Should the Conservatorship System Be Reformed?

Do you support the most recent efforts to reform the U.S. conservatorship system?

  • 890

    Reform now please

  • 192

    Conservatives have no voice in this country, the few who have tried are drowned out by communist-leaning, culture-destroying liberals, democRATS. Until we have a voice, White people need to stop voting. White people should never vote democrat, IT IS THE ANTI-white PARTY. All the democRATs care about are violent african criminals and hoards of illegal aliens.

  • 145

    The conservatorship program was mainly used to keep Britney's father supported for the last 14 years, not to protect Britney.

  • 2,595
    530 East Hunt Highway

    Fix what's broken and move on

  • 1,020

    I do not know enough about these conservatorships to make a judgement, however, I would like to know who decides on these and what are the requirements. Does it go before a judge? Maybe it should be reviewed.

  • 2,929

    I fully support thi action. I have seen way too many abuses regarding matters such as these. It is my belief once appointed they should be what is known as bondable and held responsible for their management of any and all funds. Parents are a definite "no-no" as they tend to let such power go to their heads. Good old fashioned, unbiased common sense is what is needed in these situations.

  • 76

    Once Brittney was under conservatorship, there were limited, insufficient options for her, to restore her self determination, despite the fact that she was a highly functioning adult. This is not acceptable, there are several posts on the Marginal Revolution site about this issue.

  • 246

    The current status of conservatorship in this country is broken, and has been for several decades. This country owes a huge debt of gratitude to Brittany Spears for bringing this situation to our attention

  • 771

    People, PLEASE take a long look at what has happened in the past and how people who had control of someone's finances have been abused. NO ONE should have that kind of control and be allowed to steal from someone else.

  • 3,958

    CAUSES ASKS: "Do you support the most recent efforts to reform the U.S. conservatorship system?" ME: You bet. While the Britney Spears business has brought it into the lime light, I'm definitely aware of "small time" local abuses. Many people -- especially the elderly and disabled -- need greater protection from predatory people and agencies.

  • 840

    there are far too many stories of abuse with the way conservatorships are set up. they should be used only when absolutely necessary and there need to be protections so no one is getting rich off of someone's misfortune.

  • 39

    It's long past time to reform the entire give money to disabled people rhetoric. Money management should be taught in all schools and programs like social security disability should be disbanded until the agency can show itself to be fully responsible for the failures of both medicare and the program at large. Patronizing disabled people with low wages and high costs is a form of eugenics. and I for one am done with this style and type of eugenics.

  • 992

    A system that is enabled to take such personal freedom from an individual for so very long without consistent overview must be better regulated!

  • 290

    Yes it's way over due. it allows people to rip others off & gives them power over others. It needs to go.

  • 1,528


  • 300

    By definition, liberal California is perfect in their interpretation of the program.

  • 674

    I’m not well versed on this subject. I cannot offer an opinion . I do know that young stars like Britney are taken advantage of their entire lives. Look back at some of the most famous child stars. Many died young and poor.

  • 1,221

    This was q bad situation. Ending the system that has worked due to one bad situation is poor thinking. Our Judges must be more Judicial, and Our Lawers must work for th3 best interest of their client, not their bank account.

  • 215

    It is shameful what happened to Brittany Spears--all because others didn't like her decisions. She was an adult and had the right to make her own decisions, regardless of anyone's judgment. What scares the hell out of me is how the California legal system removed all of her Constitutiinal rights (without notice or due process) as an individual and as an American citizen. Reminds me of the German Nationalist Socialist government. No surprise though--California is a Democratic Socialist State. The Brittany experience is why I will resist the Socialist left with my last breath. I didn't defend this country for 23 years to give up our individual freedom to a government controlled society.

  • 1,696

    I may not know all the details of this but is this not the same as someone who has Power of Attorney and is a Healthcare Proxy for a person? I'm sure the details vary by state but no matter what, shouldn't it be the same across the board? Apparently the Conservatorship System needs some tweaking due to the negligence that seems to run amok in this country because of greed and no one's paying attention to that elderly person or disabled person being taken advantage of. So yes it is long overdue and what gets me is that no one even thought about it until it was brought to our attention and only because it involves a celebrity.