Democrats Near Spending Deal as Senate Takes Up Nominees, House Considers Bill Protecting Older Job Applicants

How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?

  • 3,405

    1. Pass the Build back better, for the people bill. 2. No more vacations between now and Christmas. (which should be 2 days for you). 3. Begin trials and sentencing of the Jan. 6th participants and planners.

  • 2,427

    OMG, Andy! OMG!

  • 47.8k

    A bit off topic … And real life just keeps moving on ..... From the Miami Herald, yesterday the 4th, more 'good' election results .... .... Headline: "Republican primary winner is ex-felon who never applied for the right to hold office". First couple of paragraphs from the story .... "The winning Republican in this week’s congressional primary in South Florida is a convicted felon who did not go through the state’s process to restore his civil rights after his imprisonment, interviews and records show. That step is required under Florida law for a candidate to hold political office. Jason Mariner, 36, of Palm Beach Gardens, an advertising executive and self-described “America First” conservative candidate, won Tuesday’s GOP primary with 58 percent of votes in the heavily Democratic 20th Congressional District." .... All I can say .... WTF .... WOW !!

  • 300

    Manchin for president in 2024. A grounded man with conviction.

  • 37

    Don’t vote on anything without a CBO score!!!

  • 300

    When the hell will JimK stop taking biased, politically paid views? When that happens, we will have civil discourse in this country as opposed to the gridlock we have now. But since that is impossible, Let’s go Brandon! And watch us fail.

  • 8,497

    Joe Manchin and Sinema cost and cause the American people more problems, than their party! The American people again are the looser, whether it is under Republican or democrats control, they’re all corporate puppets. Joe Biden will never get anything done with Manchin or sinema, or the republicans party. Republicans tried to make Obama a one term president, Manchin (coal industry) or Sinema (corporate welfare) are doing the same to Biden. It is time for small businesses and the American people to win in stead of always loosing. Maybe it is time to vote in more independent?

  • 300

    Let’s go Brandon!

  • 686

    No more Spending our Money. Enough Already!

  • 440

    If the Dems don’t get their act together and show us they can govern, based on last nights results, I’m afraid that the 2022 midterms are going to be a blood bath for them. C’mon Dems! Most of Biden’s priorities have wide public support, so please get aboard and get it done before it’s too late. Government under Republican control, with their lack of caring for anyone but the rich, is unthinkable.

  • 2,451

    For god's sake, Dems. get the BBB plan into law. You were not voted into office to screw up these proposals. The two "Republicans in Democratic clothing" need to get onboard and get this proposal voted into law. They have gummed up the works for way too long and have gotten provisions that they want, so stop being assholes and do what you were put into office to do.

  • 674

    I’m done Holding out hood for this congress is time wasted They didn’t learn when Sanders ran against Hillary? Progressives, Manchin Simena and Sanders just handed the 22 and 24 elections to the republicans

  • 66

    Please, please, please pass both jobs bills and the voting rights legislation. We need some wins. The Virgina race shows that running away from Biden's policies is electoral death. We must pass legislation!

  • 116

    Since Congress & Biden are so hung go about being green, might I suggest they GIVE solar panels to homeowners (for their residence only) that make less than $100,000/year? That would be better than a tax break, help thousands of seniors, and lower the electric power grid use, freeing up more for electric vehicles. It would be a better use of taxpayers’ money than much that is in the huge bill now being considered.

  • 7,796

    Congress blows a lot of smoke. I have ZERO respect for these greedy, corrupt politicians who are not listening or helping the American people!

  • 300

    I’m curious if the democrat’s congress can manage there way out of a paper bag? We have biased posters that rail against the Florida governor offering $5,000 bonus for recruiting police officers while those same posters are silent on Portland offering $25,000. The progressive bullies are causing all the hate between Americans. Thanks to Manchin, a little ray of hope for sanity exists.

  • 42.2k

    When the hell will the Senate Republican Faction stop blocking all of Biden’s ambassadorial nominees? When the hell will the Senate Republican Faction at least pretend that it cares about the future of this country instead of becoming a regimented blockade to the duly elected administration? This is an ongoing very costly and very dangerous tactic that puts our country’s vital interests second to the Republican Faction’s political party interests. No wonder that Congress cannot get anything done. … … … I find it embarrassing that of the G20 nations that our president is meeting with, only three or four have established US ambassadors and these are all leftover’s from the trump because the Republican Senate is blocking every single ambassadorial nomination, not because they find any unqualified or unworthy but only to kneecap the president from adequately working with the world of nations, just because they can. They brag about creating chaos and playing dirty tricks to beat their stated political enemies- not based on policy, their oath, or the will of the country - but only because they can. I consider this traitorous. … … … And who but that Great Bearded Blunder, that Voice of Fartuitus Thunder, the one and only (thank god) Teddy-Faced Cruz seems to be spearheading this traitorous effort. To quote the the prior Republican Speaker of the House, a straight talking old-style Republican, John Boehner: ‘f@¢k you Ted Cruz!’. Are there any Republican Senators left with a shred of conscience or dignity enough to speak out about this crap?. … … … SILENCE IS COMPLIANCE! Silent Republican’s are just as guilty as those willing to destroy democracy itself to get what they want for their own self-interests. We will remember.

  • 64


  • 289

    Personally, I am exhausted by the amount of fighting and inaction in Congress. I wish Manchin and the other Dem would get on board so something can move ahead.

  • 300

    Where in the hell is Diaper Joe?