Should Medical Experiments on Puppies Be Eliminated?

Should federal agencies be prohibited from performing medical experiments on puppies?

  • 21

    Please see for effective and ethical alternatives to animal testing.

  • 592

    Dog is God spelled backwards. Food for thought. Besides, there are over 2 million people incarcerated in the US. Many of them would probably make a deal for time off their sentences to volunteer for scientific studies. Inhumane you say? No more than torturing & murdering an animal that does nothing but give unconditional love at every opportunity — a noble trait no other species can claim, especially humans. Besides, the complete disregard for human life by some prisoners gives them the best opportunity to show they’ve been rehabilitated by volunteering. But most importantly, scientific studies for the benefit of humans by testing on humans provides the most efficient and fastest route to effective new medicines & procedures than any other possible itinerary. But if the incarcerated are too selfish, cowardly & lying about rehabilitation, there’s plenty of GOP’ers that will volunteer. Just tell them that proof of voter fraud will be provided in exchange for their service for their fellow man. Sure it’s a lie! But for whatever reason, GOP’ers believe lies! It gives them worth and a reason to do whatever the fuck they believe they’re doing.

  • 142

    If you think so - you are a sick f.

  • 129

    Let’s use democrats instead.

  • 103

    As a pet sitter this is too disgusting to even comment on so wrong in so many ways this is why we always have to be careful when giving away our puppies or kittens because they could end up in a place like that please always ask for money-what century are we in? this shouldn’t even be a thing anymore we need to find new ways to test

  • 458

    Animal testing is inappropriate to a civilized society. ANY ANIMAL. Get volunteers from MAGA supporters - they don't believe in science, so what could possibly be wrong with them offering themselves for testing, since god will protect them.

  • 22

    There is no reason to experiment on dogs . Animal need to be treated with respect and cruelty free products is possible and should be the standard.

  • 64

    Do not torture puppies! Figure out a scientific method that does not harm animals!

  • 304

    I knew a vet who did human inspections for the labs in Mukilteo ran by the University of Washington. He quit when they were testing something on dogs he felt was torchiere. He explained that some testing on animals was necessary, but for the most part it was no longer needed because the testing with computer sensitivity. Why are we still doing this kind of testing?

  • 84

    yes this is unacceptable! experiment on humans and pay them. since it is humans that need all these drugs

  • 303

    Absolutely disgusting what they did to those puppies. What kind of human people are they,? I am absolutely disgusted over what they’ve done. I just cannot imagine how much more they’ve done that we know nothing about. And the experiments they’re making on monkeys, experiments for what? I do not trust them at all. Government is become too big it’s overwhelming, to the government we’re not human we are just a number. Government has no feeling. But they sure do love their money. One day America will wake up.

  • 257


  • 2,427

    You are wickedly wonderful, John! 👍🏻👏🏻😊❤️

  • 25

    Experimentation on any animals other than rats and mice should be unequivocally banned. If data cannot be gleaned from rats and mice, then study human cadavers and move on if nothing can be determined. Some things should be left to God, not man.

  • 167

    What we do to any living thing is what we will do to others. Stop the killing.

  • 60

    I'm not a dog!

  • 1,696

    Stop all monstrous treatment on animals. These products being tested are for human use so test it on human volunteers! In this day and age there should not be testing done on any poor defenseless animal! It's barbaric no matter how you look at it! Especially puppies!!! I'm that person who believes and acts in protecting wildlife and domestic animals. Whatever you force on any animal I will force on you so... The only reason they use beagles is because they are so loving and trusting. Some beagles have been rescued over time but they all need to be! You want to experiment any f***ing products for humans...use humans as test subjects!!!

  • 52

    "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

  • 24

    Not sure how anyone could be for animal abuse. Instead of government action being used to do this though, it should be a private decision and Americans should vote with their dollars.

  • 51

    I do not support experiments on puppies, dogs, cats, or any animals other than mice.