Where in the World Are Your Packages?

Have you experienced shipping delays?

  • 184

    We should be focusing more on this and adjusting to our century this should be the key point organize crimes in every city and town and townships affecting every mom and pop stores as well I like zeroing in on this should be the focus of all high courts Laura Coates as well as other Congress and house of representatives as well as states assemblies and lawmakers judges Diaz need to strengthen the law specially San Francisco California and others I like Seattle and on if San Francisco DA cannot prosecute to the highest of letter of the law he should be removed or any other goddess locks and causing the lawlessness of our nation as well as the hate crimes that are on the rise Truth be told all state legislators assembly Congress as well House of Representatives should join in this effort in condemning disbanding and obliterating crime organizations such as this smash and grab as well as robberies on the street on our streets and every city in town and Township robberies at gunpoint as well as the shootings that are happening on our freeways Kanye shit why is up and enforce national and international laws against crime organizations and organized crimes such as this link shows and state legislative should make stronger laws Diaz your follow suit and follow to the letter and enforce it to the fullest as if they were more I like ass enemies to stay organized crime and organizations hate crimes as well https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/retailers-ask-congress-for-help-after-smash-and-grab-robberies/

  • 592

    Bend over Louis DeJoy, so you can show us where our packages are, you pathetic shit stain! Benjamin Franklin should come back and kick your ass!

  • 25.8k

    Has anyone gotten a package late due to the Fedex package dump in an Alabama ravine? "FedEx driver dumped packages into ravine at least 6 times, police say" https://www.businessinsider.com/fedex-driver-fired-dumped-packages-ravine-multiple-times-police-report-2021-12 "As of right now we are looking at around 450 individual victims, some in Blount County some not, that investigators are attempting to work their cases. This will not be an easy or fast case to close," the Blount County Sheriff's Office said in a statement posted to its Facebook page. The packages were found abandoned in a ravine on private property on Nov. 24, and FedEx dispatched drivers from across the South to clean up the mess at 5 a.m. on Thanksgiving day

  • 388

    Supply chain problems are not unique to nor are they limited to the US. All countries have had workforce impact and, therefore, supply availability impact from the pandemic. I wish people would broaden their understanding if economics and logistics to include factors beyond US governance and borders. I think the power, and the right, of the US and/or a single president to order the world in ways that satisfy our citizens’ demands or the best interests of our country regardless of those of the rest of the world is grossly over-estimated by many of us.

  • 142

    Not buying much, honestly. But Cali has f’d up the trucking sector lading to massive delays unloading the container ships. Thanks Newsom! Remember this when his name is on some future presidential ballot. Nuck Fewsom and Go Brandon too!!

  • 140

    @Jimk comes out swinging, but then narks on republicans lol. The real blame should be put on chIna

  • 303

    I do not believe it was the covert virus. In our country that stop the ships from being unloaded. These ships come from other countries, they also had the covert virus they were able to load the ships and the ships were able to get to California. So I don’t believe that. You’re trying to blame it on that but I does not work. I believe that our government did this on purpose to shut our country down. To raise prices and everything. To make our country suffer. And I blame that on Joe Biden. And the unions, Joe Biden shut our oil pipeline down first day he was president put 11,000 people and more out of work. Then he is buying oil from Russia. What side is he on the Russian side. Making money for them. Helping them with their pipeline. And who is Joe Biden hurting the American people. He gets on television and makes it sound like he cares about America. That’s easy to see through that it’s not true. He opens up our borders. The Supreme Court said he had to go back and do what Donald Trump did with our borders in Mexico. He has ignored that. He should be impeached for that. We have the worst vice president you ever could imagine. All she does is laugh in our faces every time she’s in front of the camera. She doesn’t even know what the hell she’s doing she’s a complete idiot. When she went to the borders that was the biggest joke I’ve ever seen. Our country is in serious trouble. Every time Joe Biden gets in front of the camera he talks about what happened to him in his family. Which was many many years ago. I’m sick of hearing about it. All Americans are suffering. He doesn’t give a damn about that. I’m sick of hearing about his troubles. His son Hunter Biden is making millions of dollars, he is a criminal, and nothing is being done about it. I guess if you’re around the The wrong side for America you get away with whatever. The Democratic Party is going down the toilet. They are working extremely hard with Nancy Pelosi to destroy our country. And there are Republicans involved just the same. The American people are definitely going to wake up. And see the truth about what’s happening in our country. And how they’re taking away our freedom. I’m not a Republican and I am not a Democrat I don’t want to attach my name to either party. I do not vote by party I vote by individual person who is running for president. I voted for Obama twice and was let down twice. He thinks the American people are stupid. And he’s the only smart one in the world. He’s wrong he’s not smart at all in several waysThere’s a very old saying in our country. You can fool some of the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all the people all of the time. More and more people in our country are waking up to reality. The destruction of our Constitution and our freedom are at stake.

