Congress to Consider Defense Bill, Healthcare Extensions, and Potential Debt Limit Legislation

How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?

  • 285

    Pass it all.

  • 2,468

    When will you weak Democrats address the filibuster rule by getting rid of it? When will the Democrats play “hardball” with the Republicans and stop negotiating with them? If the Republicans like something in a piece of legislation, I am automatically against it because I am tired of the lie, cheat, and steal tactics of the current Republican Party.

  • 39

    Dear representatives! Please extent debt limits and and health

  • 753

    What an absolute laugh Fox News put up a Christmas tree and it burst into flames! That says it all Fox News welcome to hell where you belong.

  • 666

    Does anyone know what the end of the year Healthcare Provisions are? Did I miss something? Do we now have universal healthcare and nobody told me?

  • 802

    Always kicking the debt limit damn wish people could do that

  • 27.8k

    Louie, Louie, Oh Boy, What's Got Into You?! If you were wondering about Congressman Gohmert's inquiry into changing the orbit of the Earth or the Moon to give us time before global warming wreaks havoc, Scientific America took him up on it. After reading the article, I think you'll agree that Louie Gohmert should be benched alongside Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar. In Louie's case, it's for "profound stupidity in a US Representative." After all, a House Representative should never ask a question in public without already knowing the answer. That one was probably the one of dumbest of the 21st Century. It's right up there with Trump using a Sharpie to redirect a hurricane and Trump's COVID pronouncements. (Did Tucker Carlson praise Louie?) As most of us already knew, the amount of energy to move a planetary body using 21st Century technology would be impossibly enormous. Or maybe it's Ginormous: The equivalent of, say, a Billion Nuclear Explosions! A Modest Proposal: Let's Change Earth's Orbit - Scientific American “During a congressional hearing last week, Republican Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas asked a U.S. Forest Service official if her organization or the Bureau of Land Management could change the orbit of the moon or Earth to reverse the effects of human-caused climate change. That seems like a perfectly reasonable idea, doesn’t it? Let’s do it.” (Props to my high school physics teacher. He showed us how physics is applied to real-world problems. The SA article reminded me why I liked his applied physics tangents.) Thanks to @jimK for reminding me about Gohmert's request of the Forest Department. Were they dealing with MTG's Jewish Space Lasers at the time? My guess it was all for the votes of the prejudiced and paranoid on the left side of the intelligence normal curve.

  • 42.2k

    Robert P: Your claim that the Covid death rates are worse under Biden is willfully wrong and inaccurate. Infectious diseases spread exponentially from carriers that infect others. Under the trump, the total cases (including those reported only by the federal government which are not included in the John Hopkins’s state only data) were 25,163,817 and the American deaths were 434,166 with a death rate of 1.73% overall. Under Biden from Jan 20th to Dec 5th, there were an additional 25,806,039 new cases and a death rate of 1.51%, the deaths mostly occurring within those still subscribing to the anti-vax bullshit that the Republican Cartel either endorses or ignores. … … … There were no reported cases on Jan 20th 2000 but let’s say there were 2. The number of Covid cases then doubled 15.5 times by January 20th 2001. Under Biden the cases as of December 5th have yet to double even once since Jan 20th. If we had kept on the same trajectory as maintained by the trump, the case counts on Dec 5th 2021 would have been over 40 Trillion. Think about that- with the current death rate that would means over 610 million deaths by Dec 5th and no one left on the planet by Jan 20th. … … . Let’s say the initial cases on Jan 20th, 2000 was actually 10 -that results in in about 10 Trillion new cases; starting with 20 initial cases you get over 5 Trillion cases; starting with 50 cases on Jan 20th, 2001 you get over 2 Trillion new cases. The only way that the trump’s performance responding to Covid would match Biden’s performance would be if there were over 13,000,000 (yes, 13 million) initial unknown Covid infections on Jan 20th, 2000. … … … One thing about numbers drawn from documented and proven facts is that do they not lie. People who misinterpret numbers on purpose to make a point, however, often do. … … … Based on the math, Biden’s performance in defeating Covid has been more than exemplary and outstanding compared to the trump’s. Infectious diseases do not spread linearly, they grow exponentially when, on average, a single person infects more than one other person. … … … If you need help with the math, please let me know.

