Do You Support Adding a Gender-Neutral Option on Passports?

Should countries add a gender-neutral option for passports?

  • 2,427

    Oh, Bicycler, that sounds horrendous - both the pain and the cost! Double whammy there, for sure. I hear the Medicare Advantage plan has a dental plan, but it is not available here in Alaska, of course. You are soooo right that we should be worried. I, certainly, am! The Repugnants have nothing to offer but opposition and lies. I am outraged that there is no recourse to stop their lies. Especially when it comes to Covid and their ideas on how to treat it. They are KILLING people and no one will stop it. I am WAY BEYOND OUTRAGED! The voting rights bill needs to be passed, gerrymandering and Citizens United stopped, and so many other vital things. Get on it, Dems. Time is running out. I am so happy to have you for a friend here. Please be safe and continue to keep up the fight. I hope to be back, more, soon. So glad to know the fight continues with so many wonderful people like you. 😊❤️😊❤️

  • 398

    Hey Glowurm: Tooth all better. Had one pulled and the errant root canal has healed and is now sealed. The tooth that was pulled now has a post for an implant that will be installed in March or so. Cannot believe how much one tooth cost; $2,900 for the extraction and putting in a post and then in March it will cost another $1,200 to install a crown. If I want to fill another hole it will cost about $3,000+ for a bridge in the middle and two crowns to hold up the fake tooth. Other than that minor fiasco life is good. Glad your dissolution will soon be resolved and that you are well. We need your voice in the fight especially since the supposed concerned cancel crew is working so hard to cancel all of us out here that don't see things the way they do. They wish to destroy women's rights, voting rights, 1st amendment protections, and will obstruct everything this present administration wants to put in place to help out the average American. We so need to remain in charge during the midterms but the fix is already in from Gerrymandering and cheating that the idiots claimed that Biden did in 2020.

  • 2,427

    Hey, jimK, still don’t have gum issue resolved, but it is much better. Hope you and Bicycler are feeling better. Not exactly what we need on top of all the crap going on. Pretty close to resolving divorce issues. Hope to file a Dissolution this month. Will be so glad to have it over. It IS an amicable one. Thankfully. Hope your Thanksgiving was a wonderful one. Mine was quite good. Only one friend over, but food turned out the best ever. Everything done at once. Go figure. You all be safe and well. Think of you all often... ❤️😊❤️😊❤️😊

  • 70

    yes, I don't care. I don't see why anyone would. People who care enough to be opposed to it have nothing else better to do. They have nothing going for them.

  • 210

    absolutely that is a hug part of discrimination

  • 40

    People are going to look however they are going to look regardless of what box they check. The idea that making “male” or “female” the only options in the interest of making identification easier is just plain silly. Let people identify however they want. No one is dropping trou at customs; “x” is fine.

  • 192

    Whatever sex a person was born, that's their sex for life, despite their mental illness and any crazy treatments and surgeries they have.

  • 104

    It is no one's business what genitals I have.

  • 142

    What a load of crap. 💩

  • 46

    You are either a man or woman get over it, it’s biological

  • 244

    When it comes to sex classification on passports, there are the two usual sex classifications based upon either the XX chromosome combination of the female or the XY combination of the male. There are, however, some combinations such as XXY due to mutations in the mitosis of gametes, which might have to be considered. There are also hormonal imbalances which can occur due to environmental factors or factors associated with endocrine function in individuals. For example, in genetics there is one type of genetic combination referred to as 'super female'. A good Genetics textbook should cover the genetics of non-normal sex gene combinations for those who want to learn more on the subject. Someone with a degree in Biology would tend to classify the sex as male or female, ignoring all of the rare gene combinations that may occur in a fetus. The secondary sex characteristics which develop in the adult may vary, and are not always strictly male or female. But the majority of humans may be classified as either male or female. Rare combinations may be more or less acceptable and will be subject to natural selection in the production of future generations, if any. There will always be genetic mutations produced in nature, and it is natural selection that determines the future survival of individuals. The indication of an intersex on a passport expresses that the individual is not fully MALE or FEMALE, but rather that the passport holder considers themself to be 'OTHER'. Each to their own, I suppose. Confusion exists in nature.

  • 76

    They are either male or female regardless of whether or not they identify with their biological sex.

  • 53

    Please support adding a gender neutral option on US passports.

  • 21

    We should not let gender dysphoria be treated as normal. It is a mental disorder and should be treated instead of encouraged. Also, the human mind is a herd mentality.

