Saturday is Transgender Day of Remembrance

How well do you know Transgender history?

  • 592

    It should be taught in HS that there is nothing wrong with anyone who has different bedrock feelings about themselves, and how they may feel towards others, as-long-as that lesson is based in love and not hate.

  • 1,020

    I don't know alot, but I do know that they have been mistreated for a very long time.

  • 1,271

    And I could care less.. Trying to pervert our kids? What are you trying to make - Whimpy warriors?

  • 260

    You have got to be kidding me.

  • 23

    And God made them male and female

  • 41.9k

    I look forward to the day that we no longer have to have days to support ‘other’ people to recognize their rights to be what and who they are. People are all just people with the same desires, rights and equality of other people no matter their sexual preferences, sexual identity, race, religion, ethnicity, customs, gender or skin color. When we can all see beyond these differences to see all people as just people, only to be ‘judged’ by who they are as co-equals, we will no longer need these special commemorative days and the world will become a much better place. No one should have the right to infringe upon the rights of others to live their lives as they choose to, so long as those choices do not infringe upon the rights of others to do so as well. … … … Hopefully one day, we can all live up to that standard.

  • 389

    Every human being is a creation made in the image and likeness of our Almighty God. As such, no human life should be taken by another individual unless it’s in self defense. Their sexual identity has nothing to do with the matter. Murder of anyone is still murder and must be punished.

  • 674

    We need to live. Acceptance should be taught at home and carried into the world. Educate yourselves and your children. Pass it on.

  • 389

    Transgender people need help for their illness. To promote such illness does the individual no good. They need serious help to deal with their inappropriate feelings and desires. Bad things happen to all of us and they need help for their gender dysfunction/dysphoria not approval of their illness!

  • 41.9k

    davidf: Thanks. I wholeheartedly agree with your suggested added comments. I grew up with the golden rule as a guiding philosophy and have tried to live my life by that principle. It is sometimes hard to do and I have upset upper management on several occasions because I would not do some of what they wanted because it would violate that principle. It is about doing what is ‘right’ before doing what is most expedient. I could go into examples but this is not the forum for that. … … … I have been wanting to thank you for your insightful comments regarding how people perceive and react to events around them. I have learned a lot from your comments - so Thanks!

  • 666

    As a member of the LGBTQ community I find it extremely sad that this day of recognition even exists. It also really pisses me off. Transgender people have existed since the beginning of the human race. They are honored and revered in many cultures but in this, the supposedly greatest country on earth, transgender individuals are systematically harassed, hunted down and murdered. Transgendered children are bullied in schools. And now Republican legislators across the country are using them as political fodder passing horrific laws preventing them from participating in school sports programs and receiving life saving healthcare, for the purpose of rallying their base behind hateful and ignorant Bills. Racism and homophobia is alive and well in this country and is being fueled by the current Republican Party.

  • 125

    It saddens me that we have to have a Day of Remembrance for any group of people. Why can’t people be people? Why are children bullied in school by other children and, sometimes by adults? Why are people who are different from others by intellect, skin color, religion, ancestry,nationality,sexual identity be fair game for those who consider themselves ,somehow ,better than those they bully and persecute? What about the rest of us? Do we stand up to the bullies ,even if it is not us being bullied? This saddens me. Perhaps having a day set aside to remember and think about transgender folk will open some eyes but I doubt it.

  • 1,221

    "Transgender" is a false concept. We are, each person, and Animal, on this planet ar3e born male, or female. Medical must return to science, and return to helping confused people live in th3 body they were born in.

  • 215

    We have laws to deal with violence against this group. Those who embrace the America our forefathers laid out in the constitution. accept that each of us have the right to be who we want to be. We each are born and wired differently. Those who can't accept that fundamental concept, are Socialist who think we all should be the same.

  • 7,962

    Thanks for raising awareness, Causes! I learn from this platform every day & am grateful! In the words of my girl, Taylor Swift: “You are somebody that we don't know But you're coming at my friends like a missile Why you mad? When you could be GLAAD? (you could be GLAAD) Sunshine on the street at the parade But you would rather be in the dark ages Making that sign, must've taken all night You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace And control your urges to scream about all the people you hate 'Cause shade never made anybody less gay so So, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh You need to calm down You're being too loud And I'm just like oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh You need to just stop Like, can you just not step on his gown? You need to calm down” I wish I could bold some of the lyrics!

  • 25.9k

    I didn't know there was a Transgender Day. But it's a great idea to have days of remembrance (which include National Holidays). I love parades more than demonstrations. It is right to honor friends who lost their lives. I do know that there is a long history of multiple kinds of sexuality and that many Americans (and others) fail to recognize or resist giving legitimacy to the many expressions of sexuality, including a set of forms of sexuality that we are now labeling "Trans." I admit to being automatically old school in my thinking. When I hear "Trans," I still think "Trannies”—transvestites, drag queens, and the more modern medical procedural transexuals who have surgery and hormone therapy. However, I have not gone into the history or science of trans-genderism with any great depth. I just have read articles in Liberal / Progressive media over the years. I was surprised to find a relatively comprehensive Wikipedia article, “Transgender History," which may be a suitable primer. (Are there recommended documentaries on “Transgender History"?) There was a time when people held religion in very high esteem (some people still do). Some religious leaders have held very erroneous views on sexuality and forced those views on those who trusted them. Over time those erroneous beliefs become the norm for some communities. To this day, people in those communities insist on imposing their views on the rest of us. We see some of that in some comments on Causes. We see that in the disrespect and violence against those who are members of the larger LBGTQ community; we need to question why they need to do that. (Fascism is on the rise. It has been unleashed in the last decade. The Right has initiated a “Culture War.” believeing their rigid way is the only right way to live.) I consider it fortunate that I have a more tolerant European heritage. However, some subsequent members of my extended family (aunts, uncles, and cousins) became very intolerant (some even Fascistic) because they have not questioned the values they believe are being imposed on them by others. They became inflexible and closed-minded—something we must guard against. ### [Edited.]

  • 25.9k

    "... but are we really going to make a holiday for everyone and everything?" Yes!!! That would be wonderful! If you dig into your mobile phone's, tablet's or computer's calendar settings and study them and learn about them, you will see that there are many days marked as days of remembrance; some are profound and some silly While it is essential to be mindful, and it's a good practice to take the time to regularly slow down and smell the roses, it's also good to reflect on things beyond ourselves and things outside the routines and typical experiences of our daily lives. One of my favorite Zen Buddhist sayings that condenses that sentiment and much more is "Every day is a good day." For one beautiful calligraphy of this line, see For one version of the context of this teaching by the Zen teacher Yun-Men Wen Yen (Ummon Bun'en in transliterated Japanese)*, see Note: The saying comes down through history in chapter 6 in the book, "The Blue Cliff Record." The “Blue Cliff Record” is a collection of Zen Buddhist "kōans” (questions, paradoxes, & teaching stories) compiled initially around 1125. It was later expanded into its present form by Chan master Yuanwu Keqin (Japanese: Engo) who lived from 1063–1135. * Yúnmén Wényǎn (Chinese: 雲門文偃; Pinyin: Yúnmén Wényǎn; Romanji: Ummon Bun'en; 862 or 864 – 949 CE), was a major Chinese Chan master in Tang-era China.

  • 2,797

    Do you know what a phobia is? It is the fear of something. The WOKE and CANCEL GENERATION seem to add Phobia to every cause. When I say I have arachnophobia that is a FEAR OF SPIDERS. Does anyone in this country especially on the right have a TRANSPHOBIA a real fear of a transgender person? I doubt it. Someone thought that a national day of remembrance was necessary to remember that she was murdered. Like back in the last month in just the city of Chicago all the innocent babies and children that were killed by shootings in that one city. These were innocent children ALSO MURDERED do each of those poor innocent children get a separate nation day of remembrance? Rita was murdered for her stance on being a transgender person. What about Ashley on January 6th who was in the capital building in what the press usually call mostly a peaceful protest when ANTIFA OR BLM RIOTS ARE HAPPENING AND BUILDINGS AND CARS ARE BEING BURNT TO THE GROUND AND PROPLE BEING MURDERED. So Ashley was involved in a mostly peaceful protest and unarmed. There were three officers guarding a door for the entire protest and according to the surveillance footage all at once like it was now break time the three officers left their post leaving to the right and the crowd moved to that unguarded door. 30 seconds later an officer on the other side of the door fire one head shot through the window of the door hitting her in the neck and murdering an unarmed woman. Does Ashley get her national day of remembrance?

  • 115

    We need to be teaching this.

  • 474

    Sad that we have to even have a day set aside to remember violence against people who want only to live their lives as human beings secure in their gender identity. Humankind has a long way to go in learning tolerance and acceptance of others who are no threat except to a person’s belief programming, self or otherwise.