Are You Concerned About Food Waste?

Learn the difference between “sell-by,” “use-by,” “best-by,” and expiration dates.

  • 674

    We should find a way to distribute to those in need. I’m sure with all the brilliant people we have in this country we are able to do this. Stop subsidizing farmers for not planting and destroying crops. Help small farms. End large subsidies to “commercial” farms run by giant corporations

  • 40

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  • 285

    No really. I can’t afford to waste food

  • 26.0k

    FYI – I revised a prior comment on "Food Waste."

  • 41.9k

    I am more concerned with the food crops which are plowed under each year with the farmers being subsidized to do so. I think it would be a better use of a portion of the subsidies from reducing the costs of plowing crops under to get these food crops distributed country wide to volunteer groups in order to stock food banks around the country. I know that there are a few volunteer groups that do this locally, why not use a portion of the subsidies to assist the packaging and distribution for national shipment while saving farmers the cost of plowing under crops as well as limiting the methane green house gas emissions from buried crops? … … … It seems like a win-win solution to resolving food waste, saving money and limiting very potent green house gas emissions.

  • 7,880

    Food? We subsidize / entitlements the farmers to help stabilize the industry. Unfortunately the small business farms don’t receive as much help. Corporate farms are at the front of the line. Shortages and inflation start under Trump with the corona virus, remember toilet paper shortage and the economy literally stopped because women had to stop working, plus 700,000+ died from corona virus that was supposed to all magically go way, per Trump? Shortages and food waste has away been a problem, it’s more or less a delivery and storage problem, which makes very thing worse with less truck driver. That is why we have inflation.

  • 461

    I’m a school teacher, we throw away so much food every day.

  • 26.0k

    On an related off shoot: Does anyone know why the topic of Global Population Control is rarely discussed these days? Has both the Corporate “Liberal” Media and all the Conservative Media declared population control a taboo subject out of fear of some religious groups?

  • 26.0k

    Maybe You're Just Watching The Wrong TV Shows, Movies and News Broadcasts @B.R. Made a critical point. Another thing to consider is why World Hunger is discussed hardly at all. Aren't there many countries with the resources to come up with and implement competent plans to distribute food to those in need? So why is the will so weak? Hints: Religion Politics Government Money @B.R. wrote: "My feelings on food waste is probably better described as disappointed. Disappointed that we haven't come up with a more aggressive and efficient plan to redistribute food to those in need. While there are good programs out there, not enough considering the amount of wasted food. "

  • 268

    We must encourage each other to help in any way possible to help our neighbors and fellow citizens who are in need of food and support. We all have local and regional food banks to begin with. We must support efforts to moderate our climate impact so that our food supply will not be irrevocably damaged by droughts, flooding and other disasters. And we should stand with environmental groups such as Friends of the Earth and the Sierra Club and urge our farmers and farming concerns and relevant others to consider the current plight of our pollinators like bees and monarch butterflies that are ill-affected by chemical pesticides like glyphosates, neonicotinoids, Roundup and others which will have a tremendous deleterious effect on our food supply if left unchecked.

  • 13.4k

    we grow enough food to feed the world 3 times over, but instead feed it to livestock to be slaughtered for the meat industry. Its the number one thing destroying our environment. The methane they produce, and the deforestation they require for grazing is destroying the planet, and is the biggest contributor to global warming. Go Vegan, its the moral thing to do. Also, grocery stores throw away perfectly good food by the tons every day- and refuse to give it away, or reduce its price. Capitalism at its finest, wasting food while people starve.

  • 1,696

    I'm concerned about the disgusting food waste, always have. I grew up learning not to wast food because there are other children starving in this world. Shop smart not wastful. Only buy what you need to make meals. I truly don't think labels will have an impact because I've seen people throwing away perfectly edible food. First off...if the food product does have a spoil's been genetically modified to only last so long. I buy fresh vegetables and fruits and use them no matter if it's not shaped perfectly. I grow my own and have friends who do and a lot of times you get misshapen fruits or vegetables. It only means something was in the way while it grew. When I worked in a restaurant we had a big barrel for the scraps. There was a pig farmer who came everyday for it. At least the food the customers wasted went to feed the animals. We donated food to food pantries also. But today you see food being dumped in garbage cans because of the dated labels and not checking to see if it's still good to use. Smarten up people!

