Afghanistan War Commission to Be Established by Congress

Do you support or oppose the establishment of the Afghanistan War Commission?

  • 116

    Rather than waste more taxpayers money, how about spending some money helping seniors who have worked all their lives? How about making property taxes end at age 65 or when the homeowners retire? How about limiting the Medicare increase to no more than the COLA? (This year it went up 18%, rather negating the 5.9% COLA, especially with a 10%+ inflation). Seniors worked for their Social Security, but Congress allows it to go to people who have never earned it.

  • 109

    We all know why it failed the current administration. Are cowards and have no back bone . To stand up to anyone .

  • 388

    I have no objection to this commission if it actually produces a bipartisan, factual review, conclusions and lessons learned. I am concerned that this will instead be marred, watered down, and distorted by political concerns. The stories told by and to our news sources and politicians during the run-up to the war during the war - most of whom have no military service to include George Bush, Jr. who brought us to war having only had National Guard experience - and the politicians and members of the international press were striking. I do have concern that the commission will become another political football. After all, if Liz Cheney can be removed from her committee assignments and censured by her party merely for supporting efforts to discover the true story of the January 6 insurrection, it is not much of a stretch to imagine that unpalatable truths that might result in a political bruise will be unwelcome in their undiluted version.

  • 674

    As long as it doesn’t drag on like the endless war

  • 706

    Actually, I have to admit to being mostly apathetic because I have no confidence that a decisive conclusion will be drawn or that certain bureaucratic failures (individuals) will be held to account. With too many of these committees the results are paltry yet consume greats amounts of time and money which is a contributing factor to why our nation's infrastructure has been neglected for decades. Sometimes it seems like these committees only serve the purpose of building resumes for members of Congress.

  • 1,221

    This "Commission" will be another Democrat tool to harm GOP. Both Parties participated in there Middle East War nightmare. This Congress is much too political to be trusted with any investigation. GOP is allow Dems make a mountain out of the Jan 6 molehill, while ignoring the BLM, Antifa riots. One of the4m set fire to the "National Cathedral. GOP allowed a fraudulent 2020 election: Our Sacred Constitution grants sole, and complete authority over States' election laws to said State's lawmakers. You failed to stop the election corrupted by Judges, governors, and "election officials". If covid truly required changes to election procedures Each State should have convened their lawmaker to Constitutionally make such exceptions. Like would be King Biden's mandates This Congress is allowed Our Democratic Republic to be ruled over by Criminal not justly elected.

  • 762

    Lets be truthful.

  • 27.8k

    Related: "Parents selling children shows desperation of Afghanistan "SHEDAI CAMP, Afghanistan (AP) — In a sprawling settlement of mud brick huts in western Afghanistan housing people displaced by drought and war, a woman is fighting to save her daughter. "Aziz Gul’s husband sold the 10-year-old girl into marriage without telling his wife, taking a down-payment so he could feed his family of five children. Without that money, he told her, they would all starve. He had to sacrifice one to save the rest. Unimaginably Horrifying!

  • 306

    will only end up more wasted money since you can't unring a bell

  • 1,582

    Ya, review the war! But congress needs to move forward with a voting rights law in this country, before we become like Afghanistan! We have Republicans in a number of states reducing voting rights to stay in power!

  • 96

    Wow, we wasted all that money fighting a war and now we're going to see WHY we were there. Just a thought, shouldn't we have figured that out BEFORE we got into the war and killed and maimed so many of our young service people.

  • 2,427

    Thank you for pointing that out, burrkitty! Important for all to know. Happy New Year! 🎈🎊🥂😊❤️😊❤️

  • 468

    🤷‍♀️ Maybe we shouldn’t allow the USA to have undeclared wars. Congress abandoned its responsibilities to declare war and the results have been losing every time. “Authorizing military force” is just a cop-out to avoid Congressional responsibility to declare war. How many wars have we lost since 1942? Were the current U.S. military actions in Syria or Yemen or Libya or Somalia or Niger declared by Congress? The wars in Afghanistan or Iraq: Were they declared by Congress? Was the Kosovo War in 1998 and 1999 declared by Congress? The Bosnian War, 1992-1995? Was the First Persian Gulf War of 1990 and 1991 declared by Congress? The 1989 invasion of Panama? The 1983 U.S. invasion of Grenada? The Vietnam War? The Korean War? The answer to all of those questions is no.

  • 2,427

    Absolutely, Bob! 👍🏻👏🏻😊❤️

  • 1,221

    This will become a partisan weapon for Dems to "damage" GOP. Congress is no longer seeking Facts, or Truth. This Russian collusion witch-hunt, "Jan 6" insentient turinded Inyo an "instruction", Congress failure o investigate Bidens, Joe, Hunter, the rest's treasonous dealings with Communist China, Russia, and other not friendly "Nations", long with Congress' "validation" of the fraudulent 2020 election. Congress appears to be gearing up for another fraudulent election. Our Constitution places full, and sole authority over Each State's elections to said State's lawmakers. There is no Emergency cy, covid, or any situation that permits judges, Governors, Election Officials to alter, violate, or modify in any manner State's election laws.You got rid of Trump, but You may have doomed USA in doing it.

  • 989


  • 218

    Good breakdown and good idea. We need to know how we stayed there so long without accomplishing anything. And, we need to know what we further need to do.

  • 42.2k

    Leslie: Great summary of the what and why of the Afghanistan War Commission. Thanks!

  • 260

    Useless waste of time and our taxpayers $$$. Nothing will come out of this except to throw blame.

  • 255

    I'm not sure what the point is. We can rehash the past all we want but it won't change anything. Especially in Washington. Hindsight is 2020 and I'm sure there will be lots of blame. Besides, it's dangerous to let people who don't know what they're doing, i.e. Congress, try to make sense of militrary decisions. How about focusing on current threats like China?