supreme “Death Panel” court lost all my respect by letting a public emergency continue to kill us based on their own personal belief, legal misinformation, and disrespect for intelligent professional scientists.

  • 41.9k

    larubia: I am glad to see Biden, Dr. Fauci and the rest of the administration finally start taking the gloves off. They played nice looking for bipartisanship and found very little to none. It is time for our major political figures to start hammering home the point. You can tolerate being bullied for so long before you have to stand your ground and fight back. Yes, the Republican Cult will whine - but the people will reward getting stuff done. Time to take Manchin and Sinema out behind the political barn and beat some sense into them - to prevent their big-money donor greed from submarining our treasured democracy.

  • 171

    My body my choice

  • 142

    No government should ever have the right to force a medical procedure on you period. Ours does not by definition. How then can the government give a power it does not possess to a governmental agency?? It can’t!! Anything less than telling Biden and his mandates to go move to Russia - where they DO have that right - is cause for a new government. Go Brandon!! It’s a sin that this is even up for debate. What the F happened to this once great nation…🤦🏻‍♂️

  • 7,920

    Dr. Fauci!!! My hero…thanks for letting Rand Paul, and all the COVID deniers, have it!!! Much respect!

  • 7,920

    If the highest court deems mandatory vaccinations for workers illegal, they will effectively cripple OSHA, our military & public schools. The false equivalence between science and opinion is a slippery slope, especially where the health and safety of our work & public spaces is concerned. This could set precedent for things like: Safety equipment not to be used on construction sites Smokers to come back indoors Seatbelts, helmets, & child safety seats no longer necessary Shoot, you could argue that you don’t really have to stop at a red light, if you believe you don’t need to do so! Ugh!!!

  • 416

    If pandemic controls with masks, lockdowns, vaccinations, testing, tracking, quarantining, and social distancing is bad but freedom is good, then why is suicide or assisted death illegal other than for insurance companies not paying death benefits. The freedom to die from a virus is important to people against the pandemic controls. So is the freedom to “assist” in another person’s death important to people against pandemic controls. So why isn’t suicide and assisted death totally fine with people against pandemic controls. Freedom is being destroyed by the people saying Freedom Good, Mandate Bad. Maybe death IS freedom to the people against pandemic controls instead of death being the ultimate LOSS of freedom most people know. I consider the pandemic an enemy and I want to be rid of it. I don’t want to support the enemy pandemic by being intolerant, ignorant, or self-righteous.

  • 666

    Medieval Catholic Judges. Good one. God help us!!!! Rigid observation of constitutional law does not control viruses.

  • 44.6k

    I'm with Leslie being 'On pins and needles awaiting a decision from a majority of medieval Catholic judges' on the vaccine mandates, but WHAT ABOUT DUMP'S WHITE HOUSE DOCS! What's taking so long over there!! Rejecting his request should have taken all of 2 seconds unless you're trying to find a way to give the Ex permanent executive privilege. Just get it done already! Leslie's comment:

  • 25.7k

    @Dave wrote: "Medieval Catholic Judges. Good one. God help us!!!! Rigid observation of constitutional law does not control viruses." Agreed! You know, I've been doing some reading about the Founders. The Conservatives are using made-up bullshit to impose their views about the government. We need to know that the underlying guiding principles came from the books, essays and talks that collectively formed the 18th Century Enlightenment which held a set of principles and ideals – liberty, progress guided by reason and science, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state Know that the founders went to great lengths to garner support for a country based on the ideals of the enlightenment. But getting support, they made some compromises. They also allowed for amendments. We have judges who talk strict interpretation but who mean to impose views quite the opposite of the founding principles. BTW - On reading about passing laws, the founders went to great lengths not to permit something like the filibuster. A case about the unconstitutionality of the filibuster came to the Supreme Court but the court said the person who filed the suit had no standing. We need someone with obvious standing to try again.

  • 310

    Jobs, jobs, jobs, work, work, work, labor, labor, labor, create capital for someone else. I’m so tired of human existence being tied to employment. I’m so over human worth being tied to employment. I’m so sick of healthcare being tied to employment. We’ve got one sliver of a life to live, 80 years or so if it’s a good run, and what are we forced to do with it? Spend our time away from the things that matter to us, laboring so that someone else can reap the rewards while we worry about rent and access to quality food and affordable healthcare.

  • 416

    I’m hoping the Supreme Court realizes that a nation-wide health emergency requires federal government assistance, integration, and funding with mandated requirements to get it under control. I would think a pandemic threat to our whole society would take precedence over free speech that are lies that are making the pandemic worse and drawing the pandemic out over so much time. They also need to consider the death threats against scientists and harm to hospital personnel because the “right thing to do” is not mandated yet to properly control the virus and people believe the harmful misinformation put out by politicians. Rand Paul is not accepting his responsibility of helping kill 800000 Americans and blaming Dr Fauci of all people for self-serving political reasons instead of serving our country ethically in politics because there are no mandates and evidently nothing illegal about being ethically harmful and fatal to society. We need money and unethical behavior out of politics.

  • 8,471

    @phillip: please state your source and a link. Thank you!

  • 8,471

    @ryan: Some Akron Children's Hospital employees at the Boardman location may be placed on leave if they are not vaccinated. According to a statement from Akron Children's, employees that have no record of vaccination or exemption will be placed on unpaid leave. @ryan: please share correctly. Otherwise you won’t be considered credible!

  • 208

    A bit lengthy but worth the read: A fantastic piece today in the Wall Street Journal correctly notes that one study found that after 30 days, the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines no longer had any statistically significant positive effect against omicron infection, and after 90 days, their effect went negative -- i.e. vaccinated people were more susceptible to omicron infection.

  • 142

    The inequality of the job market is unacceptable. Something needs to be done about this before we become 3rd world country

  • 269

    The absence of a clear understanding of known,basic, undisputed truths, concerning Covid 19 was demonstrated by public remarks made by some Justices of the Supreme Court.These are extremely disturbing but I don’t think disqualifying, certainly not in a legal sense. What is disturbing is that the comments seemed political in nature, and some provably inaccurate.and others uninformed opinions. We should all be concerned when the basis of a Justice’s legal opinion is rooted in the political opinions of Justice or others. I think generally this can undermine the credibility of our highest court. Conservative Justice’s comments were related to the law,clearly their area of expertise,and credible, useful legal views. Such comments are useful because they enlighten and promote understanding of the law and legalities, upon which the Justice makes their decision.

  • 2,915

    SCOTUS REVIEW: Perhaps wise to wait for a decision and argument prior to making comments. I always find it fascinating how quickly some criticize when they feel their opinion may be challenged even before it happens.

  • 2,797

    eireprof in fact you are suggesting that we go against the Constitution and simply do away with our form of government? The are THREE BRANCHES OF THIS GOVERNMENT. The Executive, the Legislature, and the Judicial. In this Republic one doesn’t simply say I don’t like the laws that Comrade Crying Chuck and Comrade Nancy are passing over Congress and we demand to get rid of it, or even worst the President as head of the executive branch decides to disband the Congress completely like a banana republic. Can you imagine that a Supreme Court could decree that the President is making executive Presidential orders and has no authority to do so as that job of law making belongs to the Congress like immigration reform. Therefore they are doing away with the entire executive branch and the country will now be ruled by the Judicial branch and the legislative branch will simply make recommendations to the Supreme Court for approval? No you see there are three separate and equal branches of government. We may not like decisions of the Supreme Court like previously determined Roe vs Wade or allowing Comrade Obama’s Presidential Order of DACA that was determined illegal done by the Supreme Court but allowed to stand even though it violated the Constitution and several year later when President Trump got in office he put forward a Presidential Order to reverse DACA that same Supreme Court ruled that even though Comrade Obama was wrong that the executive branch can not dictate immigration laws that only the legislative branch can do that the Supreme Court ruled that President Trump even though it would put immigration laws back in Congress that he could not reverse the previous Presidential Order. So no we can not just do away with the Judicial branch