Biden’s COVID Vaccination Mandate Blocked by Fifth Circuit Court Pending Judicial Review

Do you support or oppose Biden’s COVID vaccination mandate?

  • 210

    I got the vaccine but it was a choice. there body there choice like all other shots. I agree its better to get but not by force!!!

  • 61

    The whole anti-vax thing is the saddest thing I’ve lived through as an American. I thought America was a great country filled with great people. I am wrong though. It’s filled with complete f-ing morons. Words escape me. We have a deadly virus. Spreading. We have a miracle of science coming to our rescue. And anti-vax/Republicans spit on this. Dudes. It’s not your freedom. It’s our freedom. And YOUR stupidity is infringing in my freedom. Vaccines shouldn’t be mandated. Everyone should have rushed out and gotten them. But because of the mass delusion of the right, we have to mandate. I voted for Biden but he is blowing it. We should mandate the vaccine and imprison those who don’t take it until they are vaccinated or the end of the pandemic

  • 314

    I oppose the Covid vaccination mandate for most businesses and agencies - for employees, volunteers, and customers. Though I am vaccinated and support the vaccination efforts, I disagree with forcing / punishing those who don't want to be vaccinated. The government and people should believe in the ability of the vaccine to protect the vaccinated people and hence stop forcing it on those not vaccinated. I choose to attend functions, venues (theaters), and support businesses that do not discriminate against people by requiring proof of vaccination and even a photo ID (probably the same people who say a photo ID shouldn't be needed to vote). I resigned this month from a 25 year volunteer career with a large national organization because of their new proof of vaccination mandate in order to work with other volunteers and provide help to clients who desperately need it. I will keep spending my volunteer time and my entertainment dollars with organizations and businesses who do not exclude those who don't want to show proof - whether vaccinated or not.

  • 81

    Biden’s vaccine mandate is against businesses and is unconstitutional.

  • 142

    When has there ever been a mandate for a vaccine?!? Never. It’s unconstitutional and if your government doesn’t have that right ( to jab you ) it certainly can’t give that right to a governmental agency. For a virus that has a 98.5% survivability rate…🤦🏻‍♂️. This has NOTHING to do with science - this is tyranny firsthand.

  • 129

    Herd mentality will not “fix” this. Herd immunity does not exist when it comes to the flu. Never has!

  • 21

    its unconstitutional tyrant like when government tries to take our freedoms away more so when our own body is concerned

  • 149

    No mandates! Period.

  • 33

    Please consider that COVID has killed more Americans than any war. Please enact vaccine mandates to prevent more unnecessary deaths.

  • 2,797

    Sorry folks I was on vacation for a week in New Orleans and did not have a computer to give you these daily figures that the press won’t tell you about or our government. Here are the Coronavirus figures since January 20th at noontime to present 297 days. Cases 22,318,943 new cases last 8 days 575,037. Deaths 487,219 new deaths last 8 days 7,702. President Trump had in one full year of the epidemic with no vaccines until the last 38 days the following. Cases 24,717,808 Deaths 274,761. At present rate Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden will have at the end of his first year with three vaccines since day one the following. Cases 27,429,004 Deaths 598,771. Yet he leaves our border wide open. He nor the press will tell you but there is a large caravan with 65,000 Haitians heading north to our border. They will be here in time for the holidays. Do you remember the 12,000 Haitians under the bridge in Del Rio TX? Only 1,500 were returned the rest were admitted. How many of the 198,000,000 illegal aliens that illegally cross our borders and were caught and released in our country without testing or quarantined had to show proof of their vaccines or were given both jabs before being released? You guess it none. Close the border and build the wall that has already been paid for until we get this epidemic under control.

  • 178

    We have got to get through this pandemic. Masks and vaccines are the only way we’re going to do this.

  • 173

    It is authoritarian over reach and unconstitutional. Biden is acting like a dictator.

  • 40

    Finally I have been cured from cancer after suffering from the diseases for over 5years with several outbreaks.thank you dr ADAZAL I we to continue sharing your testimony , so others people can be cured too , He also has medicine , HIV , DIABETIC , LUPUS , INFER TILITY , Herpes , and many more which I can't say get cured Email whatsapp/Call +2348073688335 Website ' ][

  • 411

    This is so ridiculous, the republican factions are running this country now. They are destroying this country. If people don't get vaccinated nothing is going to improve.

  • 431

    I strongly support Biden’s vaccine “mandate”, especially as it allows for frequent testing for those who refuse vaccination rather than employment termination. After all, the mandate is intended to benefit the community’s health, not unduly penalize those who, for good reason or bad, choose not to get vaccinated. That the Fifth Circuit would uphold the lower court’s stay of the mandate is, to me, a pretty good example of what happens when partisan politics invades the courts. That said, I want to put in a good word for a Covid hero of mine—Dr. Anthony Fauci. Although he’s taken an indefensible beating of late from many so-called Republicans, in my view he’s an enormously valuable national treasure for everyone who wants to put this deadly Covid pandemic in the rear view mirror. At almost 81, Fauci has spent a lifetime championing the vital importance of our community’s good health if we’re to continue the lifestyle we’ve been blessed to have. He’s science driven, patient, thoughtful and models grace and clarity in his every public utterance urging adherence to CDC Covid protocols—including getting vaccinated—in order to defeat this pandemic which has already killed more than 750,000 Americans in little more than a year. So here’s to Dr. Fauci! May he continue to have the stamina and the will to help lead us to better health outcomes, despite the partisan politics, and may many more Americans choose to listen to him and follow his always sage advice.

  • 2,433

    Something is wrong when it becomes ok for the state to dictate what happens to you medically. The evils this can become are endless. This on top of the fact that it DOES NOT prevent the disease or it's transmission. The FDA advises when the Pfizer vaccine is given in other countries, that it be known it IS NOT licensed or approved by the FDA (bottom page 17, condition Z) Why would they say this after telling us it is? It's been nothing but obfuscation and lies since covid began but trust them to give you a shot of ??? Trust them? Uh, no.

  • 3,405

    President Biden is trying to save lives by stopping a Pandemic. Who doesn't think that is a good idea? I'm sure that some people that are Constitutionalists and have actually read the document could prepare an argument in which they demonstrate the difference between a "Democratic President" and a "Dictator" that is above all others. That is the messy part of a democracy. It shares power, "a balance of power" between the people, their chosen representatives (that are supposed to be working "for the people" not the Oil, Pharm, Coal or any other companies), the House of Reps., the Senate, brought all together in a Congress. Please let the President lead! That is his job after he has taken into consideration the people, the House that is supposed to be representing them, the Senate that also are representatives of the people, and all our allies all over the World.

  • 300

    Ohh nooo! Biden’s vaccine mandate is totally illegal? So is his entire administration. You mean to tell me that not one administration lawyer advised him on the truth? This is non stop lying to the American people.

  • 762

    How many other “mandated” immunizations through the years do we accept with no questions asked? How stupid are we supposed to be? Are you one?

  • 276

    These mandates by Pres. Biden are clear examples of executive overreach and are contrary to his prior pledges during the election and earlier in his presidency. Congress and the courts should take action to block them.