  • 3,907

    Biden nominee for key comptroller of the currency post saul omariva withdraws When you cannot hire the best minds but insist on the most manipulative shallow minds then you don’t deserve to be a great country Shame on you congress! Shame on you Comrade Kennedy! During her confirmation hearing last month, Republicans harshly questioned Omarova, who was born in the Soviet Union. GOP Sen. John Kennedy, in a widely circulated exchange, said, "I don't know whether to call you professor or comrade."

  • 42.2k

    The defense bill should be broken down into three categories; military sustenance, defensive capabilities and offensive capabilities. I fully support sustenance of our military personnel and maintenance of our inventory of military assets as well as maintaining or even strengthening our defensive capabilities. Military offensive capabilities are needed as well but can be reduced to meet higher priority domestic needs. … … … Indeed, our military strategies have to be focused on defending our country’s interests with the geo-political disruptions that will be coming as the Climate Crisis continues to worsen. … … … The bar for spending on offensive capabilities must be higher because the military-industrial complex has and will continue to lobby Congress for any number of new weapon systems, to the point of undercutting needed sustenance and even needed defensive capabilities. Offensive military capability needs should be reviewed by an independent select civilian panel based on prioritized needs and not just by congresspeople anxious to see defense money spent in their states, irregardless of the needs. …… … Let’s use Louie Gohmert as an example: He publicly asked the US Forest Service why they could not just change the orbit of the moon for some asinine reason. Congresspeople whose knowledge comes from watching ‘B’ sci-fi movies cannot be trusted to make intelligent decisions regarding the need for increased spending on military offensive capabilities.

  • 262

    I support the defense bill giving more money to our military buildings more ships for the Navy the Air Force and the army and the marines ,Coast Guard. Health care is very important and the cost needs to fixed .

  • 1,271

    One of you (at least) supported the communist candidate for Comp Controller. You argued for her and disliked questions being issued to her. A communist knows a communist. Us who host information watches make sure this gets out..

  • 3,405

    You will not see a smiling face from me until you pass "build back better"!

  • 34

    We need the Build Back Better legislation passed.

  • 27.8k

    @jimK wrote: "Let’s use Louie Gohmert as an example: He publicly asked the US Forest Service why they could not just change the orbit of the moon for some asinine reason. Congresspeople whose knowledge comes from watching ‘B’ sci-fi movies cannot be trusted to make intelligent decisions regarding the need for increased spending on military offensive capabilities." B movies? You’re kidding, right? Do you mean the Forest Service couldn’t call Star Fleet Command? Or is it that Star Fleet Engineers can’t establish a warp field around the moon, then use tractor beams and have a couple of Star Ships move the moon to a new orbit? Tripp, Scotty, Geordi, Data, B’Elana, Seven of Nine, Miles, Rom, where are all you brilliant engineers? Louie needs you! Ah, maybe Louie should contact Q. Q can do it anon. Then again, some Jedi could use the Force. ::😂🤣😜😆😝 😂🤣😜😆😝::

  • 40

    I’m almost certain nothing will get done, sadly

  • 17.4k

    Once again, you go jimK!

  • 762

    So much ‘talk’ and no follow up action.

  • 118

    Interesting how in the first year of global Covid restrictions the global economy contracted by 3.1% as per the IMF. At the same time the top 100 arms dealers sales rose by 1.3%. Fortunately half of those businesses kept the American workforce employed during this pandemic. And props to the industry's effective lobbying in the US, employees are exempted from stay at home orders. And right after us China ignored the bug (militarised?) and kept their people gainfully employed in the arms industry. Ah, the global war machine, it's wheels are well greased. Anybody working on an anti-virus for that? Oh well, that's just who we are.

  • 8,811

    CUT MILITARY SPENDING by @ LEAST 10%! Start here!!!