IT: ⚖️ SCOTUS Commission discusses adding justices, and... Do you support banning vaccine mandates?

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  • 64

    Absolutely NOT.

  • 741

    If you are losing your job because you haven’t been vaccinated stop whining about it it’s your choice go work for some idiot that doesn’t require it and see how long you and your families live. I am so sick to death of whiny Republicans you want freedom you have all the freedom in the world go work for some idiot that doesn’t require it and stop your damn whining.

  • 217

    No to adding justices to the SCOTUS. Even the left’s icon,RBG, said not to add anymore justices. Ban the vaccine mandate. There are citizens that has natural immunity, that doesn’t need a jab. Joe and the Communist Democrats are so drunk on power that don’t care, they just want to say how many got the jab (forced). Joe and this administration is a failure. If Joe would not import covid by transporting all the illegals that was positive with the virus all over the U.S., there wouldn’t have been more death since Joe was inaugurated that all of all of last year under President Trump. And by the way, the illegals are also bring back diseases that had been can thank Joe if you or your child gets one of the old diseases. Don’t forget our citizens Joe left in Afghanistan. The crisis at the border, Biden’s inflation, out of control crimes, CRT and indoctrination in our children’s schools, high gas prices (hope you can stay warm this winter), and so much more. Joe and his administration is a failure.

  • 41.9k

    Deductive logic seems to have been replaced by bias confirming emotive arguments in the echo chamber of right wing media and in the intentional willful disinformation propaganda being spewed by the Republican Faction. It is truly sad that the Republican Faction does this, even though it is killing their cult members just to discredit their political opponents for a perceived political advantage in their ongoing war against Democrats. It is disgusting that the right wing news media does this to enrage people because angry divisiveness that confirms biases gains market share. … … … All States have vaccination requirements for children attending school. These are for some horrific diseases as well as for some that are less consequential than Covid. Mississippi has one one the most stringent vaccination requirements for Covid and at least had one of the lowest vaccination rates for adults. This is only due to the disinformation being spread by the Republican Faction and the right wing media. This is much like the Russian Propaganda in the 70’s where communities were fed ‘news’ by large loudspeakers in the center of communities and were convinced that everyday Americans had to eat grass because all of the country’s wealth was dedicated to imperialist domination of the rest of the world. The Republican Faction and the right wing media knows what they are doing and are only doing it for their self interests. … … … It is a fact that Covid variants will continue to be bred and spread by the unvaccinated who make it into a personal freedom issue with the argument that they have the freedom to not be vaccinated if they decide not to. This completely ignores the personal freedom of others to not be made seriously ill or die because someone feels that their personal freedom is more important. One has to wonder just how many unvaccinated or immunocompromised people were killed by these idiots. Just who, for example, killed Colin Powell, who was seriously immunocompromised with multiple myeloma. In a free society some personal freedoms have to be curtailed so that the exercise of those freedoms cannot imperil the personal freedoms of others - and all of the arguments otherwise are bull crap claims that some individuals have the right to abuse their freedoms by taking freedoms from others. The only reason that we have speed limits is to prevent those who would drive recklessly from harming others - and mandatory vaccinations are no different. … … … The delta variant has resulted in a life taking pandemic being spread through the unvaccinated. There are many new variants that have emerged within this community. The last named variant was the mu variant and as most of the others were fairly inconsequential compared to the increased transmissibility of the delta variant. There is a newer variant dubbed ‘delta plus’ (probably because they ran out of Greek letters) that is now spreading through Europe and will certainly show up here as well. It is too new to definitely say that it will become dominant. These new strains will continue to develop and spread through our unvaccinated population adding the risk that some new strains will emerge that our current vaccines may not be able to control. That is why everyone that can be vaccinated should be vaccinated - it is a matter of public safety and is not a matter of personal choice. … … … Currently 747,000 Americans have died from Covid. This number is around 21,000 deaths higher than the ‘official’ numbers which only counts the deaths reported by the States and not those reported by the Federal Government. The Covid deaths reported by the Federal Government that occurred within state boundaries is about 18,000 total and this includes 15,600 Covid deaths reported by the VA. These deaths are all attributable to the ineptness or unwillingness of the trump to manage the pandemic and has left our country with one of the highest per capita death rates in the world, and are also attributable to the Republican Faction and their right wing propaganda loudspeakers who refused to keep the trump in check for a perceived political advantage and have intentionally discouraging their cult from getting vaccinated so they can blame the current administration for the Covid deaths which the Republican Faction has caused. … … … None of this reluctance to get vaccinated, none of this ingenuous argument that vaccinations intrude on personal freedoms, none of the risks of going into the Winter months with the pandemic of the unvaccinated still boiling in some regions - none of this at all would be happening if it was not being sponsored by the Republican Faction and the right wing entertainment news media for their greedy self-serving interests. None!

