What Happens if Roe v. Wade Is Overturned?

Do you want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade?

  • 182

    Forced birth is violence against women!

  • 36

    Killing another human being is never ok… period!

  • 2,468

    Carina prefers a slow death for babies by starving them to death and ensuring their parents can’t afford to take care of them! No financial help for those women who are forced to have these babies is acceptable to the Right Wing Wacko Religious Fanatics?

  • 112

    To all you men who believes roe vs wade should be over turned: no UTERUS, no OPINION!! To all the women who are in favor of overturning it: SHAME ON YOU!! Shame on you for wanting the government tell you what to do with your body! What is it with women who wholly supports and embraces a patriarchal society! WTF do you think YOU are getting out of this?? NO ONE gets to tell me what do with my body! And for those who say “they’re only modifying it. That’s it!” Your sorry asses must be from Texas!

  • 22

    Women should have the right to decide for themselves what they want or need. They should have safe options stay available to them.

  • 2,427

    You go, burrkitty! You are special. I can tell! 😊❤️😊❤️

  • 47

    The right to a abortion needs to be saved.

  • 148

    The choice to continue a pregnancy or not, is a decision for a woman to make. Hers is the life and future impacted. It is her constitutional right to make her own choice for if and when to become a parent.

  • 63

    Punish the unborn child for the actions of those who conceived it. That's murder. Abortion is murder.

  • 118

    If people do not want to get abortions, then so be it that is their CHOICE. Let a women choose...a choice is what they want and deserve. If America actually took care of their kids, I might be a little less upset about people taking away a women choice, but not by much.

  • 3,405

    The Supreme Court has laws that they must follow also. Their rulings are supposed to reflect the opinion of the majority of the people of the country. At this time (12/7/21) the majority (80%) of the people of this country do not want Roe v Wade erased and (78%) do not want abortion to be against any laws. Currently, it is thought of as "private family business", not government business.

  • 24

    Think about it politics & religion aside, why would anyone need more than 15 W - E - E -K- S / 3 MONTHS to decide on an abortion!! ?? Give a flipping break! Killing humans for convenience is just wrong! 3rd word country stuff! Abortion up to that point fine, after no.

  • 57

    This is an Established Law and should not be left to individual States which simply means making abortions null and void; Over 70% of Americans support a woman’s right to choose for abortions. The Supreme Court becomes a political institution by changing Roe v. Wade, clearly which is not it’s function.

  • 458

    Overturning Roe V Wade marks a turn of events toward terrorism that I truly believed could not happen. When fanatics like Kavanaugh and Cooney-Barrett can force their religious values on all of America you will have to convince me they are not terrorists. Polls showing that the popular opinion in the country is a woman's right to chose but it appears the belief system of a small group of radical right wing crazies rules in the Supreme Court. Hopefully they will be the first causalities in the coming Revolution because we certainly will have to have one to rid the country of this scrounge!

  • 1,703

    New times new thoughts new responsibilities

  • 38

    I am a mommy to an angel. When I was 28, I quite literally would have died without having a DNC which is an abortion procedure that happens when the mother is miscarrying. There would have been two lives lost. Overturning Row Vs. Wade does not change if abortions will continue to be happening in the USA. It only is a matter of if they will be had safely. As Sonia Sotomayor said, this is a religious debate; it’s not a debate of law and civil rights. #bansoffourbodies

  • 592

    As a male, I do not believe I have a right or invitation to voice my opinion. No male really does unless he and his significant other have discussed in detail a plan to become pregnant, or to have children. Every male’s 15 second contribution should have little to no baring on the 9 month decision by the female. Unless, as previously stated, both partners have agreed to a plan if the female were to become pregnant. As abortion and reproductive rights are a matter of healthcare and choice for each female now, making abortion illegal will only cause more harm than any good.

  • 382

    This who question has a simple answer, have the court decide when life begins. Period.

  • 41

    Hoping this message reaches both my elected representatives. If I sat on the Supreme Court I would author an opinion (whether it be a concurrence or in dissent) that shifted back towards the Roe v. Wade trimester test and a BLUNT STATEMENT of reaffirming the right for the woman ALONE to discuss PRIVATE MATTERS regarding HER BODY rather than shifting Planned Parenthood v. Casey’s undue burden standard further towards further intrusion into private matters amongst couples, families- but ultimately a INDIVIDUAL PERSON WITHOUT INTERFERENCE AND ENSLAVEMENT BY GOVERNMENTS AND COURTS UNLESS IT COULD LEAD TO A SERIOUS LEGITIMATE PUBLIC CRISIS.

  • 202

    If Roe v Wade is overturned, then women in some states will have less rights than women in other states. Women all across the country should be guaranteed the same rights. A female embryo and a female corpse should not have more rights than a fully formed woman.