The Omicron Variant: What To Know

Are you concerned about the newest COVID-19 variant?

  • 1,219

    Its manmade by the Democrats funding the Wuhan lab, You profiting off Genocide is another level of evil Congress inflicted on the world.

  • 118

    I’m more concerned about the Press and Democrat-Socialists overreacting using this to continue to destroy the economy!

  • 102

    Please stop the worry! Stop the fear ! Exercise and eat healthy! Much more to fear! Countries at war and our fake administration ruining our country!!

  • 36

    The new variant was brought to the US by a vaccinated person! Our bodies, our choice. Even if you are vaccinated you can catch and give the virus to others. Its a virus!! Hello people! The flu is a virus…you get the shot and still get sick and give it to others! When you understand the health affects on others then you can decide on a mandate! Not everyone can safely have the vaccine. Its not your decision!! We are all carriers! The vaccine does not prevent that! I wear a mask to prevent spread and infection. Do some research that isn’t given by mass media, but some actual real scientific research!

  • 192

    Just a continuation of the hoax. I feel very sad how many countless millions of fallen for this.

  • 718

    This is just another opportunity for this administration to extend control over our nation. People are fed up. I personally have little concerns for this variant.

  • 388

    I am concerned because it seems possible that it is more transmissible, though so far not more severe, than Delta or Delta Plus. Unlike those two variants, it may evade the vaccine protections. Don’t complain about canceled concerts, limited dining, canceled festivals and theater events if you are unvaccinated and refuse to remove yourself from circulation in public settings. You are contributing to the problem because the continued circulation of the virus creates the opportunity for the virus to mutate. Viruses that aren’t stopped from infecting hosts mutate. Their purpose is to incubate and reproduce until they can transfer to a new host. The reason the smallpox was eradicated is because every person was vaccinated against it so it had nowhere to go. The longer it takes, with international travel, for every single person to be vaccinated against current variants the more mutations will develop. It seems most likely, though, that we will never be truly rid of COVID or the next pandemic virus or the next. We’ll have to figure out a way to coexist with some protection. We’ll have to find a new normal, I think, because I doubt we’ll be able to go back to a pre-COVID normal.

  • 1,020

    Not sure yet. I think we need to see what information we learn from the science community before we make any judgement.

  • 2,215

    A new variant would worry me FAR less had we reached over 90% vaccination rates. We have states in the USA that have not broken 50% due to political stupidity and misinformation. Some countries have done no better due to poverty, political stupidity, logistical challenges, or lack of vaccine availability. The USA could help resolve the logistical and availability issues worldwide so we could defeat this virus, if we could only defeat the stupidity at home!

  • 37

    But I already take Johnson and Johnson, But I already take my Flu Shots, But I do not take Booster just yet.

  • 1,582

    Yes I am concerned, but being boosted and wearing masks, I feel good about where we are! I feel sorry for the families of the antivaxxer people ! You see every day where they suffer, but they can’t budge there positions, so they suffer and die! We just had on the news where a dad of 40 got the Covid19 and required a double lung transplant! Now just think of the yearly medical cost his family will have to endure for the rest of his days! I really wish the ultra conservative Republicans would not have made this illness caused by a virus a political statement!

  • 355

    No! The Chinese / Globalist attack is the fake excuse used to subjugate us ( all western civilization) into communism through fear.

  • 1,605

    As yet another variant could be on its way to our country (or possibly already here!) It has been revealed that Trump tested positive for Covid THREE DAYS before his debate with President Biden and then, arrived late to the debates, so was not tested on the day of the debate. Trump was off his game that day, and the reason was he was sick. So, that brings about the question, WHY did Trump insist on the debate? WHY did he endanger all those in his circle and the person who became the next president of the United States? Trump uses any and all things to his advantage and the fact that he showed up at the debate stage too late to take a Covid test is suspicious. Knowing Trump for who he is and what he has done in the past, it would not be unlike him to think that if he could infect Joe Biden it would be to his advantage, which in an older individual in particular, could have been a death sentence.

  • 8,997

    Of course omicron will be problematic. The bigger problem right now is to get the ANTI VAX to promote our right to live by being vaccinated. Wear masks .

  • 142

    Was t it supposed to be the Xi variant of The Kung-flu?!? Then again Fauci bought and paid for it so…..

  • 374

    We live in the wealthiest country on earth with vaccine aplenty for all of our citizens, yet right wing conspiracy theorist resist vaccination making all of us more vulnerable; meanwhile, South Africa & many other nations have limited supplies of vaccine with citizens begging for vaccination. We cannot fight the virus if we fight each other.

  • 674

    I’m vaccinated and boostered. If the toddlers want to lay on the floor kicking and screaming-so be it. Charge them more for insurance triage them to the bottom for hospital space and if they want to die drowning in their own mucous-bye Felicia The adults are tired and we are moving on.

  • 55

    My concern over this variant is not actually the virus but how crazy and panic driven is this populace going to act in round 2? Adversity brings out either the best or worst in people. So scary how many citizens in this country are cowering to this narrative again. If you want the vaccine get it. If you’ve been targeted as high risk,, please get it! If you’re like me and can’t afford to lose your job to provide for a family, I respect you and call your own shot. I hope you live a long time with or without the vaccine and never forget the people that forced this on you. Forever vote against this ideology.

  • 48.6k

    I'm concerned because we don't know yet how fast this variant can spread, how resistant it is to the vaccines, and how deadly it can be. I'm fully boosted now, so I have low fear or risk from the current variants circulating in the US, but we don't know what omicron will bring. This is why we need to keep washing our hands, wearing masks, getting boosted, and avoiding large crowds of people. It's still our best protection for ourselves, our families, and our neighbors.

  • 240

    I am concerned about the large numbers of unvaccinated Texans listening to disinformation and culture wars propagated by the GOP’s sheer lack of concern for their own voters. 90% of Biden voters are vaccinated. Trump voters 60%. With a year to go, how many more Texas republicans do you think will die before midterms? We have the highest number of deaths in the US with no end in sight. Oh and 2 seditionists need to resign.