  • 304

    Three orders are sitting who knows where and the companies can't even tell me a possible delivery date!

  • 525

    Shipping delays aren't real because I haven't experienced any!! *sarcasm See how stupid that sounds? I actually have only experienced one shipping delay in all the things I have ordered. And under the circumstances, with the pandemic of deJoy and deVirus I'm amazed. Good job to all who work in shipping.

  • 602

    Biden was going to unite the country and stop Wuhan virus. We can see how the unifying thing is working out. More people than ever have died from Wuhan. Now he's instituted travel bans which just a short time ago he said were racist. But the democrats just keep drinking the kool aide and making excuses or telling us it's Trumps fault.

  • 706

    Yes, including outright non-delivery of items reported to have been delivered. Dimocrat politicians controlled by unions, Dimocrat politicians that forced employees off the job due to mandates, and Dimocrat politicians that transfer blame to everyone that doesn't share their view, are compounding the problem. The CCP virus was intended to cripple all those that oppose communism and Dimocrat politicians are playing along.

  • 3,959

    I just finished reading an article from the Wall Street Journal concerning our education system. It stated 43 million adults are illiterate in this country. I see there must be a majority that reply to Causes. Heaven help us if we really had some issues. Are folks really this ignorant to claim a Party is the cause of shipping backlog, shortage of dock workers, truck drivers and factory workers, store clerks, warehouse workers. That in realty was and is ALL related to COVID-19 and it’s variants. After reading many of these reply’s, not only to this article, but many articles and reading how both Parties have and are failing this country. I am convinced many of that 43 million reply here and run our government. I guess Forrest Gump was right, you just can’t fix stupid. Our educators are quitting in record numbers due to the extreme stupidity of supposedly education experts. Now we have a two party system that has forgotten our Democracy and living and enjoying their Socialist environment. Heaven forbid we have a real catastrophe, because our population could not handle it.

  • 244

    Where in the world is my instrument made in China? I placed an order on October 25th and it is still backordered. I can only assume that it is in a container waiting to come ashore and be delivered in California. It is all about not having enough trucks to help unload the containers, related to a shortage of qualified truck drivers who are being slow-walked in waiting to pick up a container to be delivered. I see it as the great supply chain blockade of 2021, created by too many politicians involved in the supply chain management there in California. Is this a taste of what it would be like if California became its own Country? The bottleneck is not due to the Pandemic, or closed factories in Asia. It is at the West Coast Ports, regulated by West Coast politicians like Gavin Newsome. Thank God for Ron DeSantis!

  • 1,020

    Wish these delays could be corrected. I know the covid has contributed to the delays, but I also think the person who Trump appointed to oversee the USPS has also made it harder for mailing to get through before the covid. Maybe it is time to replace this person?

  • 177

    My medications have been delayed several times.

  • 2,503

    Product delays and shipping delays, yes. Lost items, including payment checks, by the DeJoy-destroyed USPS. I am understanding and pretty patient of the supply chain issues. I am less patient and understanding with the intentional destruction of the USPS by DeJoy.

  • 3,405

    What about the lack of dock workers. I thought it was all their fault. Can't wait to hear what the next reason will be. They are all entertaining aren't they?

  • 203

    I ordered new appliances in May promised to arrive by July. In July I got two pieces. More promised by September. Then to arrive October. Now November??? Keep the economy moving. Buy they say. But the products do need to arrive. Messes like at the Port of LA CA should not happen.

  • 100

    So far 😊

  • 3,959

    CAUSES ASKS: Have you experienced shipping delays? ME: Nope, but then I really don't have many needs, OR wants. Less is more.