  • 398

    Frank-001: Thanks for replying about my HIPAA post. I didn't know if you had seen it or not. You hit the nail on the head that the bill is to strike terror into providers and make the service basically unavailable to women in Texas. The latest stats is that it has curtailed the procedure by over 50% since the bill went into effect. This is the same with many of their new election laws. Making simple election mistakes on the parts of poll workers will result in felony charges? WTF! Who the hell wants to put up with this kind of nonsense so many of them are leaving their positions. That way the right can install their own people. Now they are putting in partisan people in the positions, sending armies of partisan poll watchers in to voting places to intimidate voters, etc. I am beginning to hate the country I served so many years ago, and I dream of an exit plan, other than I am rapidly approaching 70 and require more healthcare than I once did. I dread having the tRump reinstalled as he was and is such a disaster for our country. I just had a new person move into the neighborhood. I drove right past their place and there is a huge flag in the window that says; "Don't blame me, I voted for Trump." I almost barfed. What is this country coming to? I do believe the justices when they realized liberal states could enact the same kind of law in their states to ban guns and have vigilantes sue the pants off of an AR-15 owner or anyone who may have sold them the gun, transported the weapon, etc. Their wheels were turning over that one. I think they will find this bill unconstitutional though it will not prevent them from overturning Roe V Wade in the upcoming court challenge. The damage is done in Texas anyways. The fear has taken over and it has chilled providers in to not practicing women's healthcare. If they tried to regulate our gonads the way they control women's vaginas we would revolt.

  • 50

    As that intersex is a medical and legally valid occurrence at birth, it is ethically & morally wrong to demand them to conform to fit the single gender standards that are antiquated and invalid. If others so choose to fall within this, then that is their choose just was those who chose to have plastic surgery for breast enlargement or facial manipulation.

  • 2,427

    Ah, Bicycler, I didn’t see your original post or I wouldn’t have been so ignorant! Being that as it may, I am so glad you are feeling better. Loved the picture you gave of how we look when we put our masks on for sleep! Ha! Ha! 🤣🤪 And, Bicycler, you and others, may just call me Glo. I’m all for ease of typing. Less letters the better... Hope you recover soon. Jim, also. (Hope he doesn’t mind that I left off the K.). Wishing you and your family the best! 😊❤️😊❤️

  • 26.5k

    @Bicycler, Thanks for your response on HIPAA. I was relying on Causes' Notifications but didn't see your post on HIPAA until I tried figuring out the Dental & CPAP conversation between you, @jimK and @Glowurm. I respond to that below. Anyway. ... When I read your response I got a feeling. The feeling was that SB8’s main purpose is to evoke terror in people but the cases will be hard to win if good legal advice is provided and utilized. Consider this scenario: Person A believes Person B had an abortion after 6 weeks. So person A files a lawsuit against any number of people allegedly connected with person B’s alleged abortion. Without violating HIPAA or the Fifth Amendment how does person A establish a case in a court of law? "Your honor a little bird told me Ms. B had an abortion." Judge says, "That's it? Case dismissed." Person A cannot use any of Texas' legal resources. The plaintiff cannot violate HIPAA and cannot compel anyone to self incriminate. What can be done, bribe family members? And this is just one of a set of problems with SB8. Won't any court officer from judges on down be liable for suits facilitating the violation of Roe v Wade? Can such suits result in monetary damages or even disbarrment? Will those $10K a pop fines stand? Against an unwitting über driver? Again some clinician in some other state. Again the Texas givernment can't be involved. Anyway.... Hopefully real lawyers are working on real, legally sound plans if Texas wins the Supreme Court case. * Have you looked at other solutions? For example Didgeridoo playing for Sleep Apnea.* I looked into didgeridoo playing as I had already been attracted to the sound. The skills one develops needed to play the instrument helps develop the throat muscles. I was able to take in person lessons with one of the didge players involved in a research project validating the hypothesis. (The guy had a surgical fiber optic camera inserted through a nostril and was still able to play the instrument to give the researchers real time videos.) Plus, I have taken advantage of DVD videoes and online classes. I'm still not much more than a beginner but it's fun even though "circular breathing" still pretty much eludes me. See for example. “Didgeridoo playing as alternative treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome: randomised controlled trial | The BMJ” On Causes, Bicycler wrote: "Frank-001 writes wondering if anyone knows about HIPAA. Does anyone know HIPAA? LOL Yes I do. I spent over 40 years in healthcare and my ..." Read more here:

  • 96

    Liberals continue to preach science, until it’s not convenient for their platform. Science has never proven more than 2 TWO genders. Gender neutral should not be an option!

  • 129

    This is real simple folks... when your born with a penis your a male. If not your a female. When you die it’s the same way. There is no in between.