  • 347

    Here we go again! “Miami private school makes bogus claims about vaccines while ordering pupils who get a shot to stay home for 30 days.” CNN “None of the vaccines available in the US include the live virus, so it is impossible for an inoculated person to “negatively impact” an unvaccinated person with the vaccines components, as people who don’t know what they’re talking about claim. In fact, as the Centners apparently don’t understand, it’s “biologically impossible. “ Bess Levin Vanity Fair

  • 94

    Vaccine mandates are not a new concept. I don’t really understand the controversy. There is precedence for vaccine mandates. It is our personal responsibility to protect ourselves and our fellow citizens. With freedom comes responsibility.

  • 310

    Add Progressive Justices. Mandate the vaccine. Provide Medicare for all. Pass the Green New Deal. Cancel All student loan debt. Eliminate the filibuster. Abolish the Electoral College. Tax the rich.

  • 198

    Appointing additional Justices is a must. The United States (population 332.5 Million) has grown exponentially in it’s complexity since the Civil War in the 1860’s (population 31.2 Million) when the decision to appoint 9 Justices to form the Supreme Court was made. I am a centrist Republican who feels that making additional appointments is long overdue but I also think that it is time for term limits with staggered ends of terms. I would like to hear more impartial ‘for’ & ‘against’ discussions on the matter but with this Congress and the one to come in 2022 that does NOT seem likely. It saddens me to no end the damage that has been done in 5 years. The biggest was the near destruction of our democracy, decency & respect for one another, to the rule of law, and Constitutional norms that has taken place in the last 5 years. All while Donald J Trump is bullying, lying and disrespecting everyone and every aspect of government. Congress is no better then 45 was and is all they do is coverup, lie and take advantage of situations instead of doing their jobs which is ‘service’ to there constituents not to DONALD J TRUMP. Inexcusable governing.

  • 198

    I do NOT support banning mandates and vaccinations. They need to be required for employment. By allowing some to be tested instead of vaccinated creates ambiguity. Strike 1 In the beginning the CDC let Trump be the voice of medical experts and he made a mockery of the seriousness of the pandemic with his daily updates of child-like solutions Strike 2. And With NO ONE Stopping him or even trying to. Strike 3. Donald J Trump is a laughing stock in normal circles of Republicans. And because of the GOP’s inability to do their job as stewards of this great country they stood silent or condoned the idiocy of a man-baby that the CDC’s reputation and credibility was irreparably DESTROYED.

  • 388

    Another off-topic post: Manchin wants income capped at $60.000 and work requirements for the child tax credit so we don’t become an entitlement society - he also doesn’t want to increase funding for home health care for the elderly whose assets are being decimated by the thousands of dollars a month that long term care costs or the costs of needed care for which long term insurance won’t pay. That’s another topic, though. Has this arrogant, out-of-touch man talked to people trying to raise even one child on $60,000 a year? Just trying to keep the smallest and least expensive - other than the virtually non-available low income housing - roof over heads and enough food on the table for 2 people is extremely difficult in my area. I hope he will at least support education as one of the work requirements he is demanding, too. In the wake of Newt Gingrich and the Republican so-called welfare reform during the Clinton years, work requirements and job search requirements left some with no hours left to acquire education so they could actually get off welfare. Oh, and I think making a career in politics so one can live off the taxpayers is a special category of welfare. Term limits.

  • 1,020

    @debbie. You are absolutely correct. Vaccine mandates aren’t anything new, but vaccines hastily made with provisional testing are new. Don’t get me wrong: i am vaccinated and think everyone should be. But at the same time i am sympathetic with Americans who simply don’t trust their government on this point. I don’t trust our government on this (or any) point. Our government has a long legacy of proving itself untrustworthy. But i do trust the aggregate view of all governments on the globe, and i trust the science. Out of hundreds of millions of doses, the number of bad outcomes is infinitesimal.

  • 2,427

    Wonderful, Sharon! 👍🏻👏🏻❤️

  • 388

    Off topic: Joe Manchin doesn’t want our country to turn into an entitlement state. Oh, really. That’s an interesting stance from the man who is Chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources even though he makes his money and his family makes money from the coal industry at least in part from his coal industry company. When he insists on protecting the fossil fuels industry from being forced to re-invent itself into a clean energy industry or protects corporations from a tax increase or protects the wealthy from paying taxes, he’s essentially protecting his and his family’s money, isn’t he? Not to mention campaign donations. Isn’t that a form of entitlement? And how is it not a conflict of interest that he even sits on that committee, much less is the committee chair. This is another way in which the loose ethics/rules of the Senate, which apparently polices itself because despite findings over the years of ethics breaches by senators after findings from investigations by the Ethics Office or Inspector General I recall few, if any, instances where consequences with any teeth were imposed by the Senate. I want to see clear Codes of Ethics created for Congress and SCOTUS with painful mandatory consequences attached following investigations by the Ethics Office, Inspector General, or the DOJ. The same goes for the Attorney General and final decision-makers at the DOJ. The excuse too often made with respect to conflicts of the financial kind is that they’ve put their financial investments in a “blind trust”. Someone else may be actively managing the money, but come on. Manchin and others still know what industries their company or companies are in and where their campaign donations and other kinds of gifts and rewards originate.

