Senate GOP Blocks Democrats' Latest Election Reform Bill

Do you support or oppose Democrats pursuing election reform along party-lines?

  • 210

    DAMN REPUBLICANS! I am pissed I was looking foward to voting on this and looking forward to doing something good!

  • 427

    One of the biggest misconceptions of the election state by state was the lack of understanding of each states unique election rules and regulations which led to mistrust. Bringing all states closer in process and procedure and expanding access for all citizens should be a priority. Republicans have been obstructionists for so long that they can’t look forward to improvements. They are too busy kissing their lobbyists butts and keeping the US from progressing- leaving the US to continue to spiral down into the emerging category.

  • 306

    Why is the GOP a road block to anything that would help their constituents.Oh wait that’s right they belong to the owner dollars

  • 163

    The election laws are just fine.

  • 162

    Everyone who has any doubt about the playbook Republicans are following needs to listen this. Actually EVERYONE needs to listen: Now and Then podcast from Tuesday October 26,2021: Voting Rights: The Big Picture

  • 162

    Without free and fair elections, any potential short-term gains of infrastructure and social programs can be quickly rolled back after 2022 or 2024. If Democrats try to make everything a priority, then nothing is a priority. If the hard/soft infrastructure deal isn't finished within a few days, Democrats MUST move on immediately to saving voting rights. It HAS to be the #1 priority, which means the others must take lower priority. This is a RED LIGHT 🆘

  • 3,405

    One vote one person! Red, Yellow, Black, White, doesn't matter where you live within the US. or outside of it as long as you kept your citizenship. Stop with the redistricting lines to create further division between people. Let the American people vote! Get out of the way! Get rid of the Electoral College (that was created during a time when most people couldn't read or write), that was the only reason for it. Grow up, move forward, be better people before you destroy us all!

  • 23

    The right to vote is imbedded in the 15th Amendment of the US Constitution. The 1965 Voting Rights Act was to protect against Constitutional violations that obstruct the right to vote. Sadly, Section 5 was dismantled by SCOTUS, which is led to oppressive anti-voting laws in states. The right to vote is a fundamental American right and the John Lewis Freedom to Vote Act protects that constitutional right. Vote to save the democracy by voting for the Freedom to Vote Act. Voting against it is Un-American and an act of violating the Constitution

  • 35

    There is no need to refine the election process. Maybe require ID and all vote in person.

  • 1,281

    Good job Republicans. This is a power grab like everything else the Democrats are doing..

  • 789

    The Republican Party Should be really called the Nazi party and I’ve had enough of it.

  • 115

    The democrats proposed election reform is not bipartisan and deserved to fail as it did. The republicans are calling for reforms that are absolutely needed with voter ID cards, mail in ballots containing more security, and counting machines that cannot be manipulated to cause election fraud. I also demand, one voter, one ballot, one vote counted, and clearly the democrats, do not.

  • 789

    Again it’s no surprise Republicans would be against election reform, and here’s a great insight into the republican party right now. Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick offered an up to $1 million reward for anyone who could prove that someone committed voter fraud. And sadly voter fraud was reported a man came in with a disguise and tried to vote twice, for Trump. Yes the person who committed the voter fraud was a Republican! And do you hear the Texas lieutenant governor talking about that? No. Republican party has turned into a party of falsehoods lies conspiracy theories an idiot leaders. It needs to disband and reinvent itself with somebody with some morals and intelligence. Leaders like Mitch McConnell Devon Nunez Marco Rubio Lindsey Graham etc. etc. etc. have drug this party into the dirt.

  • 226

    Time to kill the filibuster. Congress must be allowed to act in the name of the majority. Minority rights are protected by the Constitution and hence the Courts. As the only true representative of the people, Congress legislate the will of the majority and the filibuster has no use except to inhibit the will of the people.

  • 382

    This bill is a Democrat power grab, it also give the congress the right to over ride the authority of the Constitution which give the States the power the run elections. Where does the authority come from that lets congress bypass the Constitution ? It does not Exist, and should not. People in Washington should understand, they work for the people, not their party or any special interest group. We will see in 2022 and 2024.

  • 1,048

    I do not trust anything coming out of this Congress. Thank the Republicans for avoiding a constitutional challenge, there is statement in our Constitution allowing Congress to weigh in on elections, it is specifically left to the States' Legislatures, not judges or Congress.

  • 137

    Let's go Branden!

  • 23

    It is about time Republicans stand up. This country is broke. Can't you understand that? Sure it would be "nice" to take care of everything the Dems suggest however, there is a point at which we must put a halt to this obscene spending. Everything I have read on that ridiculous spending could wait. YES WAIT! A year, look again. Two years, probably. How about being reasonable and prudent for awhile.

  • 159

    Republicans are selling our country.

  • 100

    The purpose of being a Republic, is to build a democracy and the republicans want to BS everyone