  • 2,797

    Jim2423 I a agree about the expiration date. My wife is always looking at the date. I see her wanting to throw a jar of mayonnaise in the trash because it expired three days ago. I tell her the mayonnaise can not be perfectly good yesterday and the very next day be totally bad. That is the manufacturer trying to sell more products. I used to work in a hospital emergency room and ambulance section and I had to go in the supply room every month and look for expiration dates on every product like a syringe in a seal package that will expire in three days. We had a box that I could put it in that had to be checked daily that if you were looking for a 10cc syringe look in that box first and if found check the expiration date and if not expired use it. The manufacturer put expired dates like three months, which sells more products. If the inspector came by and found an expired product we got gigged for it. I have a pretty good pantry system at my house and when I buy food frozen or canned I check the expiration date and put the newer stuff in the back and the older stuff by expiration dates in front. I just looked and I have one mayonnaise in the fridge and two in the pantry and when we go to get more mayonnaise the oldest and next to expire will be in the front. If that is going to expire in six weeks I plan my menus to use more mayonnaise like egg salad potatoes or macaroni salad. Tuna salad or fresh cold cuts with mayonnaise lettuce and tomato. I end up using that new jar quicker than normal. I hold off buying new mayonnaise until I open the last jar on the shelve then as it goes in the fridge I will buy a couple jars on my next shopping trip and only pick up more than that if it was on sale on my second or third shopping trip. Each of my can goods has a shelve space for six cans. When I am making a shopping list I look at each item and if there is four cans of tomato sauce then I put down I need two. When I get home those two cans go in the back. Works for me. Jar goods I have as a three level like jelly peanut butter or mayonnaise etc. I buy smaller jars of catup or mustard. Not the huge jars.

  • 130

    Best by dates only reflect how long a company stands by their product. Food distributors often knowingly overstock their shelves and produce to make their displays look more appealing. We can’t just pile the responsibility on the consumer. We need to be more aware of what distributors and manufacturers are doing to contribute to wastefulness in the name of keeping up appearances. We need to hold them accountable as well.

  • 321

    Maybe try putting the Real use-by date on the food it should cut down on waste

  • 2,797

    jimK I support giving unwanted good fresh food away. But the EPA. In this article suggested instead of throwing food in the garbage to put it in the compost pile. In certain areas that is a welcome mat to RATS & CRITTERS to COME AND GET IT. As a kid on our farm we had a huge garden and we ate most everything we grew and did a lot of canning for the winter. At the end of the season and our pantry was full to the rafters we would put a flag up on a post next to the gate. All the people in the area knew by word of mouth that the flag up meant anyone that want the fresh vegetables can now come in the gate for free food. It was nice as they had about 2 weeks to a month of the growing season they could get these great vegetables. You could tell by the amount of stuff picked that this was their canning season. At the end of the season we just plowed the stalks and waste that fell to the ground under which made fertilizer for the next growing season, very little food actually got plowed under, and we helped the poorer members of the community that received a helping hand. The local market in my present town as the food is coming to the point of not actually being fresh as a daisy are moved to a portion of the shelves and the price lowered to have a quick sale. So you see a very fresh bell pepper for $.88 cents or down the shelves is another area with perfectly good green bell peppers for $.35 No more call please we have a winner. If you are going to used it in the next few days the cheaper one works just fine. The commissary does that with meat. They take the older meat as fresh shipments come in and freeze them for one day and put them at the front of the store at 1/2 price most of the time.

  • 2,915

    My feelings on food waste is probably better described as disappointed. Disappointed that we haven't come up with a more aggressive and efficient plan to redistribute food to those in need. While there are good programs out there, not enough considering the amount of wasted food.

  • 7,974

    There would be a lot less waste if we had more programs like this :

  • 666

    I wonder what people are eating and what’s being thrown out when the majority of the people in this country are clinically obese and diabetes is an epidemic.

  • 1,221

    "Food Waste" is not an issue. I compost my table waste. Governments must stay out of this, and most issues. Free American Citizens have God Given rights to decide for themselves. Government has no right to intrude.