Thanksgiving Dinner Prices Rise Amid Historic Inflation

Did you notice higher prices for Thanksgiving food items?

  • 86

    Thanks demorats and Biden.

  • 78
    Kathy N Grant

    I bought my turkey for $00.49! Name brand, also! I guess it depends on where and how you shop and cook.

  • 262

    We can only think the policies the Biden has an induced into the United States bye him and his politician puppets who control him

  • 184

    I wanna say this thankful to all whom answer the call those who been called did you do to the for country our nation for every city in town in Township by letter of the law live by the law thankful never wavering and never undermining the constitution those who stay true grateful for all, and those who serve in all branches of our military law-enforcement and other agencies as well homeland grateful gratitude for your protection and you do you from day in and day out from all enemies seen or unseen as well grateful for all our men and women Thanks for your service thank you for all you do and thank God for you and your service men and women under you and besides you that make our country safe and his grace that he bestowed upon us there you guys with the troops may God shine his grace and protection upon you all

  • 674

    Stop Just stop Let’s start teaching in schools again. Frigging economics 101 Add in corporate greed

  • 1,221

    This predictable Inflation was Directly caused by Biden's Communist Policies. Congress Must stop the Our of Control Spending NOW.

  • 41.9k

    Kristen D: I really like your great comment, paraphrasing: ‘Inflation is preferable to grifting, bigotry and hate’. The Democratic leadership may not be perfect but at least they are not evil, and we should be thankful for that’.

  • 1,696

    Yes I noticed the price increases in everything, who hasn't? What angers me about this is how people are putting the blame on Biden. Do these people walk around with blinders on? How quickly they forget what and who started this ball rolling. This was all placed in Biden's lap and he has been hard at work trying to repair the damages left by the trump. Kinda hard getting things done when you have a-holes blocking the path forward. I say get rid of the garbage causing this! They are no use to this country. They are never grateful. They take and never give. They don't give a rat's ass about their constituents! They only care about the money they receive to keep them in office. Well I'm grateful to be able to share a Thanksgiving with loved ones. I'm grateful that I was able to give goods for the ones who couldn't afford it. I'm grateful that we have an actual president fighting for us.

  • 389

    Wow, it is sad to see how duped the progressive, liberal Democrats are here on causes. You are stuck living and believing that your emotions and feelings are leading you to the truth. Life will always be hard. There will never be a society free of hunger, sickness, homelessness, the poor, unemployed, etc. You are mistaken to FEEL that big government can solve all our problems! Big government is the cause of many of our problems! Stick to the truths in the US constitution and America can be great again! But if Americans continue to make decisions based on their feelings, it will lead to our demise!

  • 7,962

    Inflation is happening worldwide. I’m grateful to be home, have food on my table and be surrounded by my loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  • 41.9k

    Change is always costly and uncomfortable. Global change even more so. Every country is suffering from higher prices no matter their national debt or the amount of money spent to support their people, because suppliers did not anticipate or prepare for the massive demand from a world feeling that the pandemic is losing it’s grip on the world economies. Our treasured free market economy and the international supply chains that we all depend upon are fragile and easily able to be exploited by all of the middle-man operators involved in getting supplies from origins to destinations. … … … Think of the inconvenience of having to remodel your entire home to make it safer and a better place to live. You will be inconvenienced for a period of time and probably face the additional expenses of having to temporarily live elsewhere while the work is being done. The disruption is worth the cost because of the long term benefits of having a safer and better place to live when it is complete. That is the same type of disruption that is now happening on a global scale. It is inconvenient and costly but it will pass as suppliers catch up with demand, the supply chains are healed and begin to operate smoothly again. … … … There is now hope for the future. Our country is finally focusing on the people and the future. Whenever our country has invested in the welfare of our people, our country has thrived and everyone, including the wealthy have also thrived. Investments directed to address and prepare our people for the coming ravages of the rapidly worsening Climate Crisis and the infrastructural flaws that exist due to the wealthy’s aversion to the risk of change who insist that they be given tax payers funds to trickle-down to their serfdom, all of these things give me hope for the the future. … … … It is the hope that Biden’s initiatives provide for us and the globe that I am most thankful for on this day of Thanksgiving. I will grudging accept the temporary discomfort of pending change, including the extra costs for Thanksgiving dinner because I can finally see a clear path to a brighter future for my grandchildren and great grandchildren. For that and the hope that this brings me, I am extremely grateful and very thankful. … … … May all of you be thankful for your family and friends, the positive aspects of your lives and the hope for a brighter future. … … … Happy Thanksgiving!

  • 20.1k

    Whining about the fallout and consequences from TFG and his mob of incompetent grifters is vintage Q-Republican noise. Ignore them and the idiot media floating it. Inflation is a temporary condition and is far preferable to treason, bigotry and hate. Be grateful the adults are back in charge! Biden, Kamala, Nancy and Chuck are not perfect but they are not EVIL - a huge advantage for all of us. #GoExtinctGOP

  • 25.9k

    For a few hours, a day even, focus on gratutude instead of broken history, broken government, false myths or political bickering. Here's a Universal Mantra for Peace sung by the great Tina Turner with a bunch of kids: Happy Thanksgiving! Peace.

  • 276

    Biden has it wrong.

  • 666

    I’m eating fish today that my nephew caught.

  • 347

  • 218

    Yes, much higher prices and not enough workers at the stores. The store owners in our area are complaining about the policies of this administration, lack of workers because washington keeps them at home with stimulus money and the restrictions the CDC is putting on them! This is simply the result of poor policies of this president and the democrat party as a whole. Their focus is not on the basic needs of businesses nor the general public. They have lost touch with middle america!!! #midterms!

  • 7,846

    Let the pandemic or Panic buying begin!

  • 98

    A third of the world has their head in the sand

  • 1,085

    No inflation in food items where I live in Texas! Gas prices have actually dropped significantly this past week, and not a single empty shelf in sight! And if there is inflation in other parts of America, then it will only be temporary. The mainstream media loves fear-mongering because they think that’s what drives ratings, but it only makes people hate them more. I remember there being no Thanksgiving at all in 2020 when Trump was President, but did the media ever complain about that? Not that I recall! Maybe the media needs to stop having double-standards between Republicans and Democrats!