What Does the Data Say About America’s Veterans?

How do you feel about Veterans Day?

  • 112

    How about we just take care of our vets instead of throwing them a parade and waving flags in their face. This day has been hijacked by businesses for advertisement purposes. Much like Memorial Day. There are so many vets who need help. Thanking them is along the same lines as sending “thoughts and prayers”. It’s pretty useless. I’m speaking as a US Navy vet

  • 79

    Why do are wounded warriors rely on contributions from f’king charity organizations for their needs??? They should want for nothing they need! The VA is hopelessly broken still!

  • 93

    The declining population of veterans has happened following the decades after all wartime service. I got the honor of placing the special Congressional medal on a WW1 veteran and had many friends who were WW2 & Korean War prisoners of war. And they’re all gone now. There have been periods of time when America (and especially the Veterans Administration) had forgotten it’s veterans, but fortunately now it’s not that time. For the most part we veterans feel pretty good about the free dinners on Veterans Day & etc!

  • 685

    I'm a veteran and Veteran's Day is a GOOD THING!! Especially now!!!!

  • 8,967

    We need to do so much more for our veterans than a day in their honor. Improve health care, housing ect...

  • 92

    Veterans, regardless of whether the cause was justified, did their duty and risked their lives doing it. The country and the government owe them a debt of gratitude as well as the benefits they were promised and then some. Veterans should have ready access to first rate medical care. Calling a clinic for hours without getting an answer is an insult. Waiting for weeks to get an appointment with a provider is not caring for our Veterans.

  • 41.9k

    I thank all veterans for their service to our country. Even if the political cause was unjust, they still honorably served. Even if they were subjected to unknown short-term and long-term hazards, they still did their duty and served our country. Even if they were sent into harms way for arguably ill-informed or seemingly irrational reasons, they still did their duty in service to our country. … … … They have all earned the right to a national day of recognition and deserve at least a singular national day in honor of their service. … … … I thank you all.

  • 39


  • 890

    We Black people and people of color have fought these wars and we still are being shafted.

  • 201

    I am a disabled Vet and I’m proud of the time I served. I may not have done 20 years but my husband did over 21 years and I did that time with him raising our kids as an Army wife.

  • 116

    Veterans fought for this country and our Freedom and deserve Respect and honored. They deserve More from this Government then what they are given.

  • 468

    Fully fund the VA. That matters far more than platitudes.

  • 1,319

    Important to honor our veterans.

  • 458

    I’d feel better about it if we actually took care of our veterans and their families.

  • 3,948

    CAUSES ASKS: "How do you feel about Veterans Day?" ME: Quite supportive. My father was 30 years Navy (active during WWII); my favorite cousin was Air Force (killed in a routine training mission over Germany long ago); my x-husband was an Army Green Beret; and another cousin was in the Marine Corps band. I'm long inserted into the military and very much value their protection, and all else they do for us.

  • 388

    The USAFacts data doesn’t necessarily support the claim that veterans are “doing better” than the overall population and probably underestimates the number of veterans with a disability. Their unemployment rate may be lower, possibly due to veterans’ preference in certain jobs or because the GI Bill has afforded some veterans the opportunity to re-train and catch the wave of current job trends like cybersecurity. Many veterans suffer with hidden emotional, physical, and cognitive problems that do not render them non-functional, but still increase hardship in their lives. Veterans also are often able to tolerate physical pain at levels that would impair the function of non-veterans because their training demands that overcoming pain is necessary for survival - theirs or their colleagues. Additionally, don’t accept as absolute truth any conclusions about anything or anyone that are based on an average - which many statistical formulas are - or the analysis of multiple studies. The “average” is unstable because it gets raised or lowered if more “datapoints” (sometimes people’s scores on any measure) fall above or below the stable center (the median). Another kind of study analyzed data from multiple studies to draw conclusions - it’s called meta analysis. The questions asked in that kind of study and the way they are asked can influence the results. Basically, eye research with curiosity and, if it’s something that matters to you, look at more than one study on the topic for the purpose of determining whether more than a single study reaches the same conclusions. The more studies conducted by numerous researchers that reach the same conclusions, the more likely you can rely on those conclusions.

  • 72

    I believe that veterans deserve better care from our government. Higher wages, better retirement perks. Better healthcare! Lower taxes. That goes for reserves and national guard as well.

  • 762

    Veterans, doing their duty, always deserve our praise and respect.

  • 268

    The FactsUSA data is critically important and enlightening but misses the mark concerning veteran homelessness, especially the fact that shamefully we have approximately fifty thousand homeless vets as our Congress stands ready to approve an increased and hideously bloated DoD budget of $778 billion! Think about it: we could buy every homeless veteran a $200,000 home and the total cost would be $10 billion, or .78% of the total budget. Unforgivable.

  • 676

    I am a Veteran and I appreciate the nation celebrating the Sacrifices vets make