Supreme Court to Hear Arguments Over Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

Do you support or oppose the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates?

  • 117

    "Biden's an idiot" is getting old to say and hear. We should come up with alternatives besides that. Until then, let's go brandon will have to work.

  • 3,405

    Let him do his job. Let him help stop this deadly virus. What is wrong with you? It is not time for party politics and that is all we are getting from our reps. Grow up! Forget your senseless jealousies try to save the Populus! Now there's a good idea!

  • 118

    Totally for mandate to protect myself, my family, my friends, and all of you. People who refuse to be vaccinated should NOT receive any kind of free health care. Insurance companies and the government should refuse to pay for their ignorance.

  • 109

    Way to much government over reach . Put the vaccine out there and if people want they will go get it. But that’s the problem with this country today everyone wants someone to tell them what to do .

  • 890

    We all should be vaccinated.

  • 358

    Let’s end this 2 year pandemic in our Country by getting vaccinated! Our hospitals are full, our nurses get infected when caring for UNVaccinated sick covid people, we are turning people away as we have no more space for them, we are burnt out caring for the UN -Vaccinated people. PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING AND SUPPORT VACCINATIONS !

  • 60

    It’s unconstitutional. Both Biden and Harris said as much. And then they decide to have OSHA do their dirty work. This is all about control. And by that I mean their control of the American people.

  • 255

    How are we ever going to get out of this if half the population is allowed to refuse getting the vaccine? Why are the Republicans allowing the public health to be compromised over the illusion of a right that is not in the Constitution. If I held a gun to your head, I would be arrested. The unvaccinated are doing just the same.

  • 152

    Are federal government is a pack of lying stealing criminals from the constituents of this country I do not recognize their mandates and forcing people to do things against their constitutional rights

  • 240

    My Dad was LUCKY to find a non Covid bed at Methodist Houston due to the packed Covid Er’s. He’s in this shape because his specialists have been treating Covid patients for 2 years, putting off HIS TREATMENTS, TESTS AND PROCEDURES. Yes yes yes dammit, y’all are KILLING our families that have done EVERYTHING TO PROTECT YOURS. You EARN FREEDOM with RESPONSIBILITY AS A CITIZEN. If you can’t be bothered to do it as your PATRIOTIC DUTY, then yes MANDATE THEM ALL THE WAY OUT OF PUBLIC LIFE!

  • 2,427

    Good ones, Mr.Geer! 👏🏻👍🏻😊❤️

  • 762

    For crying out loud!….how many other ‘mandates’ do we honor already? Get over yourself.

  • 157

    This overreach will further hurt the economy by people deciding to quit their jobs rather than be forced into constant shots for something they probably can fight on their own. It's not a vaccine - it's the gov. testing how much BS they can sell the public - sadly they can be extremely controlling. What's next, no smoking, stop eating sugars & exercise? After all the U.S. does not have enough money to support people that don't want what's best for society.

  • 174

    There would be no need for a mandate if people simply chose to get vaccinated. Why did Trump’s supporters boo when he said he got the booster? Why are Republicans working so hard to discourage their voters from getting the vaccine?

  • 218

    I oppose anything that Biden proposes, he is neither of sound mind or fortitude to carry out any intelligent purpose. We all know someone else is pulling his strings telling him what to say and do. He cannot go on a Jimmy Fallon show without having the script written for him. This country has fallen down so bad with Biden at the helm and many Americans like myself fear what the next few years will bring.

  • 13.3k

    I don't typically support mandates or banns, I think if provided with factual information an adult should be able to make their own decision on things. That said, this is a public health issue that effects others, and the level of misinformation and politicalization of this issue force the hand of health officials. this is also a failing on the part of our mainstream media for representing ''both sides'' to an argument that is not on the same footing. If your not a virologist and your arguing with one- your not arguing, your just wrong. And for those crying about their ''freedom''- your freedom ends at mine, and you don't have the right to expose me, or anyone else to a virus.

  • 8,978

    Does the Court support life?

  • 47

    I Oppose the Biden's Vaccine Mandates. As President Trump announced and all U.S. Governors agreed, Leave the COVID (CCP virus) treatments to the States. Big Government needs to back off from creating total fear and the "do as I say" crap. Having The People under total 'control' is not what the USA is all about, maybe CCP but NOT the USA!! There are proven early virus treatments to prevent all-out panic! As for the mass media sticking their noses into COVID treatments, they need to BACK OFF! All they do is create fear by demoralizing our very own ability to determine what is best for us as individuals. If some people cannot see where Biden mandates (and I doubt mandates are actually coming from Biden but whomever is writing his script for him) are headed, they need to wake up. From what I have been researching and learning, MOST people are awakening, refusing the mandates...Thank God!! Look it up, Hydroxychloroquine and monoclonal vaccines are "Antibodies." Foods rich in flavonoids will rush bacteria/viruses out of your body! And Get proper rest, your life depends on it...always has.

  • 458

    Not only do I support vaccine mandates, I also support allowing providers to refuse to treat unvaccinated people. My sister had a life-threatening reaction to medication and she needs to be tested at various times to assure the situation is resolving properly. She is unable to return to the hospital for necessary tests - thanks to halfwits. Totally unnecessary behavior and we should begin treating these people as the pariah they are and stop indulging their idiocy. Your freedom should not interfere with my ability to receive SAFE health care.

  • 45

    From the first we knew we needed at least a 70% vaccination rate to reduce the spread of COVID. People who refused to get vaccinated are the reason for this prolonged problem. It is not Biden’s fault; it is not CDC’s fault. It is the fault of those who refuse vaccination. THIS IS STRICTLY A PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM. Those who refuse the vaccine are also the cause of non-COVID deaths—accident victims, heart attack victims, etc. who died because the unvaccinated were filling the hospital beds.