CDC Reports U.S. Drug Overdose Deaths Hit All-Time High Exceeding 100K Annually

Are you concerned about the rise in drug overdose deaths?

  • 21

    This is a national emergency that COVID has made 100 times worse. 100 people a day are dying from OD just in the US. We need more family treatment centers and more prevention education in schools. Now that this crazy state legalized marijuana there’s going to be thousands of kids that enjoy that high so much they will look for something more and it will kill them. It’s a tragedy. I pray for everyone who is using, in recovery, their families and the ones who are going right down the path to Hell. We need more funding for this now!!!!! You can’t put a price on someone’s life!!!!!!

  • 219

    We need to be making naloxone more readily available and have more supervised injection sites. Addiction is a disease and clearly people who are struggling are going to use substances regardless of the circumstances surrounding them so local, state, and federal governments and health professionals need to do everything possible to be sure that the substances can be used as safely as possible as people seek help.

  • 425

    Legalize every drug, and make them available at pharmacies where they could be made safely. Then take all the money we WASTED on “Drug Free America” and “Just Say No” BULL 💩, and use it to actually HELP people overcome addiction. That’s what they did in Portugal and it’s been working wonderfully!!! In America we lock up addicts in prisons or let them die of overdoses and it’s never worked!!!!

  • 142

    Thanks to the CDC and Fauci the covid cure is worse than the disease. What a bunch of fraudsters from start to finish - not a single promise kept and not a single truthful number stated.

  • 8,989

    Improved interventions are needed!

  • 7,796

    It’s quite funny that everything JimK has said has been brought on by the Democratic party. Their constant gloom and doom, their misguided and frankly over spending of Americans Tax Dollars, their racist remarks and name calling, along with blaming every horrible decision they make on a former admission is quite appalling. The DON’T take responsibility foe ANYTHING!

  • 1,809

    The terrorist party of hate will do nothing to help their constituents or keep,drug pricing down.

  • 3,700

    Big Pharma has way too much influence.

  • 649

    While I consider the person choosing to partake of an addictive substance accountable for his/her choice, I do attribute the Biden's administration open border policy to have greatly increased the availability of illegal substances through drug cartels. More proof that this administration cares little for the citizens of the United States of America, prioritizing sexual slavery, illegal drugs, and filthy lucre over its constitutional commitment to protect Americans.

  • 1,711

    Coming from our open borders.

  • 3,959

    CAUSES ASKS: "Are you concerned about the rise in drug overdose deaths?" ME: Concerned? No. Bad choices have consequences. Saddened, Yes.

  • 118

    very much concerned. its too bad the drug companies have their hands so deep in politicians pockets that nothing will ever be done about it. especially senators like Roger Marshall, who himself was s doctor and these days, drug companies offer so much money to doctors for them to prescribe more and more drugs to their patients. the senator is a bad doctor and he is a very bad politician because he will never work FOR THE PEOPLE. he has his own agendas that will profit only him

  • 1,927

    Concerned, yes. Surprised, no. With all of today's social chaos, it's no wonder people want to escape. Drugs are one such escape. Fix the symptoms, fix the problem. It will never be perfect, but it could surely be better.

  • 355

    The Chinese Communist Party attack isn't just the covid and regulations imposed by their operatives, it includes deadly, cheap Fentanyl for all who are stupid enough to touch it.

  • 2,934

    The new strain will not help this. This has been a long journey that has had glimpses of a solution but then another strain pops up. How can the anti-vax group justify themselves. Are they that uncaring?

  • 304

    The death toll is higher than it has ever been. When over 100,000 people have died from an overdose it's a big deal! I see the result of drug abuse every day I leave my home with needles or drug users and homeless people. Anger that this is somewhat preventable when the supply coming across the wide-open border. Border Patrol are so overwhelmed with illegals that there is no time to be patrolling the border for drugs. We will continue to have more deaths because of the Biden Administration's policies!

  • 676

    It was bad enough before COVID, but now it has exploded. If someone with a weak constitution that is dealing with this massive pressure, the world is crashing down around them. I think that the criminal drug gangs are the worst type of human being’s.

  • 42

    The increase in overdoses is directly related to having a demented buffoon in the white house and his open border policy. Remove qualified immunity from anyone in office who votes for any policy encouraging illegal immigrants so that anyone harmed by an illegal can sue politicians for malpractice.

  • 306

    simple basic education on how narcotics work in the body might go a long way toward alleviating the situation, if people simply leave an appropriate amount of time between doses they wouldn't inadvertently kill themselves many folks think they can treat the narcotics like aspirin where if they take one & the pain doesn't immediately go away they can just swallow another one but, nope not so in the case of narcotics those act on the central nervous system & too many too close together sends the message to the brain to shut it all down however, there is a safer way to engage with them & that is to ensure that there are at least four hours between doses, I say this because this is the method I use for myself & I'm still here or, I wouldn't be able to write to you now

  • 310

    We should not worry. All that heroine came from Afghanistan, and it was brought here by our military.(Air America) When we entered there, they had their lowest poppy production and when we left they were producing 90% for the world. You don’t have to be smart to figure this one out.