  • 169

    No more adding more justices to us Supreme Court and I support banning vaccine mandates my body belongs to God not the government

  • 2,915

    Vaccine Mandates: Don't understand why one would criticize others for not taking the vaccine noting the facts that there are still the unknowns about it as well as the fact that taking the vaccine does not prevent getting or spreading it. This in itself discredits anyone who thinks that if all are vaccinated, the virus will disappear. In any case, suggesting consequences, eg: loss of job, restrictions on what they can do, less of a priority for medical treatment, etc. for not taking the vaccine, is totally unacceptable.

  • 201

    Vaccines have been mandatory since I was a kid this one is no different! It should be mandated. This is a more dangerous disease it has killed so many people I don’t understand why these people won’t get the vaccine. Their rights stop when it effects someone outside of them! Not getting vaccinated in dangers everyone around which means it can affect me so their rights stop! The Supreme Court It’s time to expand the court to keep the court neutral so the death of 1 judge will not change the make up of the court. They are supposed to make decision based on the law not on biases or political affiliations.

  • 41

    I honestly have mixed feelings regarding the vaccine mandate. Having a vaccine wouldn’t be such a big deal had people complied with CDC’s mandate to wear a mask and social distance. What we have seen is people not complying; partying having large family gatherings etc. Being vaccinated has proven NOT to prevent one from catching Covid and or passing away from it. My daughter is on the front lines in Florida. People are still dying that hadn’t had any underlying ailments, weren’t over weight. I am for the best solution that will rid this world of Covid.

  • 243

    In taking the “Jab”. It Is An Individual (s) Choice. A US President cannot place a mandate on the US Citizens without going thru the Legal processes. (from what I’ve been reading on it). Though maybe their thinking is “We’ve done it before so let’s keep going” I Do Not Trust anyone connected to the posier (s) in office now. A thief is a thief, always. No Trust in Fauci At All. Question for them: Why in Hades are You Seriously pushing the Jab ??? *Also. N. O. To The the “Judge” appointment* in my opinion only.

  • 2,797

    The requirement for vaccines should be on a voluntary basis only. During previous years before the epidemic in the United States had 65,000 average deaths of the normal flu though the vaccines were available. I am trying to remember when the federal government stepped over its authority and mandated flu shots. All of us should by now have done our research on the vaccines and the coronavirus and consulted with your doctor. I did and got my two jabs of moderna. It does seem strange that we were promised when the vaccines were rolled out that we would have protection from this killer virus. Turns out that is not true. We like Colin Powell can catch the virus and even end up in the ICU and then die of complications of the virus. We can’t get back to normal as even the vaccinated can catch the virus and pass it on hence we all have to continue to social distancing and wear the mask that can’t stop the virus. These mask will stop droplets at 5 microns and above and the virus is at 3 microns. Do the math here. The only true mask that can stop the virus is the M-79 mask. Here are the latest coronavirus figures since January 20th at noontime to present 270 days. Cases 20,319,084 new cases yesterday 122,033. Deaths 451,628 new deaths yesterday 1,890. This is with 3 vaccines since day one. President Trump had with no vaccines until the last 38 days in one full year: Cases 24,717,808 Deaths 274,761. At present rate Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden will have at the end of his first year the following: Cases 27,468,391 Deaths 610,534. This is because he leaves the borders wide open with no quarantine or testing and ship these illegal immigrants all across the United States. So far that number since January 20th is now 1,950,000 with from 78 countries with another 182,000 that got away. Right now the media won’t tell you and neither will he that there is now a caravan of 75,000 Haitians that left Brazil that quit good jobs and sold their cars and homes and started their trek to our southern border. They will be here next month. Why doesn’t anyone tell you this? Because then you would be asking why is our government putting pressure on Mexico to turn these 75,000 illegal immigrants around and sent back to Brazil. I have been looking at a couple world maps and can’t see how they walked from Haiti to Brazil in the first place. Close the border until we get this epidemic under control and build the wall. Brazil in this hemisphere has the second highest level cases and deaths from the coronavirus except America. But a larger number per population.

  • 148

    Mandates for vaccines aren’t a new concept. The vaccines have been around now (COVID) for well over a year now so I don’t understand the “haste” argument at this point. As far as the “choice” argument goes, OK, but with the choice comes consequences. If you choose not to get a drivers license, you don’t drive. If an employer requires you to be vaccinated and you choose not to, you don’t work. Its that simple.