Five Dead After Car Plows Into Wisconsin Parade

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  • 1,605

    Boy, STILL nothing on this site about the horrific deaths in my hometown of Oxford, Mi. Four students were killed and 7 others (6 students and 1 teacher) were injured. Has this kind of news become so commonplace now, that this site doesn't even bother with it? There are a lot of questions here, and while the parents behavior (or lack there of) certainly justifies the charges made against them (THEY bought the 15 year old the murder weapon as a Christmas ( the day that is celebrated for the birth of the "Prince of Peace") present (on Black Friday of all days and the day of the shootings, was the last day of hunting season here in Michigan, all of which adds an even more sickening slant to these horrific murders. Supposedly the boy had put disturbing videos on social media the night before the killings and some students did not go to school the next day because of them. Who were these students and why, if allowed to stay home because of the concerning nature of theses posts (?), tweets (?) did the parents of those students not contact the police or school authorities? We know that the parents of the shooter were brought to the school the morning of the shootings, for a meeting because of concerning drawings the boy had made with equally concerning captions. The parents KNEW they had bought their son a weapon, yet, they did not question the boy about the whereabouts of that weapon nor did they search his back pack nor did they tell the counselor about the gun, so there was no search made by the school either. Did the counselor ASK about the availability of guns at their house? Unknown at this point. The School wanted the boy to go home with the parents, the parents REFUSED saying they had to work and so rather than send the child home to an empty house he was returned to class and the parents left. The parents did NOT return home to check on the whereabouts of the gun either and only tweeted their son after they heard about the shooting at 1:22pm when it was all over, "Ethan....don't do it" and the father did not contact the authorities until 15 minutes later and tell them he thought the shooter might be his son. SO many warning signals sloughed many choices made that set up the perfect storm for this tragedy .....and our Congress remains gridlocked on something like 50 resolutions that have been proposed to try and stop the killings and yet our children continue to die. How many more will have to be sacrificed? All those who are fighting SO hard to overturn Roe vs Wade because they treasure life are silent about these deaths and in our state are sitting on something like 50 resolutions that have been put forward to curtail gun violence. Inaction as well as action can be deadly, as this horrific example certainly proves and those who remain silent must accept responsibility for their part in continued preventable death. (Oxford class of 1971)

  • 187

    Seriously and suv Jules five after plowing through Christmas parade? What was it a Tesla out of control without a driver? This was an act of terror by a nationalist! Call it what it is.

  • 184

    The nations Laws can’t be for lawlessness as all whom feel others don’t do equally to the laws all Fedral laws States Laws shall be universal in unity never to be corruptible it shall of true balance equal must be enforced at all levels the same never ever wavering!!! !!! Our Highest to lowest Courts shall be in step sakes as All DA’s must enforce as all same constitutionally sought not being of favor of Lenientcy of any type or wavering towards weakness ever again the full extent of organized crimes health be dispended condemned and further action nationally and internationally strengthen the laws that should be!!!

  • 1,605

    With 4 now dead in my hometown here in Michigan, I just learned that the parents freaking bought their 15 year old son a sig sauer 9mm pistol for Christmas on Black Friday. (The Father of the kid has been brought up on charges for nonsupport for thousands of dollars from a woman in Florida, the state where they recently moved from reportedly. The Father does not work at this time I do not believe.....something about a back injury and a gun of this type costs at least around 500$ and can go up to around 1500$). It has been reported that the parents are now both charged with manslaughter for not keeping the weapon secured. The kid was taken before the faculty for some kind of concerning behavior the day before the shooting. He posted on social media the "I am Death" quote from Oppenheimer the night before and warned Oxford that he was coming. On the morning of the shooting he was called into another faculty meeting for different concerning behavior cited by yet another teacher and his folks were called in to attend that meeting. The boy was released back into the school after the meeting.....He went into the bathroom and came out shooting so, he had brought the gun to school that morning before the meeting. The gun was either in his locker or in his book bag AT THE TIME OF THE MEETING. Did he bring his bag into the meeting? Unknown.....but now, 4 young people are dead and 7 others have been injured.....a couple at least are still critical and a school and a community have been terrorized. When is this going to STOP? There are like 50 resolutions about gun control that are currently gridlocked here in Michigan. Failure to act in these cases is just as lethal as acting.

  • 802

    This is what prison reform and lenient policing provides. Wasn’t this why people were in the streets (burning buildings and breaking into businesses) were fighting for?

  • 890

    Wow terrible event

  • 674

    Is the driver going to intern for Gosar?

