Biden Tells Ukrainian President the U.S. ‘Will Respond Decisively’ if Russia Invades Further

Are you concerned about Russia’s military buildup on Ukraine’s border?

  • 149

    In 1994, when the USSR collapsed, approximately 30% of the USSR’s nukes were in the Ukraine. In order to give up those nukes, the Ukraine needed assurance that it’s sovereignty would be guaranteed. In the 1994 Budapest Agreement the USA, Great Britain, Russia and the Northern Ireland Republic agreed to insure that sovereignty. In 1914 Russia invaded the Ukraine and Obama sent them blankets, so Putin challenged Obama and Obama backed down. Now Putin is testing Biden and instead of sending equipment and materials for The Ukraine to defend itself, Biden is waffling. He should be getting Great Britain and Northern Ireland together and shipping war material to Ukraine. Kind of shows the world that our word isn’t worth much. .

  • 404

    Probably not concerned. Ukraine’s allies will help them and I don’t really think Russia is all that intent on invasion. I think this is political theater. Most is when it comes to Russia. It’s a distraction from China and actual threats beyond our borders.

  • 39

    Any territorial expansionism by any country is inimical to US interests.

  • 1,020

    What reason are they there? I feel they may intend on invading that country in the near future!

  • 289

    If Russia weren't planning to invade, why doesn't it just go home?

  • 355

    When was the last time Biden kept his word?

  • 59.2k

    We must support our ally Ukraine and stop this invasion by Russia who has no authority over this territory. We cannot stand by and let authoritarian non-democracies such as Russia and China just seize land anytime they want.

  • 27.8k

    . [Off Topic] Side Note? Absolutely Not! @Mr.Geer brought up an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT issue regarding Medicare. @Mr.Geer wrote: "…side note-Biden is handing medicare over to wallstreet, just as trump was set to do…." Thanks, @Mr.Geer! This Must Be Stopped Dead In Its Tracks! We need an Urgent Call To Action! Begin by contacting your representatives. See (1) "Opinions | Trump had a scheme to privatize Medicare. The Biden administration isn’t stopping it. "Trump's scheme to privatize Medicare is still unfolding. Biden isn't stopping it. "Opinion by Helaine Olen" (2) “Advocates Sound Alarm About Pilot Program They Say Could Privatize All of Medicare” (3) "Congress 'Asleep at the Switch' as Biden Continues Trump-Era Ploy to Privatize Medicare - PNHP" "" (4) "Jayapal Leads More than 50 Lawmakers in Urging Biden Administration to Protect Medicare by Ending Trump-Era Privatization Effort - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal" There’s much more online about this

  • 381

    Sanction, sanction and sanction!

  • 13.9k

    Any way to justify the huge military budget, I guess. As the U.S. loses its standing on the world stage, and our county crumbles, a new cold war, or very real shooting war is just the distraction the government needs. I'm sure your kids can't wait to die on a radioactive battlefield for the rich, right? Joe Biden has tried to frame this as ''democracy vs authoritarianism''. I wonder which one he thinks the U.S. is? side note-Biden is handing medicare over to wallstreet, just as trump was set to do. We need universal healthcare, and housing for ALL! End the drug war, close the for profit prison system, cancel student debt, real action on the climate disaster we face, pass b.b.b. and the green new deal!

  • 320

    Please support Ukrainian sovereignty and independence by sending aid, including military aid.

  • 676

    Yes I am concerned about Russian possibly attacking Ukraine. Putin is trying to flex his muscles

  • 2,464

    You'd have to be a fool to not be concerned.

  • 1,941

    Damn! We just got out of a 20 year war. ENOUGH already. I this why the Defense Department got all that extra money this past month......The only thing America is exceptional at anymore is KILLING. NOT something to be proud of.

  • 45

    I remember reading when Putin invaded the Crimea: when the USSR disbanded, there were nuclear weapons in Ukraine. NATO considered this dangerous. So, NATO made an agreement with Ukraine that if Ukraine gave up those weapons then NATO would protect Ukraine from Russian invasion. Does anyone know if that is true?

  • 45

    Three things to know about Putin: 1) he grew up in the USSR, when Russia controlled up to 15 other countries and forced them to do as Russia wanted. 2) as a teenager he joined the KGB, thus growing up with power over other Russians and learning how to use espionage. 3) he wants another USSR, believing that is its/his destiny—and he wants to be the one to “reunite” as many of those original countries as he can.

  • 171

    Let the UN handle. We need a break for fighting everyone's wars. The UN should ta me e the lead on this. That is what we pay them for.

  • 1,048

    The entire United States Government needs to speak on this issue and Taiwain. Start by sending them both countries weapons both defensive arm both large and small. Call it FDR's "Lend, Lease" the principle is the same. Then add Special Forces Troops to train Ukrainian and Taiwanese armies on insurgent tactics. Send the message of no free lunch, remember Putin and Xi both started this by breaking a Status Quo, do not reward them with concessions.

  • 617

    More concerned Milley will warn Russia ahead of time. Even more concerned Joe only has 11 percent approval rating

  • 355

    Biden is a fiction. He does what he is told. His word is as good as it has always been. That's why he was installed. Everything you are told from the official news is a lie. Look at the actions on the world stage. You'll see the plan.