Conflict & Famine Ravage Ethiopia - How You Can Help

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  • 40

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  • 674

    Germany is making commercials about hungry United States citizens . Let that sink in. Feed our people first Then help others. Just because Maserati Manchin and Moscow Mitch don’t give a flying frig about their constituents-the rest of us care.

  • 41.9k

    Leslie: Sorry to take so long getting back to you- been a little tied up with other stuff. … … … From your comments it sounds like this was all triggered by an extreme weather event that caused catastrophic fooding and that political activists used the opportunity to their advantage, making it much worse for the people who were already suffering. Further, it seems that the political unrest is now subsiding as the ‘normal’ governance is being restored . If I have misinterpreted your commentary, please do not hesitate to correct me. … … … The immediate need remains humanitarian assistance to keep people from starving. The longer term issue comes from helping Ethiopia sustain and protect local food chains from climate change and/or finding economic trading solutions to acquire needed sustenance. That and strengthening the local governance to protect the populace from political opportunists. This sounds a lot like the issues that struck the northern triangle of South America. This should serve as a warning siren for events to come from global warming and the world of nations needs to get ready with policies and procedures to protect Earth’s children - wherever they reside.

  • 349

    It looks like gaining a "federal system" did not help that country! What is needed is access to the basic necessities of life for all people. After that, the people should be left to live their own lives and only "controlled" when they encroach on other people's territory. That would require a system of government by the people for the people. Right now, I am not sure anything is going to help them until the people agree to stop fighting and try to work together to make things better.

  • 41.9k

    It is not completely clear to me what the source if the problem actually Is. How much is due to climatological changes? How much is due to the ongoing conflict? How much is due to corruption and greed of whatever government is functional and where is it functional and where us it not. Are their ethnic issues involved? To really come up with a way to help the people of Ethiopia in the long term it would be best to address root causes - and is not clear to me what those are or which is causing most of the crisis. … … … That being said, it is clear that the people need basic help with sustenance and there are global organizations that can provide that help which will certainly accept food, clothing or money donations. To assure that needed resources to address current human suffering actually will get to those in need, it would seem that the UN could help by taking on the role of at least distributing resources directly to the regions in need. There is a lot of cloudiness with the process of getting immediately needed humanitarian aid to the people who are suffering and at least some diplomatic efforts are necessary.

  • 41.9k

    Leslie: Thanks once again for adding some clarity to an issue. - I will comment more later, but I have an engagement to tend to.

  • 7,929

    This is not the first time that Ethiopia (or neighboring Eritrea) have been plagued by famine and war. The region has been destabilized for decades because of this. Thank you Causes for bringing this to our attention. It is heartwarming to see the care & compassion of individuals & agencies helping to support the nutritional needs of people…especially when it does not benefit us in any way. This is the true spirit of charity. Did you help someone today, without any expectation of being recognized/rewarded? Asking for a friend…from Ethiopia.

  • 268

    As a long-standing supporter and member of Save the Children I can vouch for their effectiveness and compassion. I also support the International Rescue Committee; UNICEF; UNHCR; Ameicares; Doctors Without Borders; Feed the Children and Mercy Corps who are all committed to alleviating suffering especially in children and refugee families. Please help when and where you can.

  • 674

    We can’t help. We send supplies and funds that never reach the people in need.

  • 2,427

    Unfortunately, so true, Leslie. 😊❤️😊. I believe most of the money we give to ANY of the countries does not go towards its intended use. It is unconscionable that this happens. Why we are giving aid to countries like Israel are beyond me. I have read that our money to Israel makes it possible for them to have heath care for all. Now wouldn’t that be nice if that money was used to give health care to those in the USA instead? Until EVERY American is off the street and taken care of, we need to think of America FIRST. What do these countries give us in return? Most likely, absolutely nothing.

  • 215

    How can anyone help when everything that is sent does not make it to the people. We have sent help to African Countries since I have been alive and we still can not feed them. For the leadership changes and supplies get sold, I don’t know if we ever fix the issue. My old church has a missionary they sponsor that provides medical services in a Country in Africa. Now they are in fear the new military Government may kick them out or kill them.

  • 1,814

    We’ve been helping that country for decades. It’s time to help our homeless, drug inflicted Americans and stop this crime wave across our Nation. America first!

  • 321

    You can’t help them them . Between the Government and criminal gangs who steal 95% of the food to resale it

  • 1,221

    Tragic, and proof that everything the UN, or Congress tries to "help" they ruin."First, do no harm" is the principle o stand on here. Without a valid method of helping the needy, not enriching the tyrants best we stay out of this. A good thing, as Congress blew All. our money, and are borrowing Usd to bankruptcy.

  • 3,959

    Search out and find a safe charitable agency and donate money. They can obtain and provide what the folks of Ethiopia need. But search for a reliable agency.

  • 25.8k

    @Donna, Is SGI doing some work in Ethiopia? In any case, I do not doubt that the Soka Gakkai International-USA (SGI-USA), a modern Buddhist sect founded by Daisaku Ikeda in 1975 based on Japanese Nichiren Buddhism (a populist form of Buddhism), social engagement, and peace movements, can provide a measure of spiritual guidance and comfort based on the organization's interpretations of the teaching of the Buddha. "SGI members base their practice on the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Buddhism, which teaches that each person has within the courage, wisdom, and compassion to face and surmount any of life’s challenges. Based on core Buddhist principles such as respecting the dignity of human life and the interconnectedness of self and the environment, SGI engages in various peace activities, including human rights education, the movement to abolish nuclear weapons, and efforts to promote sustainable development." - Are you sure that following those teachings makes someone a winner? That sounds egotistical and pretty unBuddhist. Can you explain or share some hypertext links? Please understand that due to its being so highly symbolic to the point of appearing supernatural, I've found the Lotus Sutra problematic. I do know that many Buddhists not just Nichirens cherish that sutra. @Donna wrote: "Please visit for the spiritual guidance to win" Read more here:

  • 6,674

    Tragic. But common in poorer countries already suffering from natural disasters and manmade violent upheavals. As the Global Climate Crisis worsens, this will become commonplace because of more droughts, more hurricanes, more typhoons, worse monsoons, more heat emergencies, more starvation, less potable water, less medicine, and on and on.

  • 300

    Best way to help… no on builds back better.

  • 463

    Sadly we spend major money on the un and the un is garbage like big business donation accepting Corrupt Democrats. The issue in Ethiopia is not our problem. Have we not learned our lesson spending money in unstable countries like Afghanistan and taking refugees like from Somalia. We have Ilhan Omar who never assimilated and hates our Country and is Racist towards the majority of Americans. I feel bad for poor countries bad as the Democrats ruin America we are becoming an unstable poor country. This is a Global issue for the UN to handle.

  • 882

    Maybe with our tax dollars you could feed our poor first. Maybe do even more. Just saying.