  • 192

    I hope the democRATs do not try to block the death penalty in this case or bail him out of jail. He's a complete animal. Actually the death penalty and life in prison is not deterring crime so I think the next step is, commit a violent crime, your whole family gets deported. Thanks to affirmative action obama, the african community is out of control and so violent, they have made this the most unsafe country in the world. Time to reinstall President Lincoln's plan to deport them back to their homeland. We can not co-exist, nor were we ever intended to. Tower of Babel. God separated the races for a reason.

  • 771

    Should have never been out on bail in the first place

  • 1,214

    Another racist black on white hate crime

  • 112

    Our society and our laws have to reflect the inherent danger that domestic violence perpetrators pose to themselves and others. Many people who abuse their partners or family members or animals, are mentally or emotionally unstable. They deserve a chance in the world but it cannot be with the freedoms afforded sane and stable citizens. Violence and extreme emotional reactions are not sane or stable. They indicate a need for help. Clearly this man who drove his car into the crowds was wildly unstable. Our society fails the people who are unstable and the victims they make from the lack of containment and support to become stabilized. We must learn about and do something about laws for the mentally and emotionally challenged members of our world.

  • 41.9k

    Hey Mat Gaetz- looks like you will got another intern who will meet your qualification requirements for internship! And do not forget the good ‘ol Bubba racists from Georgia. This must be your lucky week. Just think, you may even have found some new bunk buddies when you get to prison yourself.

  • 1,605

    Darrel Brooks, the driver of the SUV that killed five and injured what? 40 other people by driving his vehicle into the crowd. He supposedly was fleeing from a knife fight in a nearby park. He was NOT being pursued by police. Brooks was out on bail for charges filed against him 11/5....resisting/obstructing an officer, reckless homicide,disorderly conduct, battery and bail jumping (possibly from earlier charges in July.....reckless endangerment and illegal possession of firearms. ) All which brings to mind the questions, WHY was this guy let out on bail? What is going on with our justice system?

  • 184

    Ritthouse an these are real we must Reevaluate our laws and bylaws, race is prevalent Jim Crow laws are prevalent and it’s very pertinent that we the people press Congress has a representatives state legislators of all cities and towns news throughout the nation to do of the following as well to combat high crime organizations that played this nation throughout our cities and towns which we’ve seen over the weekend and continuously to plague from New York Maine Maryland Washington Seattle San Francisco California LA Los Angeles California as well San Diego Palo Alto Walnut Creek Brentwood California Sacramento Dallas Austin Chicago and more 10 AM the list goes on and on Congress representatives of the house need to come together and have a stern and hard core look, during the pandemic and if it continues so will be hard core criminals and criminal organizations whom do home invasions as well as we seen across the screens hitting all the major stores them in tails Macy’s Louis Vuitton Dior more for Best Buy mom and Pop like Walgreens CVS target Walmart jewelry stores of all types and yet Congress does nothing legislative the state assembly do nothing to hard core take action against these high crime organization groups DAs hands are tied to do nothing especially especially San Francisco DA not charging fully criminals of any act, especially the ones that go after people in the streets and rob them this is sad, build back better build our nation better than it ever can be and consider the laws to be to make it tougher for organize crime organizations have any sort and levels be condemned furthermore disband Amor implement new laws as well to help sheriffs DAs police departments of all levels universally nationally and internationally to be on the same union as a constitution dictates and not outside the lines equalization of the crime no lesser no lease

  • 389

    The driver is a BLM operative! BLM IS FULL OF MURDERERS AND RIOTERS WHO LOVE CHAOS AND WORK FOR GEORGE SOROS! When will you Democrats wake up!?

  • 276

    Sad another system failure, DA’s really need to be responsible for there failure to up hold the Law. Sad

  • 8,978

    Very sad!!!!

  • 1,020

    The solution here is simple and obvious. 95% of violent crime is committed by males under 40. We need to imprison or intern all of these males. Over time perhaps we can simply cull them out of the population - keeping only what is required for breeding purposes. But the idea that young males run free in this country is absurd. It has to end.

  • 1,221

    "Lax Law Enforcement enables criminals to kill innocent people.

  • 1,271

    Here is a Dem operative who has now deleted tweets saying she is glad / it was Karma against the white racists in Wisconsin. Mary Lemanski. She is / was a social media manager or was, she resigned from Dupage County. Who has stoked this - you all.. Democrats communists and RINO's. The civil war was a long time ago and Republican Abraham Lincoln took the South to task. The dems are the party of infanticide, abortion clinics, Jim Crowe, KKK - you name it. Anti-American all the way.. Great strategy ... Nuremberg II coming.. Perhaps its words but even CNN is trying to find journalistic integrity again - I doubt they can find it, but to even consider it is something.. Tell me - is this winning to you? God Bless America