Southern Border Apprehensions Remained High in October

Are you concerned about the rate of illegal border crossings?

  • 112

    This nation has been built upon by immigrants! White people are not the original natives of this land. Europeans came to this land and took it away and killed millions of the original inhabitants. But, as the descendants of those Europeans you think you’re entitled to treat these illegal immigrants so terribly! White people need to stop believing that they’re the superior race! And to the people who are not white but agree with the white folk, you need to take a good hard look at yourself!

  • 86

    Only a moron would NOT be concerned about the rate of illegal border crossings. But hey - let’s just send Kamala for a drive by. 🤦‍♂️

  • 3,405

    The Southern border isn't the only border. Do you know what goes on at the Northern border? How would you like to be a Native American held in a cell at the Northern border because the guards think you're a Mexican because you have brown skin and they can't tell the difference between Spanish and Ojibwe?

  • 199

    White supremacy is the real problem, those domestic terrorists must be held accountable

  • 1,386

    This entire country immigrated here. These people are just more of us.

  • 24

    This country needs Leaders who can lead, not act like puppets who pander to whatever way the wind blows with the media. Please take a stand on protecting our southern boarder with surveillance & laws that prevent illigimate crossings.

  • 382

    These criminals are just being let go, no vetting, cks for disease and the border control doesn't know where most of them are. Absolute insanity, The government is suspose to enforce the law, no circumvent it at will. No changing of language, if you cross the border illegally, you are a ciminal.

  • 63

    Round up all the illegals and send their asses back

  • 2,797

    Here are latest coronavirus figures since January 20th at noontime to present 315 days. Cases 24,229,913 new cases last two days 285,601. Deaths 511,509 new deaths last two days 3,444. This was with 3 vaccines since day one. President Trump had in one full year of the epidemic Cases 24,717,808 Deaths 274,761. This with no vaccines until the last 38 days. At the present rate Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden will have at the end of his first year the following. Cases 28,075,931 Deaths 592,701. Yet he leaves the borders wide open with no quarantine or testing or vaccines. So far since January 20th over 2 million illegal aliens have crossed the border and released in the United States. Today there is a caravan coming from South America with now 85,000 heading to our border. They will be here by the end of the month. The media and the administration will act totally surprised that this many people have come from South America without them knowing it though they have known about it since they left Panama after being notified by that government. No attempt has been made to turn this Caravan around.

  • 1,212

    Our systems are already taxed to their limits. We need to limit the number of people coming in. Those crossing illegally should be directly returned to their country of origin.

  • 113

    Build the wall!!! It is criminal and basically treasonous what Biden and the Dems. are doing (or not doing) at our southern boarder!! Close the boarder, BUILD THE WALL!!

  • 890

    Do something about immigration now!

  • 108

    Although I want to increase legal immigration rate, I remain concerned about the increase in illegal entry. Please increase support for legal infrastructure for immigration, please.

  • 3,697

    No, immigrants don't scare me. People so evil that they don't support those in need, who don't support those most affected by climate change, who don't support a fair immigration system, those so evil that they blame the poor immigrants instead of the rich racists who refuse to treat their fellow man with love, THOSE are the people that need to put in cages in direct sunlight and exposed to the elements.

  • 111

    We need some of those migrants, but can't take on the whole third world. We seriously need to revise our immigration policy, and it needs to be done in a logical and bipartisan way. Claiming that Democrats want to have open borders and pay immigrants some absurd sum of money to come is simply playing silly political games.

  • 694

    Illegal immigration is a danger to all in the nation. The federal government is responsible for controlling our borders and must step up and gain control. If we need to post the military on our border to stop this invasion so be it. It must be stopped.

  • 150

    Let’s enforce our laws at border crossings.

  • 306

    if you don't want people coming to America then, take the welcome sign off the door & give the damned statue back because we no longer deserve it, this is a country not some cheesey VIP room where you get to pick & choose who gets to come in because you think they look right & really I do get why racism will persist aside from there being 0impetus to stop it White Americans benefit directly & greatly from that system of oppression so, I know they ain't looking to change that, just own your shit that's what people of decent character do, this is who y'all are & I say y'all 'cause I'm Black & I'm not the one treating people raggedy just because they're different from meI know how that makes me feel & would therefor never visit that ignominy upon another just because

  • 718

    It seems this administration has turned a blind eye to this catastrophe. It makes absolutely no sense to not want our nation to be sovereign.

  • 304

    Who seems not to be concerned is the Democrats except those who are living along the border. Democrat Mayors along the border are either being replaced by Republicans or are changing parties. There is a problem when even this administration reinstitutes remain in Mexico because the border is being over run by illegals from